Thursday, December 11, 2014

Southern Magnolia Decorating

It seems like it was only a little while ago 
I was decorating last year with Magnolia leaves and branches.

Here we are in a new season and my tradition continues.

I shared my wreaths and garlands from last year a few weeks ago.
Those creations are long gone
but this years cuttings have been in the garage in a bucket
staying fresh  and waiting to be brought inside.

Today I gathered the branches and lay them out on the garage floor
to see how and which ones to use for a swag, wreath and garland.

This years leaves are huge!

After creating the shape,
I use painters tape to hold the stems together.
Once I like the shape and design I add a wire for hanging.

It looks something like this and ready to add a ribbon and hang.

And here it is over the inspirational art piece I hung over my sofa this year.
You noticed the ribbon is off center. 
I like to do that as I find it more pleasing then always having everything even.
Love the look over this Woodland themed art
by Dona Gelsinger.

Next I created a wreath.
Different from the design of last year.
This one is smaller and shaped a little different.

Using a green Styrofoam ring from the Dollar Store,
I hot glue the leaves all around the top, inside and out.

Add jute to the back for hanging.

Then I added silver stars also from the Dollar Tree and a red ribbon for color.

This one's a unique shape
and hangs in my kitchen.
Like nature, 
it doesn't have to be perfect!

I used the branches left over to top my dining room hutch and family room cabinet

I also added little lights for an evening glow.

Dressed in white with glittery trees and vintage ornaments.

The family room is topped in a different way. 
Instead of a flat look like the dining room,
I did this one grouped in the center
around the birdcage.

This cabinet displays all my blue and white 
dishes with snow village and trees.

The little picture on the top right in the collage below,
is my parents one Sunday going off to church.

This was a few years before they passed away.

These Southern Magnolia Decorations
will last about 3 weeks.
Long about the new year, they will be ready to keep dry or toss out.
That's okay though because my tree will supply another
bunch of cuttings for next year.

Thanks for stopping by, your visits and comments.

Welcome to my new followers.
So nice to have you along.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Celestina Marie