Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Simplifying Autumn

 Autumn's simple decor has caught my attention this season.

It seems each year, I have been adapting to a "less is more" style.

It's so refreshing to simplify.

A cozy corner filled with fall flowers in a tall pitcher.

A French style pumpkin sitting on a bench by the window.
A glowing candle wrapped with fall leaves.

An old barrel stave I hand painted with a scarecrow many years ago.
He fills a quiet corner in my kitchen.
The pumpkin with the glowing smile is at the bottom of the stave. The vintage towel and flowers
grace a vintage crock my grandmother used to make green tomatoes many years ago.
You see a bit of lavender near by.
One of my favorite simply autumn treasures.
Lovely autumn plate with sweet critters gathering in the yard.
If you look close you can see them enjoying the sunshine.
I love the sweet cottage.

Special and simple touches using one of my favorite greenware pitchers
for a simplified  centerpiece on the kitchen table.

How about you~ are you decorating with less?
Do you simplify your spaces?
Are you simplifying autumn?

Be Blessed,
Celestina Marie

I'll be back to share a  rainy day craft next time.


Sola Scriptura said...

I've been simplifying everything in our home. Since we now live in the city centre, our home is smaller so I've had to simplify and now realize its been really good for us. Sometimes less really is better.

Dianna said...

Your fall decorations are beautiful...and I so agree...less really is more! We have a very small house and this time of the year, I used to fill every space that I could set something on. Then a few years ago I went through the entire house, including the attic, and de-cluttered. Now I am enjoying the freedom that using less (but still meaningful) pieces! I so enjoyed your post!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Love your autumnal touches. I like to see bits and pieces of autumn mixed around like this. It warns up the home!

Valerie-Jael said...

It looks gorgeous, very beautiful and peaceful. Hugs, Valerie

Linda M. said...

Hello Celeste, All your little touches are beautiful, and warm. Your scarecrow man is so cute. Autumn is gorgeous. Joyful Wishes, Linda

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Yes my friend, these days it is all about less but mlre NATURE, and elements of wood, stone and lighter colors. It feels better to have choice pieces in a smaller number and less clutter of items that have no value (sentimental or vintage).

Enjoy the freedom of what you love!!!!

Denise said...

Oh Celestina,each piece is perfectly beautiful and I too love Your plate.It looks like several of the plates I inherited from My Mom.For several years I think in the 70s and 80s My Mom started collecting decorator plates.I still love a lot of them.Ever since My children grew up I decorate minimally for all the holidays except Christmas.I just don't want to do that for Christmas just yet,maybe some day if God allows Me several more years, Blessings and hugs sent Your way.Denise

Jan Hermann said...

I love your autumn decor - especially the French Pumpkin on the Bench in the window. Some of your items are memories from by-gone years, some newer and alot handmade....all filled with love!

Have a wonderful day...

Junkchiccottage said...

Good Morning Celeste,
I am going very simple on fall and even Christmas for this year. I think less is more. I am embracing the simple natural elements into my decor too. Love your scarecrow you painted for your kitchen.

Anonymous said...

How are you, dearest Celeste? I've been working my way here for days, but adapting to my empty nest had my head in the clouds for a bit. I have to say that I'm actually liking the quiet, especially since I'm an only child. I'm slowly getting back to my art table too.
I have so much catching up to do on your lovely page. Looking forward to it today.
I've been simplifying for years now and it sure does feel great, doesn't it. I am SO looking forward to all the beautiful inspiration you'll share with us this autumn, my favorite season of all.
Love and blessings, friend.

Claudia said...

Dear Celeste,
I am going with you,less often is more!
I love your Autumn deoorations!
I also only have little, I do not like too much everywhere in the house. But, Autmun is my favorite time of the year! I love those warm colours in the Nature....
But anyway i am late, my decoration still is in the box ;O) Will take it out at the weekend...
Wishing you a wonderful autumn time,
take care,
Love and hugs and blessings,
Claudia xo

TexWisGirl said...

i don't really seasonally decorate, but one of my favorite things is dried weeds and spent flowers in old vases or pots. :)

Brandi said...

This is my favorite time of year. I love decorating for fall and your home looks lovely with your simple touches.

Julie Marie said...

So pretty Celeste... I love your simplified Autumn pieces... that little Autumn plate with the critters is adorable!... and I also love the old crock that belonged to your grandma... I too am simplifying these days... many things I have donated, others I have packed away to save... I never part with sentimental treasures... I used to put so much out, now each individual piece gets full attention... your home looks lovely as always... hope you are enjoying these blissful Autumn days... much love, xoxo Julie Marie

Dorthe said...

Hello dear Celestina Marie,
I love your fall decorated home, and that you are able to live with less is more.... I have very big difficulties doing that ,lol. I alwayes seem to put another piece and then one more, and I can`t find it in my heart ,to get rid of all my things, collected for years. Mind you, they are not all out alwayes , but I have just too much, to watch, sometimes.
Your sweet scarecrow, is a wonderful piece, you made !
Hugs, Dorthe

Mari said...

Celeste your simple fall decor is simply beautiful ;-)
I started decorating also and kept it simple, I just need a couple of more little items then I will call it done ;-) I find I'm liking the simple decor as I get older...lol.....


Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

I'm loving your less is more approach! So pretty. And the special memories attached...even better than a bunch of fall "stuff." I'm slowly getting a little fall decorating done. It's cooler and cloudy today so that helps with the motivation.
Have a great week friend!

Okio B Designs said...

I agree - I'm trying to keep things simple this year. I love, love, love that French bench!


Art and Sand said...

I still have my summer decor on display because we are in our hottest summer month right now. I will move right to Halloween decor at the beginning of October.

Love your sweet fall displays!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Your Fall décor is very pretty, Celeste. I'm with you and have been trying to keep most holiday simple in recent years. Less to have to clean up and store! I put a few things out for Fall last night. It's been a cloudy day so I don't think the pictures I took today will be any good to share. Still have to find a few more little pumpkins I have though so maybe another trip to the attic tonight to look for them.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Hi Celeste!

It's so wonderful to simplify. I've been trying to do some of that myself lately. It's difficult weeding out the things you don't need anymore. But it becomes necessary as we've "gathered" more and more things. I've come to the point where I have to keep the things I really love and let someone else enjoy the rest! After all that's how I acquired so many treasures.

Love & blessings, Edie

Anonymous said...

Celeste, you have such a lovely style! I love your Grandmother's crock! Your scarecrow is fabulous; you're so talented! Your Fall decor is so warm and inviting! I'm ready to do less, but haven't quite pared down my decorations yet!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, Celeste, your fall decor is beautiful. I definitely am with you on the simplification of decor. In fact, I have only 1 plastic box of fall decor, and that box actually contains fall and Easter. So, in reality, my fall decorations amount to only one half of a Rubbermaid container. But that is perfect for me. It brings a very simple fall touch.

I've been scaling back on Christmas decorations too.


Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Beautiful Autumn decor. I love the flowers in the vase,I guess it's easy to get carried away. Bloggers are going to town. I love this time of year, because it can carry us into Thanksgiving. xo

Anonymous said...

After moving many times in the last few years, I definitely decorate with less - plus the fact that I have 6 cats pushing things off tables!!!!!
It does make cleaning simpler to have less.
I adore all your special décor.

Unknown said...

I like your outlook. I have also been doing a lot of donating. I find the less I have, the more I have.

Deborah Montgomery said...

Your fall touches are lovely Celeste. I have a box of autumn decorations but realized I don't care for much of them, so they are being donated. I am going all organic this year -- pumpkins, gourds, mums, sunflowers -- all things I can throw out after Thanksgiving. Oh, except for my brown transferware and dishtowels in fall colors and a wreath!
Love your painted scarecrow, and the vintage towel. Simple, but beautiful, is good.

cynthia lee designs said...

I'm so trying to go to a less is more style of decorating! Love your Fall décor. I hope to get my Fall stuff out this week.

Unknown said...

Simple but gorgeous pieces. It makes me want October to be here NOW.

Alessandra said...

Your home looks so pretty with your lovely fall decors.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Celeste, it was SO kind of you to come back to my post! That is what I love, when someone comes back, JUST BECAUSE. Enjoy the calm that nature and change in season has to offer your beautiful heart.

Have a great day! Anita

Creations By Cindy said...

Love your Fall decor! With my plate running over with the daily tasks of life and a whole of lot of extra's right now...I see SIMPLICITY all the way for me for Fall! Some is simply because I have no choice and I have to "make choices" and I feel the Lord is teaching me the very act of simple! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Stephanie said...

Hello Celeste! You Autumn items are very pretty and I would have to agree, less can often be more.

Thank you for always being such a sweet inspiration. Hugs to you, dear one!

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

I am with you!....I have really "downsized" my seasonal decor...to simplify...well as simple as I get that is!!..Love that gorgeous pitcher of flowers!!!

Cynthia said...

Gorgeous Celeste, love that towel with the wildflowers, so pretty. The piece with the candle is eye catching too.


Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Everything is stunning - you always do such a beautiful job on decorating.

I have not done one darn thing other than plant 4 mum plants in my pots. IT's to darn hot here to go into the garage and go through my marked plastic crates - I want to, but it's just to bloody hot! I sure hope this ends soon.
Have a wonderful Fall weekend.

Jill said...

I'm still unpacking and haven't found my fall decor yet... trying to convince my husband to just let me buy new, lol. I am waiting for the leaves to bloom here as we have such a lovely view! Enjoying the cooler temperatures and the beauty around me in nature. :-) Have a lovely evening!


1CardCreator said...

Your pieces are all beautiful Celeste and I don't have near as many. Seems the older I get the less I want to dust and take care of, lol. ~Diane

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

OMGosh I don't know how I missed this post! I agree "less is more" keeping it simple allows the eye to appreciate the beauty. Your flower arrangement in the vase is so Fall color rich ... absolutely stunning.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I am drooling over that plate! I need to do a LOT of simplifying. Everything looks beautiful. laurie

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