Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Let The Decorating Begin

Okay, I know we haven't even celebrated Thanksgiving yet,
but I decided to start early to enjoy the season.
No rushing around and missing the joy of the holidays.
The lights will go on Thanksgiving evening. 
I usually start decorating the day after anyway.
The difference this year, I will relax
and the work complete.
Well, it's really not work to me since I love to decorate.
But you all know how we spend days decorating
to bring the joy of Christmas to our homes, family and friends.
Over the weekend~~
Down from the attic
came all the tubs of Christmas.
There's more~

And Santa was awaken from his slumber.
Oh he lost his glasses,
I'm sure there here in one of these boxes.
He doesn't look to happy~~~
He thought he had a few more weeks to sleep.

Ornaments will be ready to shine and enjoy.

Mistletoe  to be  hung.

Wreaths to hang and welcome visitors.

Pine cones to gather.

Cards to write~
Shopping to do~
Projects to create~
Lists to make~
Baking to do~
Cleaning and washing and on and on and on~
Do you see why I am starting early?
I promised myself to keep it simple,
no rushing,
just enjoying~
No over the top craziness!!
Do I hear an Amen????
Anyone else in the spirit yet??
See you again soon
I'm not rushing! LOL
Be Blessed
I'll be back to share these
dress form ornaments
next time!
Celestina Marie


Valerie-Jael said...

I just have one samll bag of decorations, which is enough for my little apartment, but you have a wonderful selection. I colleceted a lot of pine cones last week, so now I must think how best to use them. Have fun! Hugs, Valerie

Irene Helms Designs said...

Your zest is absolutely inspirational Celeste! I must get going with my decorating ... I have a party planned for Dec. 14th which is - gosh, only a month away. Maybe I will post some pics of the process along the way like you have. Thanks for sharing!

Jan Hermann said...

Looking good, Celeste! Keeping it simple - great idea. Getting everything done early - another great idea!! I haven't done much Christmas decorating or baking in recent years...since it's just hubby, me and the 3 pups. A little tabletop tree in the Den this year and that's probably it for decorating. Now, a great Christmas Eve dinner, with all the trimmings {and even dessert} is in order!!

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

I had hopes of starting early this year, too, but until I'm done painting the living room, it's on hold. It's a lot of work, isn't it?!

Sherry at The Rusty Pearl said...

Well it looks like it will be beautiful as always sister . LOVE all your pretties that we can see so far.

Patty Sumner said...

I have decided to get an early start too. I want to enjoy the holidays this year...Can't wait to see what you do. Happy decorating and blessings!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I usually start my Christmas decorating the day after Thanksgiving, too, Celeste. I try to get the bins and boxes down ahead of time though so I can get started straight away on Friday morning. We woke up to snow on the ground this morning, so as far as I'm concerned that is permission to start decorating! : ) I've been trying to plan out in my head how I'm decorating this year. I always say I'm going to keep it simple, but it always seems to take on a life of its own!

Dorthe said...

Have fun with all your collection of lovely christmas ornaments and things ,-to soon make your home, even more cozy- and to fill your rooms with christmas spirit, deaR Celestina Marie .
I haven`t started any decoration yet here, but suddenly it will be between my hands :-)
Hugs, Dorthe

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I am getting in the mood. I have done some decorating in the space I rent. Need to get out the rest of the decorations and finish there and start at home. I am not going to do as much decorating at home this year.
Happy decorating and looking forward to seeing your home all decorated!

1CardCreator said...

Oh my, I am out of breath from reading these! I am sure it will be beautiful when you are done though, good idea to start early too! ~Diane

Bente said...

Oh yes, soon it`s time for christmas decoration. You have plenty and I look forward to see your house when finished.

Hug from me

Dreaming of Vintage said...

I'm probably going to start this weekend. I at least want to get the containers out of the crawl space. I love to decorate for the holidays, but it takes so much time.....When the hubby helps, it makes life so much easier!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I am SO ready to start Christmas decorating, but since we have a large family T'giving at our house, I never start until T'giving night. I can only handle one holiday at a time. Can't wait to see of your Christmas décor. Those dress forms are so cute. laurie

Donna said...

It's so hard to believe that the holidays are almost here! Looks like you have got the Christmas spirit already, Celestina:) We have a dusting of snow now, so I guess that might put me in the mood soon! And yes, you sure get an "amen" on keeping things simple, and not going over the top!! Those dress form ornaments sound and look so fun! Can't wait to see what you have been up to with them!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

All the fall decorations are down in the house and I have some real pumpkins to give away and to pack up the fake ones off the porch. I did however start bringing down and fluffing some of my Christmas decorations. Tomorrow I will be high gear to start. Wish me luck LOL
Can hardly wait to see your beautiful home in it's Christmas finery.
Happy decoration.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Now you have me on the edge of my seat...I can't wait to see the dress form ornaments! You go girlfriend already getting ready for Christmas! It is still so warm here in Orlando, I can't even think fall decor yet!!


Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

AMEN!! You knew I'd say that didn't you? I totally agree about the simple part.

This year we'll put up the decor the day after Thanksgiving. My brother will be here from out-of-town and I can get him in the "spirit" of the holiday.

The following weekend after all is set up we'll have the grands to put some ornaments on the liv rm tree and all the ornaments on their own little tree in our TV room. It's a 4' tree we stick down in the Victorian Potty Seat we have. LOL They love it and all the "candy" & "dessert" ornaments for it. Wes will make cookies with them too. (I'm the photographer and product tester - somebody has to do it!)

So we'll be pretty busy for a couple weekends with our decorating. We were at a condo association meeting recently and when I said which condo we're in several ladies said "You're the one with the beautiful Christmas decorations!" Made me feel so good that others look forward to seeing out Christmas lights.

Your home always looks so spectacular Celeste. I'm anxious to see what you do this year!

Much love sweet friend, Edie Marie
(hugs to Larry for dragging all those tubs down from the attic!)LOL

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

With so many tubs, it is a good idea to start early Celestina. I'm lucky that our thanksgiving is long past and this year for the first time, I am decorating in stages. The rush of trying to get it all done in one day is tiring, and this grandma needs to pace herself. :-)
Have fun with your decorating.

cynthia lee designs said...

My neighbor put her tree up last weekend. I love looking out the front window and seeing it all decorated. I have the rest of this week and next to make things for my Christmas show, but I'm thinking about putting my tree up a couple of days before my show. Have fun decorating for the Holidays.

Createology said...

Oh how the days are quickly passing and I have missed a few of your posts. I see why you are beginning your holiday decorating now. Perfection takes time. Enjoying the season will be the best. Is it possible in this 24/7 world we are spinning in? Happy decorating Dear...

Ivy and Elephants said...

You have the right idea! I plan to start decorating this weekend, too.
More time to enjoy them. Can't wait to see what you do with those dress form ornaments, they are the cutest!

Jenna said...
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Christina Paul said...

wonderful! The dress forms are fabulous! Love how each one has it's own personality- and the skates are too cute! I have an old pair in the garage I was going to revamp!

randi K design said...

Hi Celeste my friend! How are you? Can see you are busy as always!! Miss you, and your blog looks great!!

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