Friday, May 9, 2014

A Memorable Last Dinner for Mother's Day~

Happy Mother's Day
For me,Mother's  Day is special, not only because my family blesses me with their thoughtfulness, but because remembering my mother is a gift that I can reopen each year. A treasured gift that lives in the depths of my heart.

This story begins on a gorgeous Mother's Day in the year 2000. The day was warm and sunny accompanied by plans for a special dinner for my mother in our home.
You see, after my father passed away in 1998, I brought my mother from Michigan to live with me in my home in Texas. God brought my family 2 years earlier to this very home that would have a room just for my mom. A home where just outside our subdivision and across the road, was a care facility. Little did we know at the time, there would be a need for that care. But God knew and was preparing us for what lay ahead.
At that point, mother settled in with me and my family and life continued by the grace of God. However, little by little my mother's health was failing. She had medical issues and needs that I could no longer meet. I tried, I really tried. I cried and really cried for the strength and courage to continue, but that was not going to be the plan. Now the help of the care facility was needed. So close by and so easy to visit every day. What a blessing it was.
Mom once again settled into her new home. I decorated her pretty space, with all her treasures to give her comfort and feel like home. Not a word of complaint was ever spoken from her lips, not a discouraged attitude was ever reflected in her pretty face. She was showing us the grace and dignity of a life in its final days. It had to be difficult for her making this huge change. The grand lady who worked and retired from the Veteran’s Administration Hospital, was also a homemaker, gardener, decorator, crafter, cook, wife, mother, church faithful and friend to all.
As time went by, my family and I spent every day visiting my mother. Mornings, afternoons and evenings we all stopped in to spend time with mom. I planned special events, picnics outside mom's room, sing a long times, birthday parties and so forth. It was a time to soak up so much to learn about life and the fragility of our days on earth. Mom still had so much to tell me and show me. She was an angel on earth and her work here not yet complete.
By now the first Mother’s Day after mom’s move was approaching. Mom was doing well enough to come home for the day to enjoy dinner and spend time with the family. We all were looking forward to the outing mom would take to be with us. I cooked and cleaned to make everything just right. I prayed for our day to be as special as could be, and it was.
I can still see mom as my husband brought her home for the day visit. He wheeled her up the walkway in her wheelchair and my heart beat quicker with the excitement to entertain my mother. She was dressed in a pretty lavender suit. The color was gorgeous against her pretty silver hair. A little blush on her cheeks brought out those gorgeous brown eyes that danced and glistened like the pearls around her neck. It was easy to see how happy she was to be in our home for Mother’s Day.

Dinner was wonderful as we all talked and laughed sharing family memories. I played the piano for mom and we sang her favorite hymns. We went outside on the patio to enjoy the sunshine of this perfect day continuing the laughter and family stories.

As the day came to an end, I cleared the dining room table and cleaned the kitchen as mom sat by talking and laughing just like many times before. What a gift when I look back. How fast time marches on as life moves us forward.
When it was time to take mom back, we all rode along to settle her in her pretty room for the night. We gathered to say a prayer as we always did in parting, knowing we had been blessed once again with a memory that would last us forever. Mom passed away just 3 and half months later. Just 14 weeks from that special Mother’s Day and last dinner. The last time she would ever be in my home. The last time I would see her in that gorgeous lavender suit, hear her voice at the dinner table and see her generous smile.  With fragile hands, mom stroked my hair as we said goodbye. Thanked me for a lovely dinner and special day. I can still see her hand wave as we walked out of her pretty room. “See you tomorrow, we all said.”  Tomorrows did come and go in those weeks before mom took her final move to heaven. Looking back  on those days were the best of my life.  Times in which I learned so much from my mother.  The one who always had a smile on her face and kind word for all.  Generous to a fault and a giver of time.   Encourager and cheerleader to everyone.
Learning's that will never have a last time!
This Mother’s Day will once again give me the moments to look into my heart and reopen that gift from the past.  It will be a time to be thankful for the dear mother I was blessed with and the mom I hope and pray I can be, set by her example.
Mom used to say to cherish the moments, take time to be kind and in all ways ask God to direct our path. Insightful words from a wise lady.  I hope your days are special and blessed by gifted moments shared with family, friends and Mothers.      (c)Celestina Marie

Many Blessings Always.
Your Friend,
Celestina Marie


1CardCreator said...

Happy Mothers day Celeste, thank you for sharing your beautiful memories of your mother, I am sure she was very proud of you. Big hugs, ~Diane

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

That was beautiful. You were blessed with a wonderful mother and she was blessed with a beautiful daughter! It's wonderful that she had that last Mothers Day with you.
I'm sure she went in peace knowing she led a good life and had been blessed with a wonderful family.
Have a joyful Mothers Day, xo Liz

Julie Marie said...

Just beautiful dear Celeste... your mama was (is) a very special lady, and raised a most special daughter that I am so happy to have met five years ago and call friend... your mama instilled so many precious memories that will always live close to you in your heart... I am happy you were able to spend that precious time with her... my mama passed away right after Mother's Day the year she left for Heaven... much too young at age 62... I miss her too... no one can take a mama's place... I like to think your mama and mine are chatting away in Heaven, looking down at us and saying "that's my little girl"... love you, xoxo Julie Marie

Valerie-Jael said...

A wonderful tribute to your Mom, you must have had a very special relationship! Thanks for sharing, hugs, Valerie

Kathy said...

This is a beautiful tribute. Happy Mother's Day to you!

Jan Hermann said...

A Beautiful Memory of time spent with your Beautiful Mother...thanks for sharing this story with us. Happy Mother's Day to you!


Stephanie said...

Oh Celeste, what a beautiful, precious story - it brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for sharing and may you have a blessed Mother's Day! Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this tribute with us, Celeste. I can only think of one thing as I read your graceful words. "Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all." Proverbs 31

Have a lovely weekend, friend.

Denise said...

God bless your precious, beautiful angel momma, I bet your momma and my momma are friends in heaven. Your momma is smiling down on you, and loving you so very much. I know she is extremely proud of the lovely daughter you are my friend. Enjoy your mother's day.

Sola Scriptura said...

What a heart-warming post. Hugs to you this mother's day!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

First off...I see where you get your beauty from. Not only from face but an inner beauty that shines from your very bright eyes.
Your beautiful wonderful story about your Mother, brought tears to my eyes. Its hard to take care of an elder parent and you can only provide so much care. You did not just drop her off and forgot about her like so many do, you did all the things that made her happy. God will and is blessing you for it now. You are such a special person, as I know every well. You care so much for all your friends.
Blessings Sweetheart and Happy Mother's Day,
Mother is watching(smile)

Createology said...

This is truly a beautiful tribute to your lovely mother and a life well lived. You are an amazing daughter and I am touched just by reading your post. Life is uncertain and we must enjoy and live every moment. Blessings Dear and Happy Mother's Day...

Mari said...

Awww dear Celeste what a heart felt post and a beautiful way to honor your dear sweet mommy!
Wishing you a truly beautiful Mothers Day.....
Thank you for dropping by to wish me a Happy Mothers Day!


cynthia lee designs said...

Beautiful post!! Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day.
We spent this evening with my mom and dad...and will be spending Sunday with my mother-in-law and father-in-law. My hubby was born on Mother's Day and his birthday is this Sunday.

Donna said...

Your mom was a wonderful woman, and would be so proud of you, Celestina. What a gift she gave to you, the gift of always being encouraging and thankful for the little things. And what a wonderful tribute you have given her. Not just in your words, but the way you live your life. It is so hard to watch our parents age. I think part of us still wants to be their little children. Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day, my sweet friend!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh Celeste, what a wonderful tribute...I bet it was accompanied by a few tears as you wrote it. My Mom has just moved into a facility and only someone who has taken care of an aging parent can understand the tears and sadness involved. Your Mom sounds like she made the move so gracefully....My Mom...kicking and screaming, which makes it tough on the family, but thankfully she is finally starting to settle in. You have a great Mothers Day!


Draffin Bears said...

Dear Celestina Marie,

Such a beautiful and poignant post you have shared of your beautiful Mother. So happy that you can look back on the fond memories and special bond and love you shared with your sweet Mother.
You are a very special person and can see how much an example that your Mother has so lovingly instilled in you.
Happy weekend and enjoy your Mothers day
love and hugs

Dorthe said...

Dear Celestina, such beautful memories about the last visit from your mother, in your home. A beautiful visit with joy and laughter. It could not be more wonderful to remember ,for you.
I wish you a very blessed and happy Mothers Day ,my dear.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dear Celeste! What a beautiful post about your dear little mother. What a beautiful woman she was and you look like her! I see our little mothers were so much alike and I can read of the love you had for her. I know she was so proud of her daughter too! Special prayers for you on this Mother's Day, sweet friend.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

deb said...

Celeste, I've never reads such a beautiful tribute in my life. You were blessed to have such a wonderful Mother. She's in Heaven watching over you and is so proud of the woman, wife, and Mother you've become. Wishing you a blessed Mother's Day ♥♥♥

Brandi said...

Thank you for sharing your story. Such a beautiful way to honor your mother. I too lost my mom. Your words are very comforting. I'm sure they are both in Heaven very proud of us.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

My dear such a beautiful tribute to your wonderful mother.
I had tears as I was reading your lovely post. Oh how special your mother was and she loved you dearly,
You will always have those special memories with you.
Wishing you a very special Mothers Day dear friend.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Girl, where have you been...or where have I been. I was so happy to see your name!! I had lost you! Happy Mother's Day. Very sweet post!

Jill said...

What a lovely tribute and wonderful memories of your mom. Cherishing each and every day! Hope you are having a wonderful mother's day. Take care!


farmhouse-story said...

and with this post...your mom's proud of you, once more:)

Mary said...

Celeste, What a Lovely and Beautiful post, with tear streaming down my face. My Mother spent her last summer with us before going to Hospice.
So glad you have such wonderful memories of your Beautiful Mother.
Love and Hugs,Mary

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

I don't know how I missed this post! Maybe because Mothers Day weekend was very busy trying to keep up with the sweetie girls. Now 7 & 8 they have so much energy it's unbelievable. Whew! We were sooo exhausted Monday night when we took them home.
This is such a beautiful post about your Mom. It brought me to tears Celeste. What a sweet and wise lady! And so beautiful!! The photo of her is so happy. You were blessed with her sweet personality and gorgeous looks!

Hope you had a great Mothers Day Celeste!

Love & blessings, Edie Marie

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