Thursday, April 3, 2014

Home For a Couple of Cow Creamers

Happy April Everyone~
As I shared with you in my last trip post,
I found these darling little cow creamers.
This cuties were inspired by the collection
that Shelia from Note Songs shared in her post series
I gotta tell ya,
They just stole my heart these little sweeties.
So on my recent junkin trip,
I kept my eyes open and I was lucky enough to find these two.
The taller flower painted creamer
is so sweet and looks like the momma to the little brown creamer.
I've yet to give them names, any ideas??
So as you know from other posts,
I've been cleaning around the cottage and de-cluttering here and there
only to bring in something else.
Isn't that the way it goes?
But I really do not like a lot of clutter on my kitchen counters.
I do enjoy deliberate décor styled on the counter however, and decided to
make this one area tucked in the corner of my kitchen
a beverage center of sorts.
Yes, Nana Diana the coffee pot is ready if you come for a visit.
Take your pick of pots.
Coffee or tea?
Anyway the center is kind of bland and dark, lacking in something pretty to see.
But does the job of keeping clutter out of the way.
See what I mean?
Neat and tidy, but nothing interesting.
Love the electric teapot in the middle by the way.
Since I gave up coffee for Lent, it's been my best friend!
The wine bottle holder under counter is from Ikea.
So getting back to the topic.
Sweet momma and baby boy
found a new spot to strut their stuff.
I think here they were deciding just which way to stand.
Then they were down right arguing over how
they should pose for the pictures.
Momma told little baby boy, not to back talk.

After they settled down, they turned to see if the tea was ready.
I think I heard momma say,
we've got cream~~

So I gave momma some rose buds to wear and thanked her
for finding me on the junkin trip
and letting me bring her home along with
baby boy.
She really did find me you know~~~

I think they are happy with their new spot to live
in my kitchen.
Kind of dressed it up a bit in that corner
don't you think?

Maybe I'll find a papa creamer to join these two
and then we'll have us a little Texas family.
Thanks for stopping by.
See you soon.
Till then,
Wishing you Southern DayDreams
XO Celestina Marie



Life and Breath and Everything Else said...

Those darling cow creamers seem to have found the perfect spot in your kitchen. They add just the right amount of eye candy to your beverage corner :) I hope you're having a great week!

Anonymous said...

This pair is perfect for your beverage center! They really do look like they were arguing in the one photo! lol

La Petite Gallery said...

New to your blog, Golly! when I was a kid my Mom had one of those little cow creamers,. I loved it.

Jan Hermann said...

I love your inventive story about mama and baby boy cow - it made me smile this morning. They look precious on your beverage counter...and really do dress it up! Have a wonderful day. ♥

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Sooo adorable Celeste! I love cow creamers. I have my aunt's cow creamer that I always admired as a child. It has that varied brown finish that makes it look real when you're looking though young imaginative eyes. I call mine Buttercup after a cow that Hubby's family had on a summer farm in a little town called Ava.
Your momma & baby are so at home in your beverage center like they always knew they'd end up living there!

Blessings & love, Edie

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

They are so cute. The larger one could be named Florabelle and the little one Brownie.

Celestina Marie said...

Love those names Penny!!
Thank you~

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Lauren, nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Your link does not follow to your site only a non shared profile page, so I can not visit you back.
Thank you for the visit!

Julie Marie said...

Oooh Celeste... they are sooo adorable!... I think mama's name is Blossom and baby's name is Nutmeg... I love them!... and what an adorable little story you have created about them!... and what a happy home they now have with you... love your beverage center too!... I know what you mean about de~cluttering then adding more... you know I just spent two months cleaning and paring down some... well, a little French cow creamer came home to live with me a couple of weeks ago!... now our little cows can be blogging buddies too!... xoxo Julie Marie

Celestina Marie said...

Thank you Julie! Oh those are cute names too. I bet your French cow creamer is adorable.

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely post! They give your kitchen a special touch. I would call them Cowslip and BB (short for Brown Boy) Hugs, Valerie

Celestina Marie said...

Thank you Valerie, these names are very cute too. I may have to have a vote soon.

Anonymous said...

they are xsooo cute and do look like they are talking to each other!!When I lived on the farm we never name the cows because we ate them, blech!

Jeannette said...

Amazing Post,love your little cow creamer,so cutie and beautiful,the flowers on the white one is so elegant and romantic.
wonderful decoration for your kitchen,i love all your decoration,love your style,i love too decoration,for all in my home,is so warm and happy feeling always.
have a great day,enjoy:-)

Greetings Jeannette

1CardCreator said...

Thanks for keeping the pot out for me, I'll take coffee with a little cream please. These two look adorable and perfectly fill out the space! ~Diane

Anonymous said...

I've been out running errands all morning and just couldn't wait to get back and see where you put your little creamers! This is absolutely perfect! They are just darling and really do add a sweet spot for your coffee/tea area. You really have to watch those young calves as they tend to think they know everything!
Love it love you,
Shelia ;)

Cynthia said...

I absolutely love the cow creamers! I am missing my grandmother somethin' awful and these creamers bring back sweet memories. Thank you, Celestina!

Dorthe said...

They are so cute, and add a little romance to your coffee and tea corner, dear Celestina Marie.They are quit expensive here in Denmark, if you find some .
Hope your weekend will be warm and sunny.

Donna said...

Your cow creamers are just adorable, Celestina! It looks like you were having way too much fun playing with them:) I've never really paid alot of attention to them when out treasure hunting, but I will look out for them now! I've never seen one with pretty flowers on like Mama. I think she looks like a "Daisy", and her little guy looks like "Elmer"! I think Papa cow will be finding his way home to you very soon:)

Okio B Designs said...

They are just adorable! Great finds!


Thistle Cove Farm said...

they are AAAdorable but CelestinaMarie, my mind is spinning as I'm trying to remember the "old" name for animal creamers...I'm thinking it starts with a T...seriously, it's giving me a major pain because I cannot remember. I've even done a search but no success.
Aunt Bonnie's milk cows...seriously, the ones she milked twice a day... were named Bossie and those old cows, they let me milk them!

cynthia lee designs said...

Love your mama and baby boy creamers. They look perfect where you put them.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Oh Celeste !!! They are the cutest !!! I love them and they look so pretty by the coffee you can't drink area...LOL. Your kitchen is beautiful anyway.
I just love this post and it made my day. I needed the ray of sunshine you bring.
XXOO Marie Antoinette

Denise said...

Those precious creamers, look very nice at your beverage center.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Cute post and cute creamers. Love their conversation!

Stephanie said...

Oh my, these are just too cute! Love the white one with flowers :)

Happy weekend to you - hugs!

farmhouse-story said...

just what your beverage spot needed! really cute, celeste:) have a great day!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

They are both adorable, and I enjoyed your commentary so much. You had me smiling all the way through it. What a neat beverage center. laurie

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Celestina Marie,

Very sweet post and love your little cow creamers and they look really great there in your kitchen.
Our daughter gave us a sweet cow creamer - they are lovely.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend

Jillayne said...

They're adorable! I haven't seen a cow creamer in years and these two are just about the cutest happy for you that you found them.
I loved this post Celestina!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

They are adorable!!! and yes, I could see they were arguing...Glad you broke that up...Funny picture! Have a great weekend...Everyday is Saturday around here...I love not working a real job...Only problem is I never get a day off lol!


Альбина Рассеина said...

Love cows!

Anonymous said...

Too cute.
Did you change your blog title to Southern Daydreams? I love it, it suits you well.

Your comment earlier did not show up in my email inbox, only on my blog page. I'm sure it's just one of those google plus/blogger glitches.

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