Monday, March 31, 2014

Junkin Trip Treasures

Hi Friends,
I really intended to share my finds with you sooner
but we have had such gorgeous garden planting weather,
I just had to dig in the dirt!!
As I left off from my trip to central Texas,
I was sharing the gorgeous Blue Bonnets
Indian Paint Brush Flowers
in my post HERE if you'd like to visit.
RoundTop and the towns that line the huge spring sale
all along the road,
looks like this.

Tent after tent along with shoppes in old houses
filled with treasures for every wish one might have!

It was very windy the day I was there and not everyone was open
as the event was just setting up but going on now through the 6th of April.
I would have loved to visit inside the Simple Cottage~~~
I did okay though as you will see with my SUV filled with goodies
and put together like a puzzle.
That's Mr. CMDesign making it all fit.
Here are my goodies below.
I have already started to have tons of fun
redesigning with them and soon, most will be on the shelves
This great train case~
Love this large iron basket~

and 2 yards of vintage lace.

This great find made in Italy, Cake Keeper!
After I removed the lid knob to clean it,
I saw this made in Italy mark.
The glass bottom is in perfect condition.
My customers still love these keepers
painted with roses or in a French style.

I don't always find the embossed lettering styles.
Just look at this old and distressed platter.
The background is already designed for me naturally.
All I have to do is add a design.

Heavy iron bathroom hooks~
a little farmhouse right?
I see a dry brush technique for this one
to make the words stand out!
Medicine bottles and Muffins cups, love these~~~
I was so excited to find these great shells.
The three larger ones are the size of
luncheon plates.
Can't wait to create with these.

Look at his wonderful plant stand.
I decided this will stay with me
along with the pillars below.
At least for now~~ LOL

Great set of vintage and distressed

But my find of the trip was these darling
cow creamers.
I got hooked on these visiting
Shelia's collection
on her blog Note Songs!!
Shelia has a wonderful collection and she did a week long series to share her pretties.

Aren't they the cutest?
The larger one with flowers is very vintage
and has gold trim.
The smaller fellow is made right here in Texas
and marked on the foot.
(sorry for the blurry pic)
Love the touch of black strokes in this floral painting.

I'll be back in another post to share
where these little sweeties will live.
I guess you figured by now, I'll be keeping these treasures too.
I did finish a few creations already
and here is one of the old medicine bottles
ready for the shelves in my shop.
For this one I used lots of lace and trims,
silk flowers and hanging gems.
In the center I added a distressed ink
oval card stock stamped with a French postal stamp.
So that's all for now my friends.
Hope you're having a good week and spring weather in your area.
Thanks for stopping by and I will see you soon.
Till then~~
Wishing you Southern DayDreams
Celestina Marie

Saturday, March 29, 2014

I Love Shopping Saturday

Hi Friends and Happy Weekend.
Today starts a new Saturday series from my blog friend Jan, at~
I Love Shopping Saturday
Each week Jan will showcase an on line shop
to share with us boutiques we might love to visit.
And to begin, she is featuring my shop on etsy.
I am honored that she is starting her series with my little spot in cyberspace
and I invite you to visit Jan~ HERE
Jan has been one of my first friends in blogland many years ago
and is one of the most talented designers
in so many areas.
She decorates, cooks, sews, crochets, writes, takes care of her wonderful pups
has a health story to share, her own etsy shop and specializes in selling essential oils too.
Well, she just does it all and is kind and helpful to everyone.
I have turned off the comments here today
but would love for you to visit Jan and kindly leave your comment there.
You will enjoy your visit while making a new friend if you don't already know Jan.
Thank you Jan for the honor of this feature and the kick off to
I Love Shopping Saturday!
Blessings to all for a great weekend.
And to welcome spring.
My shop is having a 20 percent off sale on everything in the shop~
Now through April 6th using coupon code
SPRINGSALE20 at checkout
Southern DayDreams,
Celestina Marie

Monday, March 24, 2014

Springtime In Texas

This is the time of year in Texas
that likens to a temperamental mother nature.
Beautifully warm and gorgeous one day
and cold and windy the next.
Days when storm clouds hang low in the sky
and winter's grey days want so badly to stick around.
But soon the temperament softens and
grey days turn to blue skies and mild days.
So my Guy and I head further south in the lone star state
to work, play and relax.
Crossing the Colorado River, we know we are getting closer to
a calm and slower pace in a small town.
This week finds me creating and treasure hunting off the beaten path.
Taking me once again south in my beloved Texas.
Where the Blue Bonnets are blooming~
and the  Indian Paintbrush Flowers
grow side by side with Blue Bonnets for the prettiest contrast in wildflowers.

And when I 'm not taking in the gorgeous beauty of God's lovely creations,
I can be found treasuring hunting at some of my favorite

When taking a break, from the shopping (is that possible?) you can find me
 hanging out in our comfy digs
for the week.
New style décor adorned in
light and dark aqua,
with brown and a touch of lime green.
The color combo sounds awful right?~~~~but very upscale and beautifully styled.

The dining room overlooks the pool.
Still too cold for a dip, but so pretty to view.
So while I work on creating a bit of this and that,
we caught the RoundTop  huge flea market
beginning to set up and fill with vendors from
all over the country.
 the tents filled with every treasure under the sun
goes on up and down the road for miles.
I was fortunate enough to stop and do a little
junkin in spaces where vendors were ready to let us visit,
 even though the day was cold and very windy.
Vendors were working hard to tie down their tents
and secure the goodies from blowing away.
Still the true junkinette that I am,
braved the cold and wind to find a few treasures.
I'll be back next time to share those treasures when
they can be unpacked back in the studio.
In the mean time,
have a wonderful first week of spring
and I will be around to visit you as I can.
Miss you and see you all soon.
~Blessings and Blue Skies Be Yours~
Wishing you Southern DayDreams,
Celestina Marie



Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sheet Music Goose Egg

Hi Friends~
Is it spring yet??
By the end of the week
our calendars will number the first day of spring.
But will the thermometers  read warmer temps?
I sure hope so.
I know we are all ready, Right??
In the meantime,
Easter is about a month away and later in the season this year.
I like when Easter is in April giving way for more
creative time and warmer days.
My studio is buzzing with spring fun and recently I found a
paper mache goose egg to design.
This style does not open. I wish it did.
It is a large 7" wide and 6" tall oval egg.
I was so excited to start on this piece, I forgot to get a before pic.
But I covered the entire egg with sheet music and glitter.
Then added trims of vintage lace, tulle, pearls, rose buds, ribbons, little gems,
painted leaves and added a sweet removable wooden Easter tag.
All the trims are in shades of ivory, white and tan
with vintage crocheted lace.
I painted silk leaves ivory.

Sheet music with lots of glitter.

The tag is a sweet Easter Graphic from
and removable after Easter.
I created the tag from wood and painted it old white
with glitter on the flowers.
These round eggs stand best in a nest of Spanish moss or Easter grass.
Here I have set the egg in moss on a candle stand.
This spring decoration will soon be on the shelves in my etsy shoppe.
I had fun working with this one  but I would love to find a large egg
that opens to fill with treats or a little gift.
This goose egg however makes a sweet centerpiece.
That's all for today friends.
My brushes are calling from the studio
and I better get back to my work  fun!!
Until next time,
Southern DayDreams!
Celestina Marie
Happy Spring!! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Erin Go Bragh

Meaning, Ireland Forever!
Greetings blog friends and Happy St.Patrick's Day.
I've made a meal of Corned Beef and Cabbage
to celebrate this day with my family.
And to share with you, my post from the past
with a bit of history and pics.

Being Irish is a blessing to me and I look forward to this day each year. St. Patrick's Day brings back many memories growing up and our home celebrations with special meals and Irish music. My Father was Irish and my grandfather was from Dublin. I have not been to visit, but look forward to a trip one day.

Ireland is about the size of West Virginia, and this tiny island has some of the richest history of the Western world. Some important dates are 600 B.C. when the Celtic arrived on Irish soil. In A.D. 432 St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland. During the time from 500- 800 known as the Golden Age of Ireland, great music, literary creativity made Ireland the most accomplished in Europe. When the Vikings invaded Ireland in 800, they founded the first towns including Dublin in 988. In 1002 Ireland is united for the first time under one leader and by 1801 Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. 1845 saw a million and a half Irish starve to death due to the Great Potato Famine and a million more people emigrate to avoid the same fate. By 1922 Ireland becomes a free state within the British Commonwealth except for six counties of Northern Ireland which still remain part of the United Kingdom. Leaving the year of 1949 to see the twenty six counties of Ireland become an independent republic.

St. Patrick is the man who converted the Irish to Christianity and is the most famous Irishman of all time. No one is sure where exactly the patron saint was born or buried, but they do know when he died, which is March 17Th. So on this day, the Irish worldwide celebrate the holiday in honor of his name. The shamrock is the symbol of Ireland and comes from Gaelic Seamrog, which refers to the plant's three leaves. As the story goes, It was in a heated debate with a Druid priest that St. Patrick bent down, picked a shamrock and used it to demonstrate the Christian trinity using the three leaves held together by one single stem. Meaning, "The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit." The Shamrock is regarded today as the national plant of Ireland and worn in many forms on St. Patrick's Day.

Churchill once said," We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English"

My grandfather was from Dublin and came to this country residing in Pennsylvania in 1921. He married a wonderful girl,my grandmother also from Ireland, and they had three children, one of wish was my father.
Here is a picture of Dublin today overlooking the River Liffey. Shown is a portion of the Ha'penny Bridge. The Dome building in the background is the Custom House.

Some of my favorite Irish books, and beautiful pictures from them to share! From a pair of vintage Irish bells, pottery and shamrock bowl, gorgeous green hutch, ending with inspiring spring roses!

I hope you enjoy a bit of the Irish on St. Patrick's Day and may your day be filled with blessings and good cheer!

Thank you for stopping by for St.Patrick's Day." May the road rise up to meet you, and may the wind always be at your back."

ERIN GO BRAGH "Ireland Forever"
Blessings, Celestina Marie~
As a note~
I just want to thank you for the kind comments and emails on my new blog name and dot com.
I appreciate your best wishes and encouragement.
You are such great friends!
Wishing you Southern DayDreams!!