Monday, December 22, 2014

Painting Santa

Many years ago when I started learning decorative painting,
I fell in love with the art form very quickly.

From the moment I began swinging my paint brushes, I was addicted.

I studied and learned all I could
and then I went on to teaching others the love of painting in a design school
for decorative artists.

I taught for many years before making changes to my journey.
However, still today that love of painting stays with me every time I pick up my brushes.

Christmas time was always a busy season for me once I began to perfect my skill.
I attended many shows, home interior features and  the list goes on.

Santa has always been a favorite of mine to paint and these several
below are from decorative design studies I attended along the way from 
artists I learned from many years ago on my career path.

This Santa is made from wood and cut by me on a scroll saw.
Sanded and then painted he stands nearly 2 foot tall.
The design is from Pumpkin Ridge.

His pack is filled with toys for good little boys and girls!

The next is also from the same artist from Pumpkin Ridge.
He is also cut from wood and stands 2 foot tall.

The next is once again from Pumpkin Ridge
and I painted him on a vintage plate.

Lastly this set of Santa's (so long ago, I don't even know what artist drew the design) are fashioned like vintage ice skates with Santa as the foot plate and
the blade runners made from wood.
I added them to a bough of winter evergreen and it hangs for display
on the wall or the door.

This is just a few over the years hand painted for Christmas.

I have many more that live in other homes
hopefully still giving joy to their owners.

Next year I hope to paint a few new jolly old Santa's.

Till next time,
Thanks for stopping by
 I'll be back with a couple more posts before Christmas.

Celestina Marie