Friday, May 2, 2014

One More Day in the Garden~

Hi Friends~
 Happy May!!!
This week has flown by, hasn't it and April is gone.
As we approach the weekend,
I have one more day to share  with you in the garden.
One of my favorite spots to enjoy the view.
This Texas garden book was a house warming gift from our realtor
nearly 20 years ago when we purchased this home.
It is a wealth of garden info for Texas.
Across the yard~
Pink tea roses bloom abundantly with the sweetest light scent.
See the reading angel? She looks like she is enjoying her book
by the light of the gazing ball.

The Hydrangea garden  is growing nicely.
I see many buds.
Behind the rooster is a Saucer Magnolia and blooms a gorgeous pink.

Coral Hibiscus is just beginning to bloom.
Love the water droplets on the petals.

Pretty yellow Day Lilly keeps another reading angel company.

I love pink Geraniums.
They hold up nicely to our Texas heat~

Let's walk across the yard on the other side of the pool.
Looking back at the house where we spend a lot of time.
The second floor is to the left side.
The master bedroom is to the right on the first floor
 and the octagon shaped section is the sitting area.
On the coffee table, I placed this gorgeous mix of Confetti blooms.

The wood burner is nice on a chilly spring evening.
I have timer candles in there now.
The lamp is an outdoor floor lamp, one on each side of the patio.
 Last summer I created new lamp shade covers for both
from burlap ribbon.
Look to the lower right~
To honor my Miss Beazy Lee,
who we lost nearly 2 years ago,
is a darling Golden Retriever figure
given to me by Mr. CMDesign.
The pics don't do this beautiful piece of artwork justice.
In person it looks so real.
The artist did an amazing job.
She is wearing Miss B's pink scarf.

From here we can look back over to the meditation garden.
In front of St. Francis
is a row of roses called Pink Carpet.
These roses stay low to the ground and spread out like a carpet, thus the name.

 Today I picked the first 2 little strawberries of the season.
Aren't they beautiful?
Thank you for stopping by
and a warm welcome to all new followers.
So nice to meet you.
Have a great weekend.
Be Blessed!
Celestina Marie


Sola Scriptura said...

How lovely! I see why you spend a lot of time at the back of the house, I would too! Oh your strawberries look so bright and sweet.

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your garden, it is so beautiful, but the pics of your dog really steal the show! I wish you many happy hours in your corner or paradise, Valerie

Denise said...

Your beautiful garden is a little slice of heaven on earth. I love your pool. The art work of the dog is precious. Enjoy your weekend, love you.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Everything looks wonderful to me at your home as we try to creep into spring blooms with daffodils finally opening.
The strawberries look yummy.

farmhouse-story said...

i just love your backyard oasis, celeste! with all the flowers blooming and the pool--i'd never want to leave:)

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

You have such beautiful gardens, Celeste! That looks like a great spot to sit and get comfortable while enjoying the view of it all. Love how you have almost a courtyard effect on your patio with the way your house is situated. It looks like you get some nice shade there. Glad to hear geraniums can stand up to Texas heat. I was thinking of getting some this year and we've had such hot and humid Summers the past two years, it has to be something that can stand it.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

O MY!! What a beautiful home you have and your yard is to die for!!

Our temps. are still all over the place... 30 's in the mornings and 60 - 70's in the afternoon.

I won't be able to plant any annuals until right before Memorial Day because of the threat of frost...


Donna said...

Wow, your gardens and home are just gorgeous, Celestina! The hibiscus is beautiful, so are your pretty roses and other lovely blooms. The statue of Miss Beazy is just beautiful, you are right, it really does look so realistic. I can see why you love spending so much time here, I sure would too,and I really enjoyed coming along on the tour:)

Down Blueberry Lane said...

Your gardens are very pretty. It has rained almost everything day this week so I can't help but notice how sunny it is in your pictures. Thanks for the tour.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Good Morning Celeste!

You have created such a wonderful retreat! I love everything about it. The statue of Miss Beazy Lee is the perfect finish to your lovely oasis. She looked so real she brought me to tears. Such a dear sweet spirit. (yes, I DO think they will be waiting for us)

The fabric on your chaise cushion is so fabulous Celeste. I just love everything! Let's get together on your patio paradise for some ice tea and a dip in the pool. (I'll be there in spirit anyways!)

Lots of love & hugs, Edie
Have a great weekend!

Nancy said...

Celeste, Your Home is Gorgeous and this looks like the grounds of a Resort!! Just Gorgeous!! You must have Gorgeous weather to actually have shelves on the exterior of your home~ Our weather this week has been nice enough to work in the yard so I started yesterday. Winter was good to my grounds, except I would love to meet the little critter who took the bulbs I planted in some areas last year. I know it couldn't have been one of my little Bunnies~ ;)
Have a Great Week end Celeste!!
Huggs, Nancy

1CardCreator said...

Your garden is beautiful Celeste, the blooms look so fresh and fragrant. That was a really sweet gift from your DH and it looks beautiful too. I am sure it brings you happy memories. ~Diane

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

What a gorgeous place, Celeste. I could sit by the pool all day reading and enjoying your garden. I would take a dip in the pool everyday too.
Love the Golden Retriever figure. I know you miss Miss Beazy.
Hugs, Barb

Heaven's Walk said...

Wow, Celeste! To wake up in the morning and wander out to that little slice of heaven must be so wonderful! Your home is gorgeous! And I love the landscaping surrounding that awesome pool!

xoxo laurie

Okio B Designs said...

Such pretty flowers! Wish mine would start blooming. I just have tulips and daffodils. I need more color and fast!


cynthia lee designs said...

Oh my...what a beautiful patio and backyard!! What a very special gift the Golden Retriever figure was from your's very cute and looks so real.

NanaDiana said...

Your whole yard is absolutely gorgeous, Celestina Marie. It is lovely and you can tell you have put a lot of time and energy into making it beautiful.

Your home so reminds me of the beautiful homes in Florida where outdoor living is part and parcel of being in a home. I miss that style AND I miss having a pool! Maybe someday.....

Enjoy your day-I hope you can get outside and be a reading angel yourself for a bit! xoDiana

Cynthia said...

Simply scrumptious backyard and gardens! So inspirational! I can't wait until I can dress-up my deck and gardens. Much joy, Celestina!

Jan Hermann said...

Your garden is lovely! All the pretty flowers and the gorgeous colors! Oh, how I love the Golden memory of Miss's just precious. ♥

Anonymous said...

Oh, Celeste! How gorgeous your gardens are and in beautiful bloom! I could spend many hours on that comfy looking lounger! Just to add to your many talents - you have a green thumb too! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Kathy said...

Your garden is so lovely! I am surprised the hydrangeas can take the heat there. They grow abundantly in Portland but droop their leaves when the temps get high. It doesn't seem to do they any harm but I always feel sorry for them and give a little extra water.

Melanie said...

Yes, this week has flown by! Your reading angles have lovely spots to enjoy their books! So pretty! Your garden is lovely, you must enjoy it so much. I like geraniums too, they stand up to the hot south Georgia summer days and remain so pretty. Thank you for sharing with us! It has been a pleasure to visit and enjoy the pictures!

Red Rose Alley said...

It's always a treat for me to see your garden and back yard, as I miss my beautiful back yard from our old house, but I hope to have it again soon. I can't believe how real the Golden Retriever statue looks. The yellow lilly caught my eye, it's so pretty. Your back yard is gorgeous, and I love all the angels and fairies and such.

Thank you for your comment on my "Jesse" post. It means so much to me and Nel. It's so nice to have blog friends to share in our joys and our griefs. It makes all the difference in the world.

Have a relaxing weekend.


Julie Marie said...

Oh my goodness Celeste, your gardens are so gorgeous!... and that littel golden retriever in honor of Miss Beazy Lee brought tears to my eyes... she is absolutely beautiful sitting there... love your meditation garden with St. Francis, so happy you finally found one... your basket of Confetti blooms is so pretty too... and I also love all of your little garden angels, especially the one reading her gardening book... everything looks so cozy and wonderful, I think I would just sleep outside even in the garden!... and two strawberries already???... they look delish!... congratulations on your Etsy feature, you have so many beautiful treasures... wishing you a blissful Sunday dear friend... enjoying your stunning gardens and warm Texas weather and sunshine... xoxo Julie Marie

Dreaming of Vintage said...

Your garden is gorgeous! I would love spending time back there too!

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