Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Rhythm of Creating

Hi Friends 

I'm doing some inspirational travel
on this 28th day of my birth month~~

 I will be back soon,
 but till then,
I had to stop in and say hello.

While I love to get out in the world 
viewing nature around me, 
I realize,
 I really don't have to go far
 for the inspiration to create.

Most of the time, it is right here at home.
 Here and there 
among the treasures I love,
 the books I read 
and the views right outside my window.
So I curl up in a comfy chair to read beautiful words
view gorgeous photos
and settle on thoughts and joys.
Nesting this time of year, 
gathering and reflecting on creations that will follow.
Music has always been inspiring to me. 
Listening to the rhythm 
of beautiful note combinations
 seem to show me the way and direction.
It's the harmony and the chords,
the melody 
the rhythm that speak to my heart.

So I take up my sketch book and draw some thoughts.
As one stroke leads to another, 
I put color to my world.
Putting love into the ideas.
Finding Inspiration 
doesn't really have to take me too far away. 

Where do you find inspiration?
 Far or close by?
Travel or home?
 Within your thoughts, music and heart?
~Wishing you joy~

See you when I return!
Celestina Marie


eileeninmd said...

What a lovely post! I agree you do not have to wonder far to find inspiration! Have a happy weekend!

Unknown said...

Hi Celeste,
I agree with you, sometimes all that it takes is for me to rummage through some old books, magazines or have a peek in my art room through old journals.

You are always filled with inspiration and the love that you put into your work makes us all feel so comforted as we visit you. Have a beautiful weekend.


Jan Hermann said...

Happy Birthday Celeste!! I know you're enjoying your time always do. Inspiration is all around us, all we need to do look and listen.

Jan ♥

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I adore the different ways each of us gets our inspiration. I hope to write about mine. LOVE TO YOU MY FRIEND! Anita

DownTheLaneWithDaisy said...

Lovely to poetry.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, dear Celeste! Beauty is certainly not hard to find, especially at your lovely home and with your talent. Have a grand time while you're away.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Donna said...

Happy birthday, Celestina! Wishing you a wonderful day and fresh new year:) Have a great time, hope you find lots of inspiration on your getaway! Love, love,love your beautiful paintings! And so true about finding inspiration right at home:)

Junkchiccottage said...

Happy Birthday Celeste. Have a wonderful week end.

TexWisGirl said...

you have talent and creativity and a love of beauty. :) enjoy your travels!

Julie Marie said...

How beautiful dear Celeste... Happy Birthday to you!... I see they left you a little notice for the tiny package I sent you for your birthday... it will be there for you when you get back home... hope you are having a wonderful time!... I am like you, I am a nester... most of my inspiration comes from my home, my family, Tessy and my surrounding countryside and Nature... much love, xoxo... Julie Marie

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Happy Birthday sweet Celeste,
I am like you, home or away inspiration always fills my day.
I'm writing a poem right now "Artful expression" I think you will enjoy it. Your photos of the beauty you create makes me feel blessed to enjoy your posts and consider you a friend.
Sending love and kisses to the Birthday girl, enjoy your little getaway.

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful words and pictures. Enjoy your birthday trip! Hugs, Valerie

Julie's Lifestyle said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celestina and enjoy your time away!

NanaDiana said...

Have a wonderful time while you are away, Celeste. I find inspiration allover....home....traveling...browsing through magazines and blogs...and in the eyes of those that I love. Perhaps the best inspiration of all is right there. Happy time away to you- xo Diana

Alessandra said...

Happy Birthday sweet Celeste!!! Have a lovely time on your trip. i agree with you, home often inspire me a lot. Your pictures are gorgeous and inspire me a lot.

cynthia lee designs said...

Hope you enjoy your time away. When I have troubles on deciding what to create...I look online and also look thru my crafty books.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am inspired by so many things and very often my favorite yours! I love piano keys and took a photo of one of my dolls next to my piano today. Enjoy your weekend sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

Anonymous said...

Celeste, Happy Birthday! I know you are enjoying your special trip and celebration! You just amaze me- your piano sketch turned painting is stunning! Your comfy chair holds a beautiful throw! You are multi-talented! I find inspiration in so many places, nature, books and special treasures! Sending you hugs and many blessings on your birthday!

Jillayne said...

I find inspiration right here, in your lovely posts...
Your beautiful creations always inspire me, fill me with awe, and are a joy to behold. Every beautiful thing leads to another - so wonderful.
And a Happy Birthday to you!
Special hugs,


Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Inspiration is everywhere! Your painting is always an inspiration to me Celeste. You even inspire me to get my brushes out and dabble in my paints! My little grand even asked me to paint her a picture for her birthday... she loved it!

I'm sure you're finding inspiration on your birthday getaway. Have a fabulous time!!

Love & hugs, Edie

Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

Happy Birthday! I loved reading about how you get inspired. You're so talented and truly an inspiration to me.

Anonymous said...

Joyeux Anniversaire Celestina !
Your blog is really inspirational. Love the exquisite style of yours. Hélène

Claudia said...

Hapy Birthday, my sweet friend Celeste! ( Sorry for beeing late ....)
Thank you for this lovely post and your ways to find inspiration!
Wishing you a great time, sending love and hugs and blessings,

I get inspirations everywhere ...I always have paper and pen in my bag , to write my ideas down ;O)

Sola Scriptura said...

I hope your birthday was fabulous!! You are an inspiration to others and a joy to know :)

Kerri said...

Happy be-lated Birthday! I love that piano box you painted, its sooo pretty!!! Enjoy your time off. I had to close my French shop, since I moved I no longer have the time to create, so I decided to concentrate on my show dogs. Happy March!

Red Rose Alley said...

Celestina, I find inspiration in nature - it always clears the mind and brings me such peace. I'm so glad to hear that you will be spending time in nature too. Happy Birthday to my very dear blog friend.

love, ~Sheri

farmhouse-story said...

happy birthday to you celeste! enjoy your trip!

Tete said...

I grab mine anywhere I can find it. I love to go shopping in the kitchen and bedding depts to absorb color. I love nature for perfect balance. I enjoy music to bring calmness to my soul or to get my hind end moving when things need done.
Love all your photos...and the keys and roses.

Deborah Montgomery said...

Happy birthday dear Celeste, and I hope you have a wonderful time away. Getting away sometimes gives me a different perspective on things, and I come home inspired and filled with new ideas.
Hope this is the case with you, too, although as you say, it seems you find lots of inspiration at home too.

1CardCreator said...

Hope you enjoy your trip and your birthday. Lovely work, your roses are exquisite! ~Diane

Creations By Cindy said...

Well I must say friend that this post has given me such joy this morning and even brought a tear to my eyes. You inspire greatly! Enjoy your birthday trip. Make some memories! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

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