Monday, September 1, 2014

Good Bye August, Welcome September

Happy September Everyone!

I want to take a moment to thank you for stopping by my spotlight feature this past weekend
Your visits and kind comments were very special to me and I appreciate you taking the time
on a holiday weekend.
I am in the process and will continue, to visit each and everyone of you.
Thanks again Kris, 
for inviting me to be apart of the fun!


Summer seemed to fly by this year!!

Even though the temps are still soaring here in Texas~

We are ready to ring in a new and hopefully cooler season.

Looking back at summer we made wonderful new memories.

Enjoyed special times here at the pool and probably will enjoy a few more before we pack the rafts away.

My flowers are still giving a beautiful and last show.

Brought inside before the fall decor takes their places.

Colorful are the roses still gracing my days with their sweet fragrance.

As Autumn approaches, I have many new projects in the works,
 like this night stand getting a redesign.

Remember I found this last weekend?

Well, Mr. LJ is adding these great wood turned feet I found
to raise it a bit.
 Once complete, I will paint it and try and work some magic 
to make it special for a guest room.

The fall tubs of decor are brought down from the attic
and ready to open and decorate.

I'm always surprised when I open to find things I totally forgot about.
It's like receiving new gifts just waiting to be showcased around the house.

Fall is such a special time of year.
I love the cozy days once they arrive.

My shop on etsy is ready to fill with new goodies 
and newsletters to write sharing what's arriving soon.

New memories to make and many to look back on..

Are you looking forward to the new season?
Do you decorate for fall?

Wishing everyone a great fresh start to the new month
filled with many blessings along the way.

See you soon 
till then,
Southern DayDreams

Celestina Marie


Julie Marie said...

Happy September dear Celeste!... your roses are still so beautiful!... we are much cooler here now and as you know, I am in full Autumn mode in decorating!... out will come by beautiful Barn pumpkin you painted several years ago and take it's special place on my coffee table... love your new Etsy creations, especially that adorable pumpkin sign!... loved your featured at Kris's... I knew all of those special things about you already, but it was so much fun reading it all once more... you are such an incredible lady and I am so happy we are friends, xoxo Julie Marie

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning my friend! Today is our day off and I want to enjoy it to the fullest. I think I'm going to paint my little French table that I found in the trash the other day! This was a great summer full of reading, writing and finding at least three pieces in the trash including a REAL crystal chandelier!

I love how you are going to put legs on this table...I can't wait to see what it looks like! HUGS HUGS HUGS. Anita

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

Enjoy your summer weather while it lasts! We've already had several weeks of gray gloomy weather and I hope to see the sun today. I enjoyed your feature over at Kris's blog, Celestina. I'm sure your new nightstand will look like a million bucks when you're done!

Have a great day!

TexWisGirl said...

i'm ready for rain and a break from the heat of august. :) love that sweet bell!

Sola Scriptura said...

Your flowers are gorgeous! I'm glad you are still enjoying their beauty before autumn fully arrives and they fade away. I look forward to see what you do with the nightstand :)

Dorthe said...

Hello dear Celestina Marie,
Oh I love the cozyness of autumn ,too- and to decorate my home ,with a little something else ,here in September, just like you.
I`m happy ,that you had such a wonderful summer, and enjoied the look of your beautiful roses,-mine are almost totally gone !
The nightsatnd I know will be totally wonderful, when you finished painting it .
Hugs from Dorthe

Valerie-Jael said...

Hope you enjoy the rest of summer. Autumn is always my fave season, so I will have fun decorating, too. Keep on showing us your beautiful creations, they are all very special! Hugs, Valerie

Claudia said...

Dear Celeste,
what a lovely Post to say Hello Autumn ! I love this time of the year, perhaps because I am born in autumn ;O) It is my favorite season and yes, I do decorate too, but only a bit . I have sewn pumpkins and a Ragdoll I have sewn, and I got some branches with sewn tiny hearts on. I do all this coming weekend and I think I will show pictures on my blog then :O)
Wishing you a wonderful start of autumn and a lovely time!
Sending love and hugs,

NanaDiana said...

Happy Labor Day, Celeste! It is wonderful for me to pop back into the blogging world again. As always, I am blown away by your talent. I just popped by Kris's and read your post there. You are amazing and so good at everything you do.

I am in the process of moving my sewing/crap-er craft room from the basement to a little room off the garage. Hope to have it done by next weekend.

I've missed you this summer! xo Diana

Kathy said...

I am not ready to let go of Summer but certainly looking forward to cooler temps. I envy your hydrangeas and roses looking so beautiful at this time of year. The sun has completely baked the color right out of my hydrangeas this year. Big sigh...

Junkchiccottage said...

Hi Celeste,
Thank you for doing Spotlight. It was so much fun to feature you and get to know you better. Love that nightstand and cannot wait to see it finished. I know it will be amazing. Have a wonderful start into the new month.

Anonymous said...

Celeste, your Hydrangeas and Roses are lovely! Mine did not bloom very well this year; the Spring freezes really hurt all of my flowers. I have enjoyed your lovely posts this summer! I'm ready for some cool crisp Fall air! Happy Labor Day!

1CardCreator said...

Sad that summer was so short here, but looking forward to a beautiful fall as it is my favorite season. Love all your painted pumpkins here. I loved reading about you in your feature spot too. Take care my friend. ~Diane

Debbie Harris said...

Such a pleasant post, Celestine.
Yes, summer went by way to fast for us here.unexpected changes came taking our summer time away, but in it all, God's grace was overflowing.
I look forward to Fall and all that comes with it. The cooler days allow us to sit by our wood burner which I love. I do more baking than in the summer time, and find I rest more with magazines on the country life.
Your photos were spectacular today!
Enjoyed my visit, thank you!
Joy to you! Debbie

Createology said...

Ahhh...August is gone and took summer with it. We are Falling into Autumn here also. I do have some special treasures I set out for Fall. Today I packed away my "August Summer Beach" and shells. Looking forward to your decor as beautiful and divine as everything you touch.

Donna said...

Your hydrangeas are just gorgeous, Celestina! Do you dry them? And your pumpkins are so pretty, too! It's hard to believe September is here already, isn't it? I am looking forward to cooler temps too, it's still hot and really muggy here! So happy to see all of the wonderful comments on your post this weekend over at Kris's!!

cynthia lee designs said...

I can't wait to put out my Fall décor...but it will most likely be after my craft show in a couple of weeks.

Deborah Montgomery said...

LOVE the beautiful colors of those hydrangeas and the roses. It's so hot and humid here that I'm not thinking of decorating yet, but as soon as it cools down I know I will. I love to have lots of pumpkins about. Now, how did I miss that feature about you? I am going to check it out now :)

farmhouse-story said...

great feature over at kris's, celeste! and the nightstand will be darling for your room:)

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Yes, I embrace Fall in every way. I love to decorate for the season, and I'm looking forward to seeing all your festive décor. I would love to take a dip in your pool today, as we've had hot temperatures here in California too.

Happy September, dear friend.


Draffin Bears said...

Dear Celestina Marie,

Happy September dear friend and I enjoyed seeing all your summer photos.
The roses and hydrangeas are really beautiful. Must be nice taking a dip in the pool to cool down.
We are just coming into Spring which I am looking forward to.
Enjoy the rest of the warm days

Rita C at Panoply said...

Good morning Celestina! So glad you popped in to see me, and I've added you back. I fully intended to get caught up by visiting your blog directly, but after that basement purge & holiday weekend, I have been totally lazy this week!

I will decorate only in small ways for Fall, as the big push will be Christmas for me. I see a peek of tubs stacked in your stash too - :)

I look forward to seeing your posts come through my feed, and will return to visit often.
Have a great day,
Rita C at Panoply

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Happy September to you to...looking forward to your project!!!

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh I love all the beautiful and fun pictures! Happy September! Now if it would ONLY get cooler! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Summer is holding on strong here as well. Autumn sounds like such a respite.

Blessings to you!

Jill said...

Can't wait to see how you redesign the furniture. :-) Fall is my absolute favorite time of year! With our new property I am anxious to see the beautiful colors of the changing of the seasons here. Your flowers are beautiful! Enjoy the warmth while you can... I know I'm trying to as they keep telling us here Ohio winters are harsh... yuck.. I'm not looking forward to more snow, had a ton in PA last year. Have a great afternoon. Take care!


Unknown said...

I cannot believe the summer is over. My girls started school today. It seems so fast.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I can't believe I'm going to admit it but I am ready for fall! I know what you mean about bringing out the fall goodies and finding things you've forgotten about! That's the fun part :-)

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Celestina, your photos are always so beautiful. I love Hydrangeas, and the pink color is exquisite. Can't wait to see what you do with the little table. laurie

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Hi Celestina, where did summer go? Beautiful posts with plenty of beauty and inspiration. Fall is so close. I love that time of year, but I am holding off a bit. Happy September. xo

Alessandra said...

Hi! Thank you for the sweet comment. Your flowers are just gorgeous. I love autumn.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

We still have a couple months of summer left here in Florida too. I'm not a fall fan. I am so old I think...Oh no here we go with all of holidays and I hate that the kids have to go back to school and the lazy days of summer are over! I love your decorating for the seasons and can't wait to see your fall decor!


Debbie said...

I'm not ready for Fall quite yet.
Your decorations are darling, though. Did you paint them all yourself?
I'm sure your home will be bursting with cozy Fall designs, Celeste!
I love your roses that you have inside....sigh. Your pool still looks inviting to me.
I will be back to see what you've done to welcome the new season.

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