Monday, March 24, 2014

Springtime In Texas

This is the time of year in Texas
that likens to a temperamental mother nature.
Beautifully warm and gorgeous one day
and cold and windy the next.
Days when storm clouds hang low in the sky
and winter's grey days want so badly to stick around.
But soon the temperament softens and
grey days turn to blue skies and mild days.
So my Guy and I head further south in the lone star state
to work, play and relax.
Crossing the Colorado River, we know we are getting closer to
a calm and slower pace in a small town.
This week finds me creating and treasure hunting off the beaten path.
Taking me once again south in my beloved Texas.
Where the Blue Bonnets are blooming~
and the  Indian Paintbrush Flowers
grow side by side with Blue Bonnets for the prettiest contrast in wildflowers.

And when I 'm not taking in the gorgeous beauty of God's lovely creations,
I can be found treasuring hunting at some of my favorite

When taking a break, from the shopping (is that possible?) you can find me
 hanging out in our comfy digs
for the week.
New style décor adorned in
light and dark aqua,
with brown and a touch of lime green.
The color combo sounds awful right?~~~~but very upscale and beautifully styled.

The dining room overlooks the pool.
Still too cold for a dip, but so pretty to view.
So while I work on creating a bit of this and that,
we caught the RoundTop  huge flea market
beginning to set up and fill with vendors from
all over the country.
 the tents filled with every treasure under the sun
goes on up and down the road for miles.
I was fortunate enough to stop and do a little
junkin in spaces where vendors were ready to let us visit,
 even though the day was cold and very windy.
Vendors were working hard to tie down their tents
and secure the goodies from blowing away.
Still the true junkinette that I am,
braved the cold and wind to find a few treasures.
I'll be back next time to share those treasures when
they can be unpacked back in the studio.
In the mean time,
have a wonderful first week of spring
and I will be around to visit you as I can.
Miss you and see you all soon.
~Blessings and Blue Skies Be Yours~
Wishing you Southern DayDreams,
Celestina Marie