Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Sugar Cookies, Gluten Free~

Nearly 5 months ago,
I found out I
had a sensitivity to Gluten.
You know the wheat binding agent
found in most foods.
Well, since that finding,
I have learned to cook and bake to adapt
to gluten free and feeling great!!
I have to say,
it has made a world of difference and
for that I am so thankful!!
I have never felt so good.
I have also used Rice Flour to adapt some recipes
replacing regular white flour which also has wheat in it.
There are so many products available now
to choose from in the grocery stores.
Gluten intolerance is a problem for
18 million people and becoming epidemic.
Most people do not even realize they are having a problem.
More about this later~
but today we are baking cookies!
Anyway, each year I make Christmas cookies for my family,
to give as gifts and to have on hand for visitors.
Oh and for me too!! I love a cookie now and then.
Okay, more now, then ~~  then!!
Looking down the isle of the grocery store,
(you know the isle we are supposed to not shop in
but keep to the outer areas of the store)
~ I came across this!!
Hello ~~Betty Crocker~~
can they really have a cookie to bake  I can eat.
Oh this could be dangerous!!
But I bought a box to try.
It's a bit pricey, but hey~~
If I can make Christmas cookies
and enjoy them with my family,
I can't complain.
So home I went to bake my cookies
and I gave these a try for Thanksgiving.
The verdict~
They are so good you thing you are eating the regular
wheat filled sugar cookie.
Everyone raved over them.
Iced with my own gluten free cookie icing
they were a big hit.
Here is how they looked served on a pretty platter.

Aren't they pretty??
Here is my cookie icing recipe.
I have used this for years
and it's gluten free
and the perfect cookie icing.
Dries from a shiny finish to a matt finish
so they are perfect for storing.
Decorator Cookie Icing
1cup confectionery sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
I usually double the recipe for 3 to 4 dozen medium size cookies
Add food coloring if you want colors.
Mix all well and use promptly when cookies are cool.
Spread on cookies or can be used in a decorator bag.
Sprinkle with sugars if desired.
Now I have to bake some more.
hide them till Christmas.
Thank you for stopping by.
See you soon.
Merry Christmas
Celestina Marie


Альбина Рассеина said...

Очень красивая выпечка. У моего сына тоже обнаружили непереносимость глютена, яиц, молока... Очень трудно. Вокруг продаётся много выпечки. А я до сих пор не найду хороший рецепт, чтобы порадовать его. Иногда пеку оладьи из кукурузной муки. Его здоровье улучшилось, когда мы узнали причину. Очень красивые фотографии!

Valerie-Jael said...

Looks great, enjoy! Hugs, Valerie

Jan Hermann said...

Those cookies look delicious! I'm so glad you found out about your intolerance to gluten - I understand it can make a world of difference. Now, have a cookie for me!! :)

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

The cookie mix and the cake mix are good, Celeste. Your cookies look delicious! I don't care for the Brownie mix. There's another company that has some pretty good premixed Gluten free items ~ Red Mills I think its called. It is a plastic packaging and usually has its own little section in stores. I buy all their Rice flours and Sorghum flour, but they also have pizza dough, corn bread mix and a new to me one I just bought {I think its a cookie mix}.

Julie Marie said...

Those are so pretty Celeste, and I am happy you are able to eat them... and happy you are feeling so good now!... xoxo Julie Marie

1CardCreator said...

They look delicious Celeste! I copied your icing recipe, thanks. I have another friend who is gluten intolerant, I will pass your find on to her! Thanks for sharing. ~Diane

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

They are so pretty. I'm going to have to try your icing recipe. Thank you for sharing it. laurie

Donna said...

They look and sound just yummy,Celestina! And so festive with the icing and sprinkles. So glad that you are feeling great. And you are right, there really are so many options out there now. I even notice that many restaurants now list items on their menus as gluten free. Now if only someone could figure out how to remove all of those calories I would be all set!!

Dorthe said...

They look yummy and so pretty, dear Celestina Marie- and I will ,love to read more about the gluten intolerance.. I might have to start trying that,too.
Only in Denmark it is not that easy to find products which are gluten-free.
Hope your dayes are lovely, -I still have to do a lot here, before my daughter ,two kids, and her former husbond arrives for christmas.
Hugs to you.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

So glad that you are feeling better. the cookies look so good and I know they taste yummy. Thanks for the tip on them. As we get older there are so many things that we have to give up.
Thanks again.

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

Your cookies look so pretty on your serving plate! I better get busy baking myself!

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