Saturday, February 7, 2015

Blue Willow a Timeless Treasure

Popular today as it was many years ago. 
Is Blue Willow dishware. 
Beautiful blue and white with two Love Birds flying face to face in the pattern.

As the story goes, there once lived a monarch 
who kept his daughter captive in their home away from her love. 
Somehow the couple managed to run away together
 and board a waiting boat that was to take them away to live happily ever after.

As they sailed away, a terrible storm happened at sea and the couple was never seen again. But high in the sky flew a pair of Love Birds thought to be the loving couple.

The pattern is the same on all the vintage to reproduction dishes, 
but how you can tell a repro from a vintage, is the birds. 

New plates have thin birds where as the vintage plates have plump full birds. 
The same is true for the additional pieces like cups, saucers, bowls and such.

I have a combination of two sets of these dishes, 
handed down from my grandmother to my mother and then on to me.

 I will always love setting a table with them as they remind me of many wonderful memories and happy dinners through the years with family and friends.

When out antiquing, I can say that Blue Willow
 is still very collectible and sought after by collectors and dishaholics like myself.

The table design below is my antique kitchen table I hand painted about 15 years ago
with a Tuscan design of fruit on a crackle aged background.
Since this photo, I have re-painted it creamy off white for my  new kitchen design.
I do miss this design at times, but hey,  it's only paint
and I can paint it again if I choose.

Whether the story is true or not,
The romance of the birds is charming, don't you think?

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Be Blessed and Southern DayDreams

Celestina Marie

Popular today as it was many years ago.  Is Blue Willow dishware.  Beautiful blue and white with two Love Birds flying face to face in the pattern. As the story goes, there once lived a monarch  who kept his daughter captive in their home away from her love.  Somehow the couple managed to run away together  and board a waiting boat that was to take them away to live happily ever after....

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