Sunday, March 15, 2015

Treasured Finds

Hi Friends,
Hope you are enjoying a nice week.

In my last post,
I shared our little junkin trip
 and the frozen weather that accompanied us on our travels.
But as I shared, we got out and braved the cold and ice to find 
just the right treasures for redesign.

Visiting Witherspoon's was a fun place
with lots of great treasures.

TNT was filled with lots of old wood treasures like these.

Inside the mall portion of Witherspoon's
was a treasure hunters paradise!

Meeting the nice owner she allowed me a few pics.
Rows and rows of vintage and wonderful treasures
just waiting for new homes.

Love this little chest below.

Here are some of the goodies I found and currently 
in the process of redesigning for my shop.

Sewing drawers, baskets, gourd basket, vintage glove boxes,
old bingo cards, vintage medicine bottles, great old molds,
sweet baby shoe mold, rusty ceiling tiles
needlepoint, rusty child sand shovel,
old lace, and more.

Then I found some aqua treasures.
The herb tin holder, Pyrex bowl, another glove box, long wire basket,
wood tote, darling blue and white cow creamer, dough bowl,
vintage curved aqua plate, love plaque, vintage Avon bowl
and aqua and white crocheted doily.

I'm keeping a few  of these below for my spring decorating
like the Pyrex bowl, long wire basket.
curved plate and doily.
Oh and the sweet little creamer will be added to my Blue Willow collection.

Okay, it was my birthday and I decided to treat myself!! LOL

LJ found a darling ceramic bird house for our garden. 

And somehow,
 Mr and Mrs. Springtime Bunnies had to find their way home with me too.
These aren't old or vintage,
 I found them at Kroger~
and well, the rest is history!!

Our trip!

It was cold with ice and everything nice~
The junkin was fun
and the treasures were plenty.
Now I can't wait to go back
but I will need lots of money!!

See you next time sweet friends.

Be Blessed!

Celestina Marie XO


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning sweet Celeste! Oh don't you just love these antique malls? We have oodles of them here and my husband and I just love visiting them. We are always discovering them here in the Twin Cities; we've been here 18 years and we still find places we didn't know where there.

I am going to be on spring break week after this, and I'm going to paint a few treasures I have that need some shabbying up!

Lovely friend, I hope your weather stays mild! Getting those surprise cold snaps is not fun! AND...thank you so much for coming to visit. YES! I am making my book into a coffee table-type piece! I hope it works out....


Anonymous said...

You're a poet! :) Oh, my goodness, look at all of the treasures you brought home! I know you'll put your touch on all of those sweet things. I love the Butterprint Pyrex print - one of my favs. The bunnies are perfect for Easter and spring time. They don't have Krogers up here. That was one of my all time favorite grocery stores! Waa!! Have a beautiful Sunday, sweet friend.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Betty said...

So many goodies you found. I am excited to see what you make from them. Love the herb tin.

Jan Hermann said...

Hi Celeste...

It certainly seems to me that you had a GREAT time away. I loved the names of all of the shops and bet it was indeed great fun going up and down the aisles looking for goodies to take home with you. Lovin' the sewing machine drawers (as you know) and just took a look around my office and have a few more ideal spots for them! Hmmmmm...

Have a wonderful week...
Jan ♥

Grandma Linda's Daydreams said...

Oh what fun that was, browsing about in there! Just the kind of place I am trying to get my booth set up in. But the lady here has sold my booths that I picked out to another person twice. I'm ready to go and set up as soon as she lets me know another one is available. I love going junkin'! Glad spring is coming though. Even cold weather and slippery roads for me!

Have fun making your treasures look beautiful!

Donna said...

What a fun place to shop, Celestina! Those giant wood bed posts are so neat! I love all of your treasures, you always find the best goodies. The child's shoe mold is darling. Hope you are keeping that one for yourself! And I can't wait to see you work your magic on them all:) Those bunnies are so sweet, who would have guessed they came from Kroger? Or, "Kro-jay", as I call it!! Have a great day my talented friend!!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

I KNEW you found treasures! You have a great collection of items to transform into the keepsakes you create for your sweet shop. The things you're keeping are going to find wonderful places in your home Celeste. I wish we had such cool places here to treasure hunt. We love to visit the few we have. But we have vowed to do some day trips through Ohio & Indiana this summer to discover the unknown!

Happy creating!! Love, Edie

Valerie-Jael said...

What a lot of goodies you have to play wth, I am sure you will have fun working with them- and those bunnies are just adorable! Hugs, Valerie

Anonymous said...

What lovely treasures, Celeste! I love the aqua color palette! You also found some amazing vintage pieces; just look at that darling shoe form! The bunnies are adorable! What a fun trip and very productive for your shop! I can't wait to see what you do with them!

Lady Linda said...

Well, you had a very lovely day! I hope you have fun with all your finds. Happy belated birthday too.

TexWisGirl said...

i picked up on the birdhouse right away! and then the gourd basket! how cool!

Linda M. said...

Hello Celeste,
It sounds like you had a great time and you did find a lot of fun new treasures. I enjoyed your poem. Joyous Wishes, Linda

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

You and hubby hit pay dirt on your icy BD weekend in the Arctic air!!! Truly wonderful finds and I so want that green long wire basket! Looking forward to seeing your talented visions to your pieces.

Cindy Lou said...

Happy decorating! Have fun! Cindy

Red Rose Alley said...

What a fun antique mall you went to. I love places like this. The aqua section caught my eye, it's all so pretty. And those bunnies are so sweet.

I'm not sure which part of TEXAS you live in, but Nel just did a post about Dallas, Texas when she visited, and I hope she represented your fair city well.

Have a peaceful weekend, Celestina.


Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Goof Morning, you sure found some wonderful treasures on your icy trip. What a wonderful place to shop. It sounds like you and your honey had a terrific time. Can hardly wait to see you work your magic on all those wonderful items. Happy crafting.
Have a great week.

Claudia said...

Hi Celeste,
what a wonderful place! I love stores like this and I guess, I always would have filled bags, when I would come out ;O)
Happy new week to you, my dear friend,
sending Love and hugs

Rose L said...

I am Rose and I am an antique mall addict. I am also a thrift store addict, garage sale addict, and rummage sale addict!!!

Alessandra said...

Dear Celeste, you found a lot of treasures in this wonderful thrift shop.The two bunnies are just adorable, very sweet, perfect for Easter decors.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

You found some great little treasures, Celeste! I can't believe you found so many sewing drawers! I would love to get another one. I found one, once, at a small antique store. I had thought I might paint it white at one time, but I really liked it just the way it is. They are great for holding laces and seam bindings.


How fun to find some birthday treasures! Nice finds.

Blondie's Journal said...

Oh! The birdhouse! Sigh....

I love trips like these, always so special and we have the reminders on our blogs should we ever want to look back! :)

Jane xx

Gypsy Heart said...

Well, I'm a sissy and don't get out and drive on days like that. I had to when I was working and it was so scary to try and drive on ice! You found lots of treasures ~ good for you.

Where in Texas are you? I'm in the DFW area.


Old Time Cindy said...

Oh Celeste, we would have so much fun pickin' together! This has been a long, hard winter and I have not been able to pick much at all. I miss it. You really grabbed some great finds. Have fun decorating and creating.
Farmhouse hugs,

Dorthe said...

Such good luck, dear Celestina Marie, you found all kind of wonderful things ,to alter, or to keep as is. I also love th e
pyrex bowl and the long wire basket, and we are so to treat our self at birthdays and other special occations, lol.
It must have been a very lovely tour, with your husbond.
Hugs ,Dorthe

Stephanie said...

Dearest Celeste, it looks like you had a most wonderful birthday even with the snow and cold :) The Antique stores are simply beautiful and filled with so many treasures - what a delight!

Thank you for sharing your birthday fun with us. Have a lovely Monday. Hugs to you!

Okio B Designs said...

What a great little shop! Wish I lived closer. And you scored some nice pieces. =)


1CardCreator said...

What beautiful and interesting finds, I really can't wait to see what you make from these finds too! ~Diane

Jill said...

I just love treasure hunting to new places!! Looks like you found some delightful items! Thanks for giving us a sneak peek into some of the locations you visited. So many stories in those items. Take Care!


Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Glad you found such great treasures!...and Happy Birthday!!!

Deborah Montgomery said...

Looks like you got some wonderful treasures! You will have lots of fun creating, and tweaking and painting. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with everything. Whatever you do, I know it will be beautiful!
Enjoy your week, Celeste!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Celeste, you are a brave soul to forge into that cold day, but nothing can keep a junk-hunter down and it looks like you collected some wonderful treasures..Happy Monday..Judy

Shug said...

Nice heart goes pitter patter when I get to go antiquing...
Looks like some great places here.
Have a wonderful week...

Kathy said...

Brrrr.. but looks like well worth braving the cold. You found some wonderful treasures!

Feral Turtle said...

Happy Birthday Celeste! Thanks for sharing your day!

Linda Walker said...

Hi Celeste,
Happy Birthday!!! Wow, I love all of your finds!!! I fell in love with the little white creamer and all the vintage blue items--love, love them! Fabulous finds for sure!

Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

We have an antique mall that I don't go to very often because it's pricey. I love all the pretty things you found. I've never seen a dough bowl with a handle. What will you do with the drawers? I saw some similar at Habitat last week. You have some fun projects to work on.

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