Friday, July 3, 2015

God Bless America!

Growing up, I was raised in a very patriotic family.

We raised our flag for each and everyone of our nations celebrations.

My father actually installed a beautiful flag pole in our yard that we were all very proud of.

Today we always fly our flag each and everyday.

Since 911 we have not taken it down except to replace it when worn.
 Our flag is a permanent part of our home.

 And, if you fly a flag 24/7 it is proper etiquette 
to have it lit with a spotlight during the night time hours.

The First Flag!

Our Flag is a symbol of service 
and on June 14th 1777 the Continental Congress 
passed the first Flag Act which resolved 
that the flag of the United States be made of 13 stripes in red and white
and  the union should be 13 stars with a blue background.

 In 1818 the Act provided that the 13 stripes represented the 13 colonies
 and one star for each state to be added on the 4th of July 
following admission of each new state and signed by President Monroe.
Thus we have the flag we know today.

Whatever you plan for this Independence Day
I hope you have happy and safe times with family and friends
 and look towards our flag with honor and pride in America.

From our home to yours

Happy 4th of July!

Be Blessed


Valerie-Jael said...

Nice to learn so much history of the flag. Have a great July 4th! Hugs, Valerie

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning beautiful soul! Wave that banner of beauty any time of the year. You certainly do, and thank you! LOVE! Anita

Conniecrafter said...

Great post and I love your door decoration! Same at my house growing up, the flag was put out at every holiday and Dad took care of it so well, we have had so much rain lately that I haven't had it out in some time.

TexWisGirl said...

i love that. happy weekend to you and yours.

Dorthe said...

Happy 4`th of July, dear friend,-it was interesting reading your post, and I so understand you have your flag high since 911.
Here in Denmark, it is very embarrassing, if we don`t have our flag down before sundown- if it is a normal big flag, but smaller ones are alowed to keep up always !!
Hugs, Dorthe

GranthamLynn said...

Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing it and coming by. I am going back to the closet now. Hehe. Have a wonderful day.

Sola Scriptura said...

I wish you a very happy 4th of July!

Cynthia said...

Wonderful tribute to our great County. I love America and our flag.


eileeninmd said...

Happy 4th of July to you and yours!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Beautiful post and I learned more of the history of our flag. Wishing you and yours a very Happy Fourth of July. God Bless America.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a lovely July 4th weekend.

Kim said...

Have a wonderful holiday! I love the history lesson, I really should know more about our flag!


Happy 4th! Pretty front door decor.

Ivy and Elephants said...

What a glorious post on our beloved flag. I've not seen another as beautiful nor awe inspiring. Old Glory, long may she wave!
Happy Independence Day!

Red Rose Alley said...

Everything looks so festive around your house, Celestina. Your red door is perfect for the 4th. Thank you for the interesting info about our flag. And it was nice to hear a little about your celebrations when growing up. I remember the block parties every year when I was a kid, and the sparklers, and always watermelon hehe.

Happy Fourth of July, precious friend.

love, ~Sheri

Createology said...

Thank you Celestina Dear for honoring and sharing our American Flag and its amazing history. Freedom is not Free. Blessings and Safe Happy Fourth to you and yours.

Mari said...

Have a great Fourth of July Celeste.....


Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Our flag is flown 24/7-365 too. We have it lighted at night, and in our 11 years have replaced it three times. (Winters are harsh here.)

I wish you fond memories of your patriotic childhood, and a safe happy weekend for you and yours as well.

Crissi said...

Wonderful, happy day!
Be blessed!
Hug Crissi

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning Celeste! I just saw your comment on my blog post....thank you so much for commenting; I know this is a travel weekend for a lot of people, but I so appreciate your visit. Aren't those oils just fabulous? Like you, I enjoy studying to the detail HOW on earth an artist can convey a heavenly feel for subjects as the sea. I am enjoying this feeling every day in my home!

Wishing you a spectacular fourth! Anita

Anonymous said...

With honor and pride indeed, my friend.
Happy fourth.

Birdman said...

Happy 4th!

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Enjoy your 4th of July celebrations today. From one patriotic friend to another God Bless America.

Linda Walker said...

Lovely photos of our beautiful flag displayed with pride! I love the history as well...enjoy the holiday and festivities Celestina! God Bless America!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Happy 4th, Celestina. Your pictures are beautiful and really celebrate our country's independence..Judy

Anonymous said...

Lovely post, Celeste, and happy 4th! How heartwarming to know you and your husband are so patriotic to have your flag out all of the time. We do have ours out a lot too! We do have so much to be thankful for, don't we?
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful post, Celeste....your pictures and words were a delight! I hope you had a blessed 4th of July, dear friend. Hugs to you!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Lovely post...We all should be so proud. Love that you share the flag permanently.
Your door decor is so pretty and patriotic. Thank you for your sweet visit and comforting words.

Debbie said...

Your post is not only festive in looks, but very patriotic in content...a nice tribute to our nation, and what the flag stands for, Celeste. I hope your holiday weekend has been joyful.

Kathy said...

I think it's wonderful that you fly the flag full time. Texans are known to be flag-flying creatures. I'm proud of our patriotism and proud of yours!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

This is such a lovely post and so informative too. Aren't we so blessed to live in America. Your family traditions are so meaningful and honorable, it touches me.
Hope your Fourth of July was a very pleasant one!
Sending Hugs to YOU!

Alessandra said...

Your door decor is just gorgeous. Very nice to learn about the history of your flag. Happy 4th of July to you and to all the americans.

Phil Slade said...

I wish we in this country were so patriotic. It is very unusual to see the Union Jack flying at private houses.

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