Thursday, December 4, 2014

Entering to Christmas

Hi Friends,
Well I know you are all decorating and decking your homes for Christmas.
It has been so much fun to visit and see your decor and the wonderful creative ideas you share.
I too have been up to the same and finished with a little Christmas in every room.
Many things I did not bring out this year, and many areas of my home I changed in new ways
when it comes to posting, where to begin??

So I will start right at the entry way and the front door.
This is actually after you come in.
I placed a berry wreath here with bells on the inside.
I'll share my porch in a later post.

This is the first thing you see when entering.
I change this area with the seasons.

This woodland Santa is one of my favorites and I have had him for years.
He stands in a wicker sled filled with little gifts and forest greens.

Next to the sled, I have a pine cone tree I created many years ago.

To the bottom shelf is a vintage tub filled with poinsettias.

Hanging on the window mirror are 3 vintage snowflakes hand created
by the mother of a good friend. 
I cherish these treasures.

Across the entry by the door is a cluster of woodland trees.
Topped with a rustic bird, deer antlers and cardinal birdhouses.
I found this special wooden bird in Roundtop, Texas this year.
It is wrapped in grapevine with a leather wing.

Sitting on a wooden sled with metal antler runners is my golden deer.
He is so special and greets all who enter.

Each rustic bird house has a little cardinal peeking out.

There's more to the entry, but I'll share it in upcoming posts.

In the meantime, 
my inspiration this year comes from a beautiful work of art I found for my sitting room
It is a painting by Dona Gelsinger from 2001.
The colors and theme just stole my heart.
Santa taking the time to stop and bring some treats for the woodland critters.
Isn't it gorgeous?
I love the deer, bunny and squirrel waiting for a treat.
Santa opens his bag of gifts to share apples along his way.

This hangs over my sofa and I will share the rest with you next time.

Thanks for stopping by, see you soon.

Celestina Marie
p.s. stopping back to invite you to visit my 
She is having a blog giveaway and offering an item from me.
Pay her a visit and tell her hello
if you enter, good luck!!