Monday, December 22, 2014

Painting Santa

Many years ago when I started learning decorative painting,
I fell in love with the art form very quickly.

From the moment I began swinging my paint brushes, I was addicted.

I studied and learned all I could
and then I went on to teaching others the love of painting in a design school
for decorative artists.

I taught for many years before making changes to my journey.
However, still today that love of painting stays with me every time I pick up my brushes.

Christmas time was always a busy season for me once I began to perfect my skill.
I attended many shows, home interior features and  the list goes on.

Santa has always been a favorite of mine to paint and these several
below are from decorative design studies I attended along the way from 
artists I learned from many years ago on my career path.

This Santa is made from wood and cut by me on a scroll saw.
Sanded and then painted he stands nearly 2 foot tall.
The design is from Pumpkin Ridge.

His pack is filled with toys for good little boys and girls!

The next is also from the same artist from Pumpkin Ridge.
He is also cut from wood and stands 2 foot tall.

The next is once again from Pumpkin Ridge
and I painted him on a vintage plate.

Lastly this set of Santa's (so long ago, I don't even know what artist drew the design) are fashioned like vintage ice skates with Santa as the foot plate and
the blade runners made from wood.
I added them to a bough of winter evergreen and it hangs for display
on the wall or the door.

This is just a few over the years hand painted for Christmas.

I have many more that live in other homes
hopefully still giving joy to their owners.

Next year I hope to paint a few new jolly old Santa's.

Till next time,
Thanks for stopping by
 I'll be back with a couple more posts before Christmas.

Celestina Marie


Crissi said...

Wonderful work! Merry Christmas
Hug Crissi

Anonymous said...

Good Morning. Your Santa's are so jolly and kind looking. I love each one but the plate is my favorite. Wishing you many blessings this Christmas week.

Claudia said...

Dear Celeste, my friend, those paintings are GEORGEOUS!
Your Santa's look so wonderful !
You have so obviously painted, every little detail highlighted so beautiful!
I wish you a good start to a wonderful Christmas week!
♥ Sending Love and hugs and Christmas blessings, Claudia ♥

Grace Grits and Gardening said...

Hey there! I discovered you via Bargain Decorating with Laurie. I'm going to check out your Etsy store now. I hope you'll visit me at Merry Christmas!

Alessandra said...

You are a great artist, very talented my dear friend! Your Santas are just gorgeous, perfect, sweet, adorable.Merry Christmas....BUON NATALE!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

My friend, are you familiar with Michelle from The Raspberry Rabbits? Google her blog. Look at the video she shared. It is such a great way to express what we as creatures do with our is obvious that we have been gifted with this need, this urge, this passion to create. How lovely is your passion expressed here; this reminds me of my dear mum who sewed most of her life and mine, then in her last years, took to oil painting. Not being one to express herself verbally, it was painting in a little group of women that helped her get out of her shell. She said to me once, "Oh, it feels so good to be with other people."

Yes mama, it sure does feel good.


Be well and HAVE FUN TODAY! Anita

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Absolutely delightful! As hubby says it's all in the eyes and the merriment they show and yours are perfection. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful faces of St Nick!!

Love & hugs, Edie

Jan Hermann said...


Your talent and creativeness shows in everything you do! These Santa's are the prettiest I've ever seen! You have a true blessing that you are able to share with others.


Row homes and Cobblestones said...

I am grateful for your friendship in this wonderful kingdom of blogs. Your artistic self expression in everything you do inspires us and delights as you share from your heart. You have filled your home for Christmas with love and you share from your precious treasured memories of those you hold dear. Charming and creative Santa's as is everything you create. Sending love to you and your family.

TexWisGirl said...

such wonderful talent you have! you capture the joy in these so well. :)

living from glory to glory said...

Good Morning! I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!!
Your work just has such a kind and sweet and gentle feel to it, It reminds me of a time when the world was happy and not filled with such stark and shocking things to our hearts and eyes!
God Bless you and all you set your hand too!
Love, Roxy

Anonymous said...

You have so much talent, Celeste! I adore anything you paint! Your Santas are fantastic and the details are wonderful! Merry Christmas, dear friend!

Dorthe said...

Dear Celestina Marie,

As my time online for now, till after christmas is limited, I just want to wish you a very Merry Christmas for you and your family.
Blessings and Hugs, from Dorthe

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

You are gifted with your relent for art! Even if I took a class I don't think I could ever produce anything it like! Love your Santas!

Joy Junktion said...

You are quite the artist Celestina! I do love your work, the Santa's are so sweet! Blessings for a Merry Christmas!

Deborah Montgomery said...

I think it is such a blessing and a gift when we discover our God-given talents and have the opportunity to express them, like you do with your art. The Santas look so jolly and kind; they must be such festive company around your house!
Blessings to you, and have a Happy Christmas!

Pammy Sue said...

Such talent you have! It's exquisite!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Celestina, I am in awe of your talent. Love all the Santa's. I could cut them out with the saw, I could trace them from the book, and I could paint them as long as the picture was right in front of me to copy, BUT I could never do any of that from scratch..Happy Crhristmas..Judy

Sola Scriptura said...

Wow, you certainly have been blessed with a talent for painting. How beautiful that you share your talent with the world :)

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Your Santa's are all wonderful, Celeste! I love that second one, especially. You are so talented. I'm sure it takes a lot of patience and time to put all those details into these Santa's.

In case I don't "see" you before - Merry Christmas! : )

Stephanie said...

What a jolly and cute looking Santa :) You are very talented with your painting, dear Celeste! Thank you for sharing it with us.

May you have a very Merry Christmas! Hugs to you!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Ok call me blonde You said these were from other artists?? Or you did them artist is sooo talented, It has to be you!!


Kathy said...

Loved seeing your Santas and makes me wonder where I have my set of Mr. and Mrs. Clause candleholders packed away. I painted dozens of them "back in the day" but apparently haven't dug far enough down in a Christmas box to find them in a while.

Cynthia said...

My goodness Celeste you're incredibly talented. I'm truly blown away. I'm actually speechless


must love junk said...

Just lovely-you're so talented!
Have a very blessed Christmas! :)

Okio B Designs said...

You are a wonderful artist! Your Santas look so sweet. Merry Christmas to one of my most favorite bloggers!


Donna said...

Your santas are just beautiful, Celestina! Not only are you a super talented decorative painter, but good with power tools, too! I hope to some day in the near future learn how to use a jig saw. You have inspired me! Love them all, but my favorite is the second santa!

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

Your painting is exquisite, Celestina! This brings back such memories for me. I painted mostly Santas when I had a decorative painting business for over 20 years. I remember patterns by Pipka and Susie Saunders and I think I still have them tucked away somewhere. Thanks for sharing a few of your pieces!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Celeste, your talent is amazing; what wonderful work!
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Createology said...

Oh how glorious your Santa's are! I love Jolly happy Santas. I can see how you love your painting and your skills are amazing. Merry Christmas Blessings with Peace and Joy for all of 2015...

Mari said...

Oh my Celeste, your Santas are all gorgeous! I love them all, I still have the ones I purchase from you and I bring them out every year to enjoy! I just hate putting them away.....


Rose L said...

It is good to have something to do that you enjoy. You are quite talented!

Valerie-Jael said...

Wow, your Santa paintings are really awesome, just fantastic. Hugs, Valerie

cynthia lee designs said...

Love the painted Santas!! Your work is awesome!!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

Laurel Stephens said...

What a treat to see how your years of study combined with your innate talent have resulted in your beautiful artwork. I love all the sweet details, but my favorite part of each Santa are those kind sparkly eyes.

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