Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cottage Brushstokes

Today begins a new linked party
hosted by;
Etsy Cottage Style
This is an exciting time for me
because this one is all about
painted treasures.
You don't have to be an artist to participate.
You can collect all kinds of art
on every medium too.
As for me,
I am the painter and
did and do paint on all surfaces.
Since I have been painting for way longer then I
care to disclose (over 30 years)
I thought I would start with some pics
from the beginning of my world of
cottage brushstrokes.
I searched through many
albums and box loads of pics
collected over the years of my journey.
Pictures when digital cameras were not even around
and no way to save on a computer.
To begin, I picked a few to start
and left plenty of room for
many more linked parties to come.
In the beginning on my career path
in decorating painting and interior design,
I used to cut my own wood
for the hand painted goodies
that were so popular in the country and folk art days.
Now we call country, farmhouse.
There's a little different twist on the color and style however,
but still a country look gone kind of modern
while keeping with the homespun
cottage and a bit of the French look too.
Over the years I have painted everything and every type
of surface from A-Z.
Taught classes in decorative painting,
designed for a company in miniature,
had booth space in many a mall,
gave demos in stores,
painted on fabric,
redesigned furniture and interiors
and even painted for the White House twice.
To say I've been busy is an understatement.
But, I have loved every minute of my journey
and I would not change a thing.
It is a blessing to live out your dreams
and I am so thankful.
God is so good!
The pictures that follow are an overview
of just some of the painted items I have enjoyed.
I just did not know where to start to share
my cottage brushstrokes, so I will let the pics
do the talking.
Tons of lampshades
Texas Bluebonnets for the souvenir market.

Baskets to Stepping stones.
Trays and fruit and lots and lots of furniture.

The sewing cabinet below
stays in my mind
because it was one of the
most unique style vintage pieces
I found to redesign.
The tools and items on the top
are hand painted on.
People in the shop
used to walk up and touch to make sure
they were not real.


From garden décor
to roosters.
and lots of picnic baskets
of every kind!
Then there were chairs and benches.
Here are a few.

Vintage school desks from long ago.

 So there you go~~
all before my world
took a turn to shabby chic, cottage roses and
French and Farmhouse styles.
The designs above
are many of my own
and many from decorative design books
I studied with over the years.
It has been so much fun
and still is!
Thank you for joining me for this first
For more fun posts click on the link above to join the fun.
See you next time,
and till then.
you know what I'll be doing!!
Celestina Marie Design
p.s. sorry for  some blurry pics.
 I could not get these scanned
so they are picture of a picture!




Today begins a new linked party called Cottage Brushstrokes hosted by; Etsy Cottage Style   This is an exciting time for me because this one is all about painted treasures. You don't have to be an artist to participate. You can collect all kinds of art on every medium too. As for me, I am the painter and did and do paint on all surfaces.     Since I have been painting for way...

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