Saturday, June 1, 2013

Knowing When~

Knowing when it's time for change

has always been apart of my

creative journey.

Many times the course has taken a turn

and I have always believed that change is good

and necessary.

With much prayer, thought and evaluation,

the time for new direction and changes have come again for me.

No endings, just a new course for the best.

Today will be my last post for awhile

as I close this chapter and go on to new beginnings.

I will continue to visit you and leave this blog open for anyone who might still be interested
in the last seven years of shared stories, creations, decorating and tutorials.

My plans are to continue full speed ahead with creating, designing,decorating and filling my etsy shoppe HERE.

I will still be a apart of Shabby Cottage Shops

in the Rose Cottage Court and Beautiful Cottage Boutiques,

along with Etsy Cottage Style

and share my creations, designs and photos on Pinterest.

So you see, I still have much to do and pursue. Even a few new ventures are on the horizon.

My focus will be to perfect my designs

on Spoonflower and bring my creations to fabric,

gift wrap and decals.

I will miss you all, but I will not be far away and let me say again, I will be
by to visit as often as I can.

You have been such a joy and to share in your journey through blogland.
Thank you for your encouragement
in my creative interests and designs.
Even when my interests have not been yours, you continued to visit and encourage with your kind comments.

Truly your friendship has been and will continue to be a blessing.
For this I am thankful!

Please feel free to send me a message anytime~


Wishing you all a great summer filled with fun, family and friendships.

And, you never know, I may be back in a new way.

May God Bless You Greatly!


Celestina Marie

Knowing when it's time for change has always been apart of my creative journey. Many times the course has taken a turn and I have always believed that change is good and necessary. With much prayer, thought and evaluation, the time for new direction and changes have come again for me. No endings, just a new course for the best...

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