Sunday, May 26, 2013

Remembering ~ Memorial Day 2013

In Remembrance and honor to those brave men and women who have served our country to keep us free and to those that continue to sacrifice each and every day for America,
we give our heartfelt thankfulness.

As we celebrate our nations hero's, let us give thanks for their military dedication and safety. We can never be thankful enough to those that serve America, but we can lift our prayers for them each and everyday. When you see a military person, take a moment and say thank you. The encouragement will honor them as they realize people care and remember.

My Father Joseph, fought for this country in WWII on
 Omaha Beach in Normandy France.
 He used to say, "I wouldn't give you a nickle for my experiences, but, I wouldn't sell them for a million dollars either"
Words from a proud and glad to serve, American! I dedicate this Memorial Day to him and the bravery he carried as he jumped off the ship and swam to land on Omaha Beach with his fellow soldiers. God was with him that day as he ran forward to defend America.

When I saw the movie, Saving Private Ryan, I realized for the first time, what he must have faced that day. I thought, Wow Dad needs to see this movie. Then I realized, he doesn't need to see this, He was there! It just gave me chills.

Whatever your long weekend plans, enjoy, be safe and REMEMBER!

Happy Memorial Day

Celestina Marie


Denise said...

Amen, such a lovely post.

Valerie-Jael said...

Happy Memorial day to you, too! It is good to remember all those brave people who risked everything for freedom from the Nazis! Valerie

Julie Marie said...

Wishing you a happy Memorial Day weekend too dear Celeste, as we remember all of our Armed Forces, and especially our daddys who so bravely fought and won WWII... xoxo Julie Marie

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

A touching Memorial post and tribute to your dad. My father didn't like to talk about his experiences either in the Canadian navy.

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Such a lovely tribute! I'm thinking of my Dad and his service today too. Enjoy the weekend!

Patti said...

This post did not come through my Blogger Dashboard. I have no idea why your updates don't show up. I went ahead and re-followed. We'll see if they come through now.

This is a wonderful post. We need to continually remind ourselves that freedom isn't free!

Dorthe said...

Happy memorial day, dear Celestina Marie-

Mari said...

Beautiful and touching post my sweet gentle friend...


Thistle Cove Farm said...

Please, thank you Dad for serving. We can never repay the debt we owe our service men and women. May we never dishonor their memory and names.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Isn't that amazing that your Dad was there, tell him we thank him for his service!


Grandma Linda's Daydreams said...

What a wonderful tribute and remembrance to your Dad. And to all our military service people, past and present, who've given so much so that we can be free, may each of us be forever thankful! We must pray for our country, and continue to fight for our liberties! God bless America! Linda

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Celestina Marie,
This was such a worthwhile post to repeat! Loved it in 2011, and again now and your Dad will smile down from heaven for such a tribute.
Hugs to you,

1CardCreator said...

Beautiful Post Celeste, good reminder to us all. ~Diane

Kerri said...

A lovely tribute! Hope you are enjoying your day. I was able to take a break from the litter and enjoy a beautiful day on the Avenue :)

Have a blessed week!


Maria at inredningsvis said...

LOVELY post :) and thanks so much for so sweet words on my blog

If you want to see the new summer collection ala Zara home...check out my new post:)

have a wonderful week dear

LOVE Maria from

farmhouse-story said...

what a lovely reminder--thanks, celestina:)

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