Sunday, May 24, 2015

Happy Memorial Day 2015


With the holiday weekend here, we as Americans kick off the start of Summer. 

Let us not forget the many men and women that have served our country strong so we may have the freedoms to enjoy a weekend like this.

We can not forget the sacrifices they made for the cost of freedom. 

And, for our loved ones passed on within families so dear, may we remember with joy happy and memorable times we spent together.

As we fly our flags high this weekend and beyond,
 I wish for you a safe, fun and special Memorial Day.

Celestina Marie


Anonymous said...

Blessings to you this Memorial Day, Celeste. So many have given their lives for our freedom. May God bless America.

Sunflowers With Smiles said...

Same to you CelestinaMarie! Enjoy your weekend.!

Kim said...

As the daughter of a veteran I agree!! :)

Stacey said...

Amen and same to you. Hope you and your family are staying safe with all of this rain.

Jan Hermann said...

Have a Blessed Memorial Day weekend, Celeste!

Birdman said...

Flags. Sun. Clouds. Blue Skies. Like this image.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

They truly are our heros. Putting themselves on the line is something incomprehensible, but every so often you get a glimpse into what they have done for us.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

They truly are our heros. Putting themselves on the line is something incomprehensible, but every so often you get a glimpse into what they have done for us.

Kelly-Anne said...

Oh, how I wish we had such wonderful celebrations in South Africa!
But, as we don't, let me wish you a blessed Memorial Day, dear Celestina!
Hugs to you!

Valerie-Jael said...

Great that all those people who gave so much are remembered! Hugs, Valerie

Brenda Pruitt said...

Have a wonderful Sunday. Rainy here.

Poppy said...

Hi Celestina,

It is lovely to meet you, too!

Hear, hear! Freedom is precious, and those brave men and women who have fought for it surely deserve to be remembered.

Thanks for your sweet words both at Kris' and on Poppy View. I look forward to getting to know you, too, now that I'm your newest follower.

Happy Memorial Day weekend,


Brandi said...

So thankful for all of those who sacrifice so we can enjoy a beautiful holiday with our families.

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Beautiful post mon amie. My weekend is being spent in reflection. It is our 36th anniversary living in our home but also is the first year anniversary of my Dad's passing on May 26, 2014 on Memorial Day. My Dad served in WWll and was a brave proud man. I always remember to thank all those who serve and give so much.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Blessings to you my dear friend.

Unknown said...

Celeste, Happy Memorial Day and God Bless the Great Country of America!

cynthia lee designs said...

Wishing you a Day Weekend too.

Createology said...

Thank you dear for this beautiful tribute post to why we are able to celebrate a Memorial Weekend. Please stay high and dry in your overabundance of rain. We finally had a light rain overnight which was not measurable, however I am so grateful for what we got. Safe Memorial...

Joy Junktion said...

Happy Memorial Day to you as well, Celeste! Blessings dear friend, Cindy

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Amen Celeste! Never to be forgotten!


Junkchiccottage said...

Happy Memorial Day Celeste. We are blessed in this country to have so many brave men and women in the military to protect our freedom. Enjoy the day tomorrow.

Sola Scriptura said...

I hope you're enjoying the long holiday weekend! I'm heading off to a midwife appointment in a few minutes. Hugs to you!

Dee said...

Beautiful post... Have a blessed Memorial Day... :)

A Colorful World said...

Wonderful Memorial Day post!

Alessandra said...

Happy memorial day, dear Celestina.

eileeninmd said...

Oh yes, God Bless our veterans and military. Happy Memorial Day to you!

Blondie's Journal said...

Beautiful, thoughtful post. I so appreciate the sacrifices our soldiers made for this great country...I hope the veterans know how we love to celebrate this day!

Jane x

Jill said...

Hope you had a lovely weekend. We appreciated every moment of our freedom thanks to these great men and women who have served and lost their lives for us and continue to proudly serve. :-) Have a wonderful day!


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