Saturday, March 14, 2015

From Sunny and Bright


The last of February we went on a little getaway heading South in Texas
to take a break, visit some of our favorite spots 
and  do a little junkin.

It was like this when we left right outside our neighborhood.
Love the fence!!

Anyway, the weather quickly turned to this~~

The view from our resort window!!

And while LJ was dealing with the iced over car
and blowing a few kisses my way~~ 

I was cozy here enjoying the fire. LOL

When it finally stopped sleeting,
 we braved the bitter cold
and went to town.

Not many out but us crazy junkin pickers!!

Love the old town center and city hall.

And to our amazement,
some of my favorite little shops and malls were open.

Turquoise Tumbleweed

don't you love these shop names?

Market Square


But the best junkin was found here at Witherspoon's, (including Bellamoo)
and I'll share my treasures with you next time.

Look at the name, the P is replaced with a spoon.
Love it!

Hope your day is Sunny and Bright!

See you soon
Celestina Marie


JES said...

Sounds like a fun day! I would probably go back to my room with a cup of hot cocoa and revisit my purchases of the day in front of the cozy fireplace. Have a wonderful weekend :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

We can ALWAYS find fun and inspiration when the clouds roll over us and spill their nourishment - we know the sun is behind it all, behind the darkness. Fun can always be had with antique shops! We are reveling in sunshine and unusually warm temps, but we know the other shoe will drop soon until our real spring appears in mid May!


Beverly Dillow said...

Looks like a fun place to visit! I love the signs on the shops! Can't wait to see what you found!

Cindy Lou said...

Can't wait to see what you got! Love your husband blowing kisses! How romantic! Cindy

Anonymous said...

How precious that your husband is blowing you a kiss! He's a trooper! Looks like a little sleet and ice can't stop a true junker! I can't wait to see your treasures! Have a blessed weekend, dear friend!

Donna said...

Wow, if it had been any colder there, I do believe you could have gone ice skating on the lake:) That looks like such a cute town, I am loving all of the shop signs. And you both win the award for most dedicated junkers, going out in that weather!! Can't wait to see the treasures you found!

Linda M. said...

Celeste, Thank goodness Spring is coming. I look forward to seeing all your finds. Joyous Wishes, Linda

TexWisGirl said...

glad they braved the weather to open - just for you! :) and, yes, a GREAT fence!

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Well sweet Celeste you will always remember this Birthday celebration! I agree, the names, the signs and the town is unique and looks like fun. Looking forward to your part 2 and your treasures you found. I'm sure the weather was not going to turn your smile upside down ... I hear you in the future talking with your husband ..."remember when..."
Sending love your way,
PS What a interesting fence.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Well, even with the snow and sleet it looks like a fun trip, Celeste! I'm sure as long as the two of you are together it is always fun. : )

Valerie-Jael said...

Looks like a beautiful place in spite of the inclement weather! Hugs, Valerie

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Snow and sleet wouldn't stop me either Celeste...especially with those fabulous antique malls!!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

You guys are sure good troopers. I bet you had the stores all to yourselves.
The town is really pretty and I love all the names of the stores.
Looking forward to seeing all your treasure from your trip. Glad you are home safe and sound. Hopefully the weather will change for the better soon.

cynthia lee designs said...

I'm sure you had a great time even if the weather was yucky. Can't wait to see what goodies your found.

Brenda Pruitt said...

No sun here. Still cold. At least there's no snow on the ground.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Ok you REALLY had me at the spoon in the Witherspoon sign!! How clever is that!? Looks like you two had a fabulous time in spite of the weather. We are finally out of the deep freeze here and enjoying some 50s temps! (jumping up and down with joy) I know you found some great treasures on your fun journey...

Blessings & hugs, Edie

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What a sweetie your husband is to blow you kisses while he's freezing! Where are all of these wonderful shops? Franklin? I'll look forward to seeing your purchases.

Stacey said...

Benbrook, huh? Looks like it would be worth a drive for a day trip. :)

The shops look so cute. Can't wait to see what you found.

BeachGypsy said...

those shops look like a lot of fun!! And I love the photo of the long lane with the pretty fence!

Art and Sand said...

I want to shop at Turquoise Tumbleweed and Spellbound just because of their names.

Claudia said...

Hi Celeste,
thank you for another lovely post, it looks like a nice place!
But, the snow, we do not want any more ;O)
Wishing you a wonderful and blessed new week,
sending Love and hugs,
Claudia xo

Red Rose Alley said...

What a great picture of your husband blowing kisses your way. I would frame that one, Celestina. Turquoise Tumbleweed is exactly a place that I'd love to visit. Turquoise is one of my favorite colors for sure.

love, ~Sheri

Createology said...

This year's weather certainly has been far from our old normals we knew. You were very brave to venture out and about in the ice. Yes, I do love the shoppe names and the spoon for the p. Thankfully you were able to enjoy your get-a-way in spite of the weather. Blessings Dear...

Alessandra said...

Looks like a fun place to visit. The shops look wonderful.Thanks for sharing with us this special trip.

Dorthe said...

So good to make a tour of fun and findings, when the weather is not the best , and this place seems such a great place for doing that. Yes the shop names are very special and funny, make me want to be there ,-dear.
Hugs from Dorthe

Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

I could use one of these weekends! Pretty views and how fun to visit the stores! Good for you Celestina. I think it's great that you can get away from time to time with your husband. We hope to go with hubby to Pennsylvania on a business trip this spring sometime... hopefully we can visit some Amish places, maybe swing by Washington.

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