Friday, May 30, 2014

A Southern Magnolia in North Texas~

This season our Southern Magnolia Tree is gorgeous. 
Most of the time, you only see a few blooms at once.
The show this year is more then usual
with many flowers at once.
Very rare to see.

She is a tall beauty and stands in our front yard.
 It's loaded with blooms bursting with white flowers the size of dinner plates.

The scent is heavenly!

I love to save the magnolia cones when they drop.
They make great elements to decorate with.

At Christmas I use the leaves to create wreaths and garland.

Just sharing a bit of the south
in North Texas.

I'll be back to share  a large project
creating a flagstone patio.

See you soon and have a great weekend.

Celestina Marie


Anonymous said...

Good Morning. Your tree is gorgeous. The scent of magnolias reminds me of my childhood home. My sis and I would open our bedroom window and smell the sweet blossoms.

Have a blessed weekend.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! I had my own tree like this when we lived in Florida. And my love for it was the inspiration for the name of my new blog.

Wishing you a joy-filled weekend.


Sola Scriptura said...

That certainly is a beautiful tree! I went on a hike this morning and was amazed at all of the beautiful creation around me. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Donna said...

Your tree is just gorgeous, Celestina! What a treat to have it put on such a show this year. I remember seeing the cones from the flower heads when we were in Georgia this winter, and thinking they would be so neat to use for decorating and crafting. Enjoy your weekend:)

LJS said...

Celestina Marie, I have had the pleasure to share with you these beautiful surroundings in our home for many years. Thanks for reminding me how beautiful nature and life is through the grace of God. B.G.

Valerie-Jael said...

Wow, this is totally beautiful!Hugs, Valerie

Unknown said...

Hi there Celestina,

Gorgeous tree! I can almost smell it from here.:) I hope you have a beautiful weekend too. And thank you for being such a sweet friend. Love all the comments you leave me. They mean more than you know.
Janet's Creative Cottage

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Oh your magnolia is gorgeous Celeste! They're one of my favorite flowering trees. It was a gem in the jewel box of a garden that my Grandma Meme created. All of kids would sit under the huge magnolia with Meme and listen to her stories of where different plants and flowers came from. Thank you for bringing such beauty to the front of my memories.
I love the look of the leaves, such beautiful colors on each side. Enjoy that lovely fragrance!

Love & blessings, Edie Marie

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

What a beautiful tree, Celeste! I am sure they look beautiful in person with all the blooms. I always remember reading magazines that showcased garlands with magnolia leaves and wanting one for my own home.

Anonymous said...

HI Celeste! Your magnolia tree is just gorgeous and it's so tall!! The blooms do smell so good too! Nothing more southern than a magnolia tree! Thanks so much for your kind comments on The Little House. I'm trying to get all settled!
Have a great weekend and you're always a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

1CardCreator said...

What a magnificent tree, the blooms are gorgeous! ~Diane

Mari said...

Celeste your tree is a beauty....I love that you can use the leaves to decorate with ;-)
Have a great weekend my dear friend....


farmhouse-story said...

i've never seen a magnolia, bet it smells wonderful! happy weekend!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

How I love these trees - we have them here in pink and in white, but our worse winter just stunted the process of our magnolias and redbuds! But we are now having the most sensational spring, Celestina! What a gorgeous yard, this must be yours!

Happy weekend! Anita

Delvalina said...

the tree is standing tall and beautiful! :)
I havent seen one here...
Thanks for explain about this Celestina.


Createology said...

A true Southern Magnolia Tree in your Texas front yard must be amazing in bloom. I absolutely adore Magnolias! Lovely Dear...

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Oh how beautiful your Magnolia tree is. I have one in the parkway and I just love it. Have lots of hummers in there. Each house on our little street has a Magnolia tree in the park way.
Have a great weekend.

Denise said...

Aw, such a lovely tree.

Dorthe said...

The flowers are so very beautiful, but I have never seen such a tree here in Denmark, how lucky you are to have it actually growing in your garden, my dear.
Hugs and a happy weekend.

Unknown said...

Your tree is magnificent. We don't have Magnolia trees back in Massachusetts, so it has been a thrill to see the trees in bloom here in Winston Salem NC. Yesterday I took a ride to Wakefield University and there were so many in bloom that I took my camera and walked around campus taking photos.

I was admiring the leaves on the ground, they were strong and beautiful. I thought, I wonder what I could make out of these? Now you have answered my question. I can't wait to see what you create.

Another Southern plant that we don't see growing in our yards back home is the Gardenia. There are Gardenias planted all along our walkway.

The South is beautiful.


Unknown said...

Your Magnolia tree is gorgeous. This is my first time seeing Magnolia trees in bloom. We don't have them back home. I love being in the South and seeing all the different trees and plants in bloom. I even have Gardenias framing our walkway.

I am glad that you mentioned the leaves from the Magnolias, because yesterday when I saw them on the ground, they looked too beautiful to not use in a creation.

I can't wait to see what you create, Celeste.


Red Rose Alley said...

I just saw this tree today while taking a drive with husband, and I wasn't sure what the name of it was. It was so pretty, and I would love to have one at my home someday. Your magnolia tree is gorgeous. And your yard looks simply beautiful, Celestina.

I hope you have a nice weekend, doing all the things you love


cynthia lee designs said...

What a beautiful tree!! I'm not sure if I've ever seen one before now.
Hope you had a great Saturday.

Denise said...

Sweet of You to drop by with such kind words.I haven't always appreciated My magnolia trees through out My life.As I get older though everything just seems to look prettier and I do look at them differently now.Blessings always- Denise

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Celestina Marie,

How beautiful the Magnolia tree is - the flowers are so gorgeous and I love them. I have planted a small Magnolia tree, so hope one day it will be as big and lovely as this.
Happy new week

chateau chic said...

Your magnolia tree is gorgeous! Mine doesn't seem to have made it through our harsh winter. :-(
Mary Alice

Melanie said...

It is lovely! One of my favorites, it is so pretty!

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