Monday, August 31, 2015

Special Memory

When I was a little girl,
 I used to admire a gorgeous treasure when we would visit my dear grandmother, who I always called Nana.

In her kitchen, she had a lovely hutch that stood so grand in the corner of the room. 
It was not a large hutch, for her kitchen was small and cozy, but it was grand in the eyes of myself, the child who loved pretty things even then.

Through the glass doors I always admired her pretty gold tea pot, sugar and creamer and 6 demi cups and saucers. I thought it was magnificent. Nana told me it was from Italy and a gift brought back to her from a dear friend when visiting her home town of Naples. I knew it was very special to her in just the way she spoke of the treasure. 

Nana only used the set for special occasions when company would visit.  I remember a time when she had a gathering of her special friends and my mother and I were included. The ladies enjoyed an espresso coffee from the demi cups and of course I was given juice. oh well too young~~~ but I thought I was so important to sit with the ladies while they talked in a mix of Italian and English.

As the years went forth, the treasured set remained secure and beautiful behind the glass doors of the small grand hutch that stood so proud in Nana's kitchen. As I grew older, I continued to admire the set and the special spot in Nana's heart that it would fill. The treasure that came from her home town of Naples, Italy. The town she would never visit again while on this earth. I used to feel sad about that, thinking that my dearest grandmother would never go home again to visit. Back then, it was a world away, expensive to travel and a very long trip by ship when she first came to America. When talking about this to her, she told me, that although she missed her homeland, her home was where her family was now and that was all that was important. That God had blessed her coming to America, and for this, she would always be grateful.

Earlier in August, my dear best guy and I celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary. My how the years have flown by. Remembering back to that special time just before the wedding, I visited my Nana often to talk and share my dreams of our wedding and plans of a world to come. 
On one visit before the wedding, I walked over to the hutch like I had always done my whole life up to that point and I quickly noticed the treasured gold set with the darling demi cups were missing. "Nana", I said, "Where is the set from Italy?" She motioned for me to follow her into the living room. 

As we sat on the pretty light green brocade sofa, she handed me a wrapped box to open. I looked at her puzzled, but proceeded to open the package to find the gorgeous treasured set from Italy inside.
As I began to cry and tell her, no Nana, this is yours and I could never take it. She held my hand and whispered it is for you and will be in your care from this point on. I was so excited, promising I would always take good care of it and cherish it forever. She said, she knew, I would take good care of the set because she watched over the years how I had always admired the delicate beauty of gold. 

Yes, I had admired the beautiful set and never imagined it would someday be mine to cherish. I never would have imagined the many years of looking through the hutch with admiration, that I was gazing at a wedding gift. Nana gave me a part of her heart that day and it was in her plan to do so. 

Today we calculate this beautiful set to be about 85 years old.
 It means as much to me today as it did when I first admired the delicate treasure as a little girl. 

Left in my care so long ago and a blessing I hold dear.
Not only for the beauty of the pretty set but the precious lady who gave it so generously 42 years ago.
Nana's name was Celestina Marie
and I was named after her.
She was a Godly women and a great teacher.
I hope my blog honors her memory and the blessing she was in my life.

Thank you for stopping by 
sharing in my precious memory.

Be Blessed my friends.
Celestina Marie
Happy September!!

Roses of Inspiration


Stacey said...

Celestina Marie, this is the sweetest post. I really enjoyed reading about your sweet grandmother and a little of her history. No wonder you treasure the set so much.

Jan Hermann said...

Oh, Celeste...what a beautiful tribute to your Nana! The Gold Set is so pretty and I know you enjoy having it. You were and are still blessed.

Jan ♥

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Good morning Celeste! What a sweet story! Your gold tea set is so beautiful and the story makes it so endearing. My grandma,Meme, gave me something I had admired all my life also. I felt so honored to be given the treasure to keep. I must say I had to get the tissues out! So precious Celeste. The detail on your set is gorgeous. I can just imagine you and your mom sitting with pretty cups in hand at your grandma's special gathering of ladies.

Hard to believe summer is coming to an end. Hope you and your guy have had a good one. Mine has been really busy and fun filled. Sending love and hugs and blessings, Edie

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Good morning Celeste! What a sweet story! Your gold tea set is so beautiful and the story makes it so endearing. My grandma,Meme, gave me something I had admired all my life also. I felt so honored to be given the treasure to keep. I must say I had to get the tissues out! So precious Celeste. The detail on your set is gorgeous. I can just imagine you and your mom sitting with pretty cups in hand at your grandma's special gathering of ladies.

Hard to believe summer is coming to an end. Hope you and your guy have had a good one. Mine has been really busy and fun filled. Sending love and hugs and blessings, Edie

Unknown said...

Celestina, Beautiful post!

Valerie-Jael said...

A wonderful post, and a great tribute to your dear Nana! Hugs, Valerie

Delvalina said...

What a precious memory about your Nana! I love the golden teasure as that you shared here. You're so blessed that could see her treasures I grew up far from my grandma and I didnt have much time with her.
Conratulation for your anniversary! 42 thats amazing :) Thank you for visiting my blog and left such a lovely comment.

Have a glorious day!
Eva said...

Good Morning
Your beautiful story has brought tears to my eyes. I always loved your name, now I Know where you got such a special name. Your Nana gave you such beautiful memories with that Gold Set. You are blessed. Happy Anniversary***
enjoy your day today

Feral Turtle said...

This was such a touching post and what a thoughtful gift from your Nana! Congratulations on 42 years! Here's to many more! Cheers.

Anna said...

Delightful memories...and post !
Have a lovely week !

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a beautiful story! And the set is oh so lovely!

Your grandmother would love your blog as do many who read it. We are blessed by the beauty, the inspiration and the joy of living each day.

Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

Anonymous said...

Oh, Celeste! I have tears in my eyes. What a precious story about this lovely tea set from your Nana! It is a beautiful set and I can tell how you love it! So so special and thank you for sharing!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Dreaming of Vintage said...

Wonderful memory Celestina and that special tea set if absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful treasure!

Conniecrafter said...

A touching story to go along with your post today, how special it was to get that gift that day, that she wanted to share with you something that meant so much to her, what a wonderful thing to share with her, may it be passed down from generation to generation with the story being told to each.

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Thank you for sharing your emotional and meaningful heartfelt share of Nana and the gifting. I feel graced by just reading your post, in your words her essence is shared.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Yes, Celestine, your blog is a Lovely memory to your dear Nana...very well done!

Kim said...

What a lovely tribute and a lovely memory!

Stephanie said...

Sweetest Celeste, what a precious memory and how wonderful that you have the lovely tea set in your home. This post tugged at my heartstrings...thank you for sharing such a sweet tribute.

Love and hugs to you, my friend!

Brenda Pruitt said...

What a beautiful memory! It is absolutely gorgeous.

Sandi Magle said...

Oh Celeste, I'm sitting here crying. The special things are so special, I hope you can pass this on for another 85 years to someone who will appreciate it, like you so cherish this and your memories. Beautiful post!

Bente said...

Dear Celeste, what a great memory. I loved the story, and almost got tears in my eyes. You are so lucky to have such beautiful memories from your grandmother.
Hugs from here

Createology said...

My Dear you have truly honored your sweet loving nana with this post of sharing her story. This tea set is lovely and so very precious. Happy Anniversary of 42 years. How blessed you are to be the keeper of not only this beautiful tea set from Naples Italy, but also to be your nana's namesake. How incredibly blessed dear Celestina-Marie. You exude grace and love...

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

I am setting here with tears reading this most beautiful post of your tea set from your Nana.
She knew that you loved this set and would take such good care of it.
What a wonderful way to always remember your Nana. She sounds like a wonderful grandmother, who loved you so much.
Belated Happy Anniversary to you and your wonderful loving husband.
Lots of hugs dear friend.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Celestina, I have often wondered where you got your beautiful name.I should have known it was from another beautiful and cherished woman. You were so right to admire this beautiful set. It is gorgeous and such a part of all your wonderful memories..Happy Monday..Judy

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

What a beautiful story and such an exquisite tea set. I am sure you will treasure it forever and be always reminded of what a great lady your Grandmother was.....

Junkchiccottage said...

Celeste this is so sweet and heart warming to read today. Your Nana sounded so special and how exciting she gifted you with the beautiful set to cherish and take care of. Beautiful pieces and the details are gorgeous. Glad you have those wonderful memories of the set growing up and now you have the set for your own. So sweet.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Awww, that is the sweetest story ever. I am so glad your Nana passed the gold tea set on to you. I know you must be thrilled to have it and remember your sweet Nana. xoxo

Deborah Montgomery said...

What a lovely story. That is a beautiful tea set, even more so because of the lovely memories of your grandmother. She knew you would treasure it. A beautiful tribute to her.

Lois said...

How beautiful and what a treasure you have there! I hope you have someone in mind to pass it down to one day who will cherish it as much as you have.

chateau chic said...

Such lovely memories. What a beautiful tea set and how special it is for you to have!
Mary Alice

Rose L said...

I know you will treasure and one day pass it on in the family.

Denise said...

precious memories.

Kathy said...

What a beautiful tale. It gave me tingles and a tear. She would be so proud of how you have cherished it!

Debbie Harris said...

My dear Celestina ~ You have touched my heart with this heart warming post in honor of your precious Nana. So beautifully written, I felt as if I was sitting on that "pretty green brocade sofa" with you and your dear Nana. What a joy for you to have a Nana whom loved the Lord, and I'm quite sure, a beautiful lady such as yourself.

You will cherish that tea set for all your life, I am certain. What a treasure!

Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your life with us, I so enjoyed it.

Much love to you ~ Debbie

Joy Junktion said...

What a beautiful gift, both the tea set and the relationship you shared with your Nana! But, I must ask Celeste, did you get married at age 10?? 42 years, really?? You are even more gorgeous than I thought! Blessings to you, Cindy

Claudia said...

Hi Celeste, my dear friend, isn't it wonderful , we have such great memories to telll and share? Thank you for this great post!
Wishing oyu a blessend and joyful week, sending Love and hugs,
Claudia xo

doodles n daydreams said...

This is a beautiful treasure, how blessed you are. A very moving post, a story and treasure to pass down the generations.
Have a lovely day,


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Now THOSE are golden treasures indeed! Lovely share my I go to school. It's going to be a wild year so blogging will be even more special, to escape to the beauty all of you share....

Melanie said...

What a beautiful post! You do have a lovely treasure and I enjoyed reading about your precious Nana. I am so touched by this post, it is a beautiful tribute to your Nana! It is a priceless gift to have had a Godly grandparent!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

What a beautiful memory- loved this story. I'm so glad for you that you received this precious gift from your Nana. It is a beautiful set and with the precious memories that are attached to it it's priceless!

Debbie said...

Oh Celestina, how wonderful to have such a precious piece, given to you from your beloved Nana. This is a beautiful tribute to her. I have a feeling you've inherited more from her than just the tea set....I think you are a woman after God's own heart...just like your Nana.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute and gorgeous tea set, Celeste.
Thank you for sharing this special treasure with us.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute and gorgeous tea set, Celeste.
Thank you for sharing this special treasure with us.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute and gorgeous tea set, Celeste.
Thank you for sharing this special treasure with us.

Christine said...

How precious! Your grandmother could see your heart and how lovely that you can treasure such a family heirloom set now!
Many congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

Welcome said...

What a beautiful post. You are sentimental like me. I'm a new follower from GFC.

Alessandra said...

Dear Celeste, this is a very sweet post. This is a special and beautiful tribute to her Nana. This set is gorgeous and the delicate of gold is fairy.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

It's a beautiful set, Celeste, and I love the story of how it came to your Nana. Even more beautiful is the memories it gives you of a woman who meant so much to you and was such a big part of your life.

Donna said...

What wonderful memories of your dear Grandma,Celestina! And what a wonderful gift that she passed her gorgeous tea set from Italy to you! It is just beautiful. Even better is that you were named after her. I bet she had so many amazing stories to tell of growing up in Italy, and what it was like to immigrate here to the US. How brave she was to do that! Thank you for sharing your sweet memories with us!

cynthia lee designs said...

Happy 42nd Anniversary!! Our 36th anniversary was today. What a beautiful gift from your grandmother.

Linda Walker said...

Your story about your nana was heartwarming and brought tears to my eyes as it reminds me of similar experiences at my grandmother's home. As a little girl I used to admire treasures in her hutch and I can remember pressing my nose right up to the glass for a closer look. Many items in that hutch are mine now as well. I believe that your nana's teapot is the most beautiful teapot I have ever seen. How special that she wrapped it up and gave you such a precious memento, I know you will treasure it forever.......and yes, you certainly honor your grandmother--in thought, word and deed. Thank you for sharing your very special teapot with us!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

I love this beautiful and thoughtful story of your Nana. What a priceless treasure her memory is as is this gold Italian tea set. You have honored your Nana and made her so proud of her dear granddaughter and I just know that she is watching you from above smiling. These priceless treasures from the past generations are our legacy and the are very dear to us. It is a lost era of gracious ladies. However, by writing this and caring for her treasured tea set, your Nana's memory lives on in you.
Thank you for this blessing of goodness, honor and love,

Anonymous said...

enjoyed reading your post. The set looks beautiful!

Creations By Cindy said...

Well my friend...I have cried and cried reading your wonderful post this morning. Tears of joy for you as I know how much this means to you. I too have treasures from my granny. Such a beautiful tribute to your Nana! I love your name by the way! Beautiful just like you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Okio B Designs said...

Such a beautiful story! I miss my Grandma all the time. I have a piece of a religious statue that she had. It's in my car and I feel like she's watching over me and my boys when we are out and about.


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Celestina Marie,
O My! What a beautiful and touching tribute to your precious Nana!! It brought me to tears. You told this wonderful story so eloquently.
Happy Anniversary to you and i am so glad that you can look at this set and have such a beautiful memory brought back to you when you gaze upon it!
thanks so much for sharing and thanks so much for visiting too! And this set is drop dead gorgeous!!


Red Rose Alley said...

This is a beautiful story, Celestina. It sounds like you were so very close to your grandmother and that she loved you dearly. What a treasured gift she gave you on your wedding day. The gold tea set is stunning, and how nice that you thought about it around the time of your own anniversary this year. Wow, 42 years, that's amazing! You will always have a part of your Nana in this lovely tea set that you used to look at when you were a little girl behind glass doors of a special hutch.

Love your little story, Celestina. Thank you for sharing it.


Ana said...

Oh Celestina Marie,
Your sweet post honoring your dear grandmother has made me tear up. What a beautiful story behind this absolutely beautiful tea set. A memory and heirloom that will most definitely be cherished forever. Thank you so much for sharing. And thank you for stopping by and for the kind comment.

Hugs and Kisses,

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh Celestinia Marie, What a beautiful story and what a beautiful tea set. You told this so beautifully, I got tears in my eyes. I'm so glad you became the care-taker of this set. I know your Nana was so glad to know that it would continue to be cherished.

Rue said...

Sweet Celestina... I know your grandmother was smiling down on you as you wrote this beautiful tribute to her. What a wonderful gift she gave you! Not just the tea set, but the love and beauty in your heart :)


Rose said...

I have loved this story...this bit of your life. So glad I took the time to scroll down and find it.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What a lovely post of sweet memories of when you were a child and then a young bride! Your Nana realized that you would lovingly take care of her prized set from Italy, and what a special memory and treasure you've shared with us.
My late beloved and I were married for 43 years. I still can't believe he's gone from my life, but I'm thankful for the years that we had together.

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Celestina Marie
Celestina Marie

Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..