Friday, March 14, 2014

Taking a New Turn!

Hi there blog friends!
Hope you are looking forward to a nice weekend.
Stopping in for a little update and share some info.
 I finally got the Dot Com placed on my blog address
and so happy about it.
Thanks to Linda from Life and Linda
and Sheila's post from Note Song
Visit them both, you will so enjoy your time at their beautiful blogs.
Having had my own domain for many years
but not really using it to the fullest.
Linda helped me through to get this done and
applied to my blog without losing
a single post, followers and format.
Something I was worried about and having trouble going forward with.
My old blog address was set to my original blog title
which changed many moons ago
so this was really in need for change.
A big thank you goes out to Linda for all her help and knowledge.
If you have thought about owning your own blog name
for very little money, visit Linda's post and learn how
you too can join the dot com family.
Thanks to Sheila  for her post that sent me to Linda's information.
She is a sweetie!!

And in other news,
This blog is taking a new turn as you see in the header.
I am now
Southern DayDreams

This title has been in my day dreams for so long
but too slow in making the changes.
They say change is good
so I am pleased to finally make this happen.
Everything else is the same.
Just me designing, decorating, restyling, staging
and filling the shelves for my etsy shoppe.
Thank you for all your kind comments and visits.
You make blogging the fun it is.
Meeting so many new talents
is an inspiration.
Visiting many old friends is a blessing.
Welcome to my newest recent followers.
So glad you have chosen to stop by.

Thank you also for the sweet comments and emails
about my guestroom redo. You are all so kind!!
Wishing all a great weekend
Celestina Marie


Sola Scriptura said...

Congratulations on getting your "Dot Com" address. I really like your new blog name!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Congrats on Dot Com! And to your new name!

Betty said...

I too congrats you on Dot Com and your new name. I like it. I hope you have a very good weekend.

Anonymous said...

All the best to you. I love the blog name and it has been wonderful meeting you and visiting with you through your blog. Have a blessed weekend.

Julie Marie said...

Hello Celeste... LOVE your new blog name, header, and excitement in your voice!... all good things... your header is just stunning and your new blog name fits you to a tee!... so excited for your posts on your "new" blog!... happy weekend to you, xoxo Julie Marie

Donna said...

Well that is exciting news, Celestina! Love your new blog name, it is perfect for you:) And that is awesome you didn't lose any of your followers in the change! As you say, change is good, and I love your new look!

Denise said...

Congrats on all of the changes, enjoy your weekend. I love you.


I also LOVE your new blog name and banner! It is YOU!!!
Your guest room is very lovely and inviting!
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

best wishes to you on the changes, its such a beautiful blog a joy to visit!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Love your new name and congratulations on dot com.
You are so taltented and do such beautiful work.
Have a wonderful weekend - I'm going to the garden.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

I love ,I love ,I love it !!!
Congrats Celeste !
I love the name. It suits you. The whole new look is Grand.
You still get to choose how you want your banner?
Talk with you soon,
Got something in the making...LOL
XXOO Marie Antoinette

Blondie's Journal said...

I like your new blog name, Celeste! Creative people are almost always dreamers!

I did read Linda's instruction and I had trouble following along...not that she wasn't clear, I am tech challenged! lol!

Have a Happy Weekend, my friend!


NanaDiana said...

Congratulations, Celestina Marie. I am happy for you. I will go change your name on my sidebar. How wonderful for you. LOVE the new name, too- xo Diana

Brenda Pruitt said...

Good for you! Change is good. And following your dreams.

Jan Hermann said...

Congratulations on the and change of Blog Name! I know how important it is to make the changes you've dreamt about! ♥

cynthia lee designs said...

Love your new blog name and congrats on the I've have a website for my, but I would like to have my blog and it in the same place. My hubby does computer stuff for his job and he is going to help me with that.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Celestina Marie,

Congratulations dear friend and so happy that you have got your new address and I love the name - Southern Day Dreams sounds lovely and dreamy and very appropriate for all the gorgeous creations.
Happy weekend and blessings and best wishes with the change.

Patti said...

Love the new name. It's beautiful...just like you!


Mari said...

Congrats my sweet friend on getting your new dot com, love your new blog, and all of your pretties ;-)
I'm having trouble publishing my post :-(

Have a great week~

Valerie-Jael said...

Congrats on going through with the change, and I wish you lots of luck with your new name and endeavour! Hugs, Valerie

Anonymous said...

Hi Celeste! I was gone yesterday and am just catching up and Yay! You're a dot com too. Thank you so much for mentioning me and Linda in your post. She is so kind to help us like she does. I love your new name - it's you! I'm so glad to have met you in blogland and your artistic talent is just amazing! I smile every time I see your pretty face in my comments.
Have a beautiful weekend.
You are the sweetie,
Shelia :)

DeeDee said...

Congrats on moving forward and It all looks beautiful.. I am faithful follower even if I don't comment as often as I'd like.. know I am there with you.. Hugs

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Thank you Celeste for the lovely mention. I so appreciate it. Your new name is perfect an it reflects you beautifully. Have a wonderful week-end. xoxo Linda

Kathy said...

Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment to make that change and have it appear so seamless to your readers. I love the new name. Here's to change and fresh starts!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

I'm back...I went to the redo and so happy I did. That guess room should be in a magazine. Its that gorgeous! The bed is stunning and a goodwill find to boot...LOL...can't go wrong with that. I love the colors, beautifully done. AND it takes all the little things to set it all off. I'm proud you used the silk bag I sent you. Its a perfect setting for it.
Blessings Dearest,
Marie Antoinette

Nancy said...

Congratulations Celeste!! You have put so much into this beautiful Blog how comforting it must be to know it is all protected. How do you find the time for all the wonderful things that you do, so blessed!
Have a Great Week end!
Huggs, Nancy

Dorthe said...

Dear Celestina,
congratulations on your new beautiful blog name ,and on having your own new domain.
And thank you dear for your sweet and dear comments on my blog,-I`m doing better ,thank you.
Hugs from Dorthe

Heaven's Walk said...

Congrats, Celeste! I am truly interested in learning more about purchasing my own domain for such a reasonable cost. I love to hear from you what exactly you had to do to switch, and if that low payment is set in stone...? I'm not THAT computer savvy, and would certainly need someone to hold my hand during any switch I may decide on! lol

Thanks, sweetie!

xoxo laurie

Grandma Linda's Daydreams said...

Congrats! You know I'm a daydream believer too! Love your new blog name and the blog looks so pretty! I always love to visit you, makes me smile!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Change can be a good thing! So happy you have new things happening for you! I just adore your new name, so perfect Celeste. Your shop is filled with such great treasures.
You've been a busy busy gal. Your Southern Daydreams turn into some fresh, fun, fine items for us to drool over in your shop. You have such incredible talent.

Have a wonderful St Patrick's Day!!
Much love to you and your sweetie,
Edie Marie

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Don't you love it when you're able to do something totally out of your comfort zone?! Well done! You were thought of when I posted yesterday.

1CardCreator said...

Congratulations on your dot com addy, love the new name too! ~Diane

Unknown said...

Hi Celeste.
That sounds very professional. Thank you for sharing this info with us and Linda's blog.

By the occasion. Each time I click on the link provided by you it redirects me to another page instead opening it in a new tab. Then I'm loosing your post.

If this is what you want then I'm not interrupting. If you think this will be an idea to keep your reader on your blog and open a link in another tab I offer my support.


Celestina Marie said...

Yes Jo, the link does take you directly to the blog links for both I share here. To get back to my post, simply just use the return arrow to the left and it will bring you back to my post. Hope this helps.
Thank you!!

Createology said...

I quite like your new title of Southern Day Dreams. Congratulations on your very own dot com. The days are passing so quickly I missed your last post. Your guest room is divine and so beautifully done with your signature style dear. Blessings...

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What a perfect name for a day dreamin' blog. Love it. laurie

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Celeste. As a business owner, it's good to secure that domain, and it makes the web address easier to remember too.
Was fun catching up today, and again, I love your new blog title.

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