Monday, February 9, 2015

Mid Winter Mantel and Balance~

Hi Friends~
To brighten the winter grey days,
I've added a pop of red throughout my home.

To the Sitting room mantel, I did the same.
 When strolling down the 66% off  aisle in Hobby Lobby,
I came across this gorgeous red geraniums print with black, white and a canning jar for the subject.

I loved it and thought it might work on the mantel for late winter working up to springtime.
Plus it was such a great reduced price of 15 dollars, how could I pass it up.

The black and white is perfect for this room and a checkerboard design
always speaks to me.

My idea here is to not only share the red but to share positioning treasures for balance using
odd numbers of items.

I prefer the look of an odd number of pieces which I find pleasing to the eye.
Some of us like everything to be placed evenly and I do that too at times where needed.
This mantel just happens to always end up arranged in odd numbers of objects.

This rustic pitcher brings out the color in the prints frame corners and raised on books for elevation. This become a section and arrangement of 3.

The candles come on with timers each evening for a cozy glow
and this tall vase also picks up the colors from the print.

Again this side is in odd numbers of objects and not all vases need to hold flowers.
The pitcher on the opposite side with it's tall spike greens 
gives the height needed for balance.

The only red comes from the geraniums and to have more might take away from the focal point.

The eye settles in the center with these two sweet birds.
I hand painted these several years ago from a Dollar Store find.
Adding shades of white and creams give them interest.

So all together there is 9 items for balance.
I am counting the candle sticks and glass as one,
The stack of books as one.
The  pitcher and spikes as one.
The framed print as one.
The little birds as two.
Then lastly the tall vase, little quote plaque and second candle stick,
all as one each.
Totaling 9.

Is this crazy?
I do believe in decorating there are no set rules.
If it looks good to you and you're living with it, 
that's what matters.

I just happen to have learned the odd number balance when studying interior design many years ago.
Today those first ideas are not as popular
but many of us are doing this without even realizing it.

When you look around at your displays and vignettes,
I bet many are situated in uneven numbers ranging from 3, 7 and 9.
Look around.
You might be surprised.

As we move from Mid Winter to Spring I am enjoying the pop of red
and a bit of balance for the season.

 The End!

~See you next time~

~Be Blessed~

Celestina Marie



Crissi said...

Have a wonderful week dear Celestina Marie!☺
Be blessed!
Hug Crissi

Sunflowers With Smiles said...

Love it!

Sola Scriptura said...

You had such a wonderful deal on that geranium print. It's gorgeous! Your mantel display looks so well balanced and coordinated. But of course it does as you are the best home designer I know :)

Tete said...

I do odd numbers, and I like balance, but totally hate obvious symmetry. Do you adjust store displays??? I do, without thinking, I just start moving things around, until I catch myself.
This odd number grouping works in the garden,too!
Love the mantle and the print. I am not a red person, but it is here...

1CardCreator said...

It looks beautiful, a great pop of color. I had heard that odd numbered arrangements were more pleasing to the eye, this proves it. ~Diane

Anonymous said...

Hi Celeste! OH, your new art purchase is so pretty and it does look so nice on your mantel. Love how you've explained the dressing of your mantel. I always have a little trouble trying to figure out what to do. But you're right, it's really just about what we like. Thanks for popping in to see me and yes, that's a Blue Willow tea pot! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Donna said...

Hi Celestina
You are a true master of display and vignette creating! So many great tips and points you shared. I too love odd numbers in displays. I don't like things to look too perfectly symmetrical, so true about odd number of items being more interesting. You've created such a pretty mantle!

TexWisGirl said...

it's very nice. i like that rustic pot, too!

Cynthia said...

Love that fabric and the pop of red. We just got a HL in NJ by where e live, finally. I have yet to visit. Love your mantle


Dianna said...

What a lovely print, Celeste! Thank you for sharing about the uneven number being okay to add balance. I've always decorated with what I felt looked opposite from my mama. Hers has to be exact. I cluster, she takes a part. I've always considered my mama's vignettes to be more correct than mine! Now I find that mine are just fine, also! That makes me smile! Thanks so much for the way you share your knowledge here with us.

Tina said...

Loving the pop of red!
Have a wonderful week.

Claudia said...

Hi Celeste,
it is wonderful, how you arrange all those lovely items! Very special and unique!
Have a blessed and great new week,
sending Love and hugs,
Claudia xoxo

Claudia said...

Hi Celeste,
it is wonderful, how you arrange all those lovely items! Very special and unique!
Have a blessed and great new week,
sending Love and hugs,
Claudia xoxo

Old Time Cindy said...

I really like your print with the pop of red, Celeste. You are so talented, I bet you could paint something similar. But it was a good deal and would be hard to pass up.
Farmhouse hugs,

Art and Sand said...

I try to use odd numbers in my vignettes and also flower arrangements. But, I also go with what pleases my eye at the time.

I love the display on your mantel.

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your beautiful decoration, that pop of red really does the trick. We all need colour in the winter!

Hugs, Valerie

Anonymous said...

What a lovely arrangement, Celeste! The picture was a great find; it looks fabulous on your mantel. You have a way of arranging your vignettes that are so pretty and pleasing to the eye! I love odd numbers when decorating too. I hope you have a wonderful week! Sending many blessings your way!

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Wonderful pop of red for the month of romance. I always do things in odd numbers, I think it's pleasing to the eye. Your mantel looks inviting and warm. What a steal of the picture, lucky girl. Happy Valentine's day.

Deborah Montgomery said...

I've heard that "rule" of using an uneven number, and it always made sense to me, just looks better naturally I think. Your red gives a lovely pop of color, especially nice for this time of year. I just had to toss my geranium brought inside this fall. Despite care, it has been in a slow decline, and lack of sunshine hasn't helped!
xo Deborah

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Celestina, I had to jump up and go look at my mantle. You're right! 9 items. Normally I would have probably had about 20 but I'm really trying!! and I might have succeeded this time all on my own..Happy Monday and I love that print..Judy

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Love your mantel of "In-between" I try to adhere to the odd number rule of thumb...I feel it is more pleasing to the eye...So many wonderful things on your mantel that are positioned perfectly and making it so very beautiful and interesting!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I heard that rule of odd numbers a while back and have tried to adhere to it. Most of the time it's the only way it looks good unless you are absolutely stuck on uniformity! Your mantel looks fab- I like your new find!!

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

The red adds a nice pop of lively color to brighten up the gray days! I tend to decorate with odd numbers, but I guess I've read so many decorating magazines over the years that something has sunk in!

living from glory to glory said...

Hello, I think I did chuckle over the way you explained it!
I think every room needs just a splash of red, and a bit of yellow or gold.
That is what I was told years ago, but sometimes it just does not go!
I am just getting ready to redo my mantel as it still has snowmen and ice skates on it! You, My dear have inspired me. I just may go by Hobby Lobby also! Hugs, Roxy

suziqu's thread works said...

I love the pop of the red geraniums - they are so life like really! Oh and that earthen pitcher with the ceramic blue and white really appeals to me also!
Have a wonderful week Celeste!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning Celeste! Am I ever late here! Thank you for this cheery and bright post; even though I LOVE my white studio, every evening when I come home, the house is so cold, and I can't bear to sit in my studio; the icy white décor needs some warming up. I think I may at least get a gray velvet blanket for the white couch to warm things up....but your red touch is marvelous!!! And the price is just perfect. With Valentine's Day coming up and it being the anniversary date of when I met my husband, I think I may ask for some pink roses to help the décor!

ENJOY YOUR DAY dear one! Anita

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

What a nice clearance aisle find, Celeste! I know you have black and white going on in parts of your home, too, so this will work out wonderfully for you. I usually seem to have some red in my black and white living room, too, at this time of year what with Christmas and then Valentine's Day.

Mari said...

Celeste I just love your new print, but how sweet are those cute little birdies! What is it about birds that speaks to my heart......your mantle looks simply stunning my friend....I want to wish you a very Happy Valentines Day.

Hugs ~

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Lovely addition to warm things up. Valentine's is such a romantic day.
Winter sometimes can be dreary, so pops of color is always inviting. Happy Valentine's early. xoxo

Stacey said...

Your mantel looks so pretty! I just love the artwork you found at Hobby Lobby. Way to go! I never get tired of red geraniums - they are my all time favorite. The quote you have placed on the mantel is perfect too. I admit that I'm often guilty of decorating in fact, I thought about writing a post about it because I know we are supposed to do odd numbers but I just often end up with pairs. Oh well. :)

Enjoy the beautiful weather. I just love it!

JES said...

Very nice! I found you from Roses of Inspiration. I have heard of the odd number rule too. It came to me when sewing a dress, they said do three or 5 buttons on a blouse to embellish but say clear of even numbers. Since then this has stuck with me too... Have a wonderful week!

Rue said...

You're right.... I always have odd numbers of things gathered together. It feels weird when I don't.

You're mantel looks beautiful, Celestina :)


Dreaming of Vintage said...

So pretty! Wahhhhhh, I wish I could paint like you! Such talent!

JES said...

Thanks for the follow and sweet comment! Following along also :)

Feral Turtle said...

How pretty! You've created a beautiful vignette! I really really really want a mantel and I think you have pushed me one step closer to creating one! Cheers!

Julie Marie said...

Hello dear Celeste... I love your pops of red!... and those littel dollar store birdies you painted are so sweet... I am like you, I place things in odd numbers, usually 3's... my mama always did too... xoxo... Julie Marie

Scrappy quilter said...

I too love how your red pops out. What a lovely setting.

Conniecrafter said...

lovely display, flowers are especially welcomed this time of year

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Love your entire mantel. When I try to do asymmetrical, it always looks unbalanced to me. You make it looks so easy and beautiful. (I guess that's the difference between someone who knows what they are doing and someone who is just winging it.) I love your new picture. I'm also drawn to checks, and the Geraniums in a jar are perfect against that background.

Createology said...

Striking pop of red is lovely in the dreary months of Winter. You are so correct about we should live with what we like. I do usually have odd numbers of items. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and timely experience. I love what you do dear...

cynthia lee designs said...

Love that print with the pop of red flowers in the jar!! Everything looks great.

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Dear Celestina

Red is the perfect colour for Winter decorating!
Your mantel looks stunning - a beautifully balanced display. I agree with your 9 items, in the garden I always plant in 3's or 5's and find it works well!

Hugs for you too!
Shane x

Alessandra said...

I love your pops of red. Your mantle decors are so pretty.Your knoledge about the odd numbers rule is very interesting.

Creations By Cindy said...

Love your reds! Just love it! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Red Rose Alley said...

Celestina, I saw your red flowers on my side bar, and had to come over and take a peek. Your picture is so pretty, and Red always speaks to me. Hobby Lobby is such a great place to find special things. It looks so nice on your mantel, along with that gorgeous pitcher. I didn't know you studied Interior Design. Jess has a degree in Interior Design, and although she chose to teach kids in the end, she will always have that design degree.

Happy Valentine's Day, sweet Celestina.

love, ~Sheri

Stephanie said...

The pop of red is perfect, my friend! You are so beautiful and your home is pure loveliness :) Thanks for sharing at Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you!

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hi Celestina Marie, your mantel is so pretty with your new print and everything is displayed so nicely. I do like the idea of an odd number of items. I will have to try this idea sometime. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day and weekend.

Linda Walker said...

I love your mantel! Very pretty! Many years ago I took a cake decorating class and the instructor told us that we should always use an odd number when placing flowers or other decorations on the cake. Of course there are times when this rule doesn't apply but it has stuck with me all these years--always 3 instead of 2 it seems! I too like the way it looks better than using an even amount.

Joy Junktion said...

I love that print you found at HL, I wish I'd seen it at my local HL. Red/Black/White are my love colors!! Thanks for sharing your mantle vignette/design! It always helps to see other friends ideas! You are so very talented! Blessings, Cindy xoxo

farmhouse-story said...

the print is such a great buy! gotta love hobby lobby:) the mantle is lovely, celeste!

Stephanie said...

You were featured at Roses of Inspiration today, sweet friend! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day. Hugs!

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