Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cabinet Door Sign

You know I am never done decorating,
 changing things and adding details.
Some time ago, I was traveling in Arkansas and stopped at a wonderful flea market and found these great cabinets doors for sale.

Not sure  where this flea market was, off the side of the road,
but those always seem to be the best stops.
Cabinet doors are perfect for signs, paintings and inspiration boards
with the frame built right in.
I sold many designed with paintings, French graphics and roses,
so I thought I would keep one for myself to place above my kitchen cabinets. An area I continue to work on and evolve over time.
First, I painted this treasure a cottage white and added an enlarged
french graphic using the blender pen transfer method, shared HERE,
followed by filling in a bit to darken with a Sharpie Pen.
The graphic is courtesy of
Since this is to be displayed up high, it needed to be darker.
See the smaller graphic? ~ this antiqued version was the inspiration for the look, yet leaving it light enough to be seen from the floor.

Next I began to antique the background and darken the framed edge.

Using acrylic paint in burnt umber and water, working quickly and applying with a soft cloth.
You can apply an extender medium to the paint for a longer work time if you have never done this. All these supplies are inexpensive
and available at most craft centers.

The color goes right over the words and then I float a bit more
color around the high points and edges.
Sand for a bit of distress and age.

To the framed area I darkened it  with the umber
and added black to the edge.
I also had some scroll appliques in my stash,
so I added those to the sides and top of the graphic.

Here it is in the new spot above the cabinets in my kitchen.

From a plain cabinet door~

To a French Graphic Display Sign.

If you come across these doors, don't pass them up,
they are great to create with.

Happy Creating.

Celestina Marie