Friday, May 2, 2014

One More Day in the Garden~

Hi Friends~
 Happy May!!!
This week has flown by, hasn't it and April is gone.
As we approach the weekend,
I have one more day to share  with you in the garden.
One of my favorite spots to enjoy the view.
This Texas garden book was a house warming gift from our realtor
nearly 20 years ago when we purchased this home.
It is a wealth of garden info for Texas.
Across the yard~
Pink tea roses bloom abundantly with the sweetest light scent.
See the reading angel? She looks like she is enjoying her book
by the light of the gazing ball.

The Hydrangea garden  is growing nicely.
I see many buds.
Behind the rooster is a Saucer Magnolia and blooms a gorgeous pink.

Coral Hibiscus is just beginning to bloom.
Love the water droplets on the petals.

Pretty yellow Day Lilly keeps another reading angel company.

I love pink Geraniums.
They hold up nicely to our Texas heat~

Let's walk across the yard on the other side of the pool.
Looking back at the house where we spend a lot of time.
The second floor is to the left side.
The master bedroom is to the right on the first floor
 and the octagon shaped section is the sitting area.
On the coffee table, I placed this gorgeous mix of Confetti blooms.

The wood burner is nice on a chilly spring evening.
I have timer candles in there now.
The lamp is an outdoor floor lamp, one on each side of the patio.
 Last summer I created new lamp shade covers for both
from burlap ribbon.
Look to the lower right~
To honor my Miss Beazy Lee,
who we lost nearly 2 years ago,
is a darling Golden Retriever figure
given to me by Mr. CMDesign.
The pics don't do this beautiful piece of artwork justice.
In person it looks so real.
The artist did an amazing job.
She is wearing Miss B's pink scarf.

From here we can look back over to the meditation garden.
In front of St. Francis
is a row of roses called Pink Carpet.
These roses stay low to the ground and spread out like a carpet, thus the name.

 Today I picked the first 2 little strawberries of the season.
Aren't they beautiful?
Thank you for stopping by
and a warm welcome to all new followers.
So nice to meet you.
Have a great weekend.
Be Blessed!
Celestina Marie