Thursday, April 11, 2013

Vintage Pretty

Some time the smallest of treasures make the perfect decor  accents.
Such is the sweet vintage umbrella accent created with flowers,
a little chalk board tag and ribbon of burlap.
Oh I can't take credit for this design.
came up with the idea.
I thought it was perfect for springtime, so when I found a vintage umbrella,
 I had to try one as well.
The umbrella was already the perfect neutral color
with ruffles all around and strap still in place, perfect for hanging.
I was so excited to find it.

Hanging in the entry on my coat rack with
a welcome message.
It looks like an April showers accent
to greet my friends and family.
Thank you Lynn for the inspiration.
Another use for the chalk board labels
is on canning jars.
Here on my kitchen bar, I have a message to greet.
Take a seat and welcome to my kitchen!
Wouldn't this idea be special for a visit to a sick friend?
Right the words Get Well on the label.
A pretty vase filled with flowers
Happy Birthday!
The sky is the limit.
I love canning jars.
From vintage umbrellas to old canning jars,
 simply old treasures
show us
they still have joy to share with us.
Wishing you 
Thank you for stopping by,
Celestina Marie