Saturday, February 21, 2015

Awaiting Moderation Comments~

Hi Blogging friends!

You may be a blogger who knows all about this,
 but if not,
this is the deal~~

For nearly 2 years,
 I have not received all my post comments in my inbox as set up,
and I know many of you are finding the same thing happening.

So after searching around some time ago, I began to click on
the dashboard 
and then
Awaiting Comments~~
only to find that over half my visitors leaving comments was collecting here.

That's okay, if we know to look there and publish.
If not, we are missing many comments.
Plus, you can't reply to comments published from the dashboard.
No way to follow up if you want by email.

To go to the dashboard, click on Design at the right top of your blog,
then on the left column you will see this below.
Click on comments and then Awaiting Moderation.

Next, when I look on my yahoo page in spam,
I find nearly all the blogger posts that I follow by email collecting there too.
So those have to be sent to the inbox to open and visit or they would be missed.
I wonder how many disappeared in cyberspace!!

I just had about 30 emails here for new blog posts from friends and 
here are two more that just came through.
This goes on all day but again I wonder how many I miss??

Another issue,
after leaving a comment, many are seeing an email 
arrive in their inbox saying Mail Failure to Deliver.
I see this too and it usually means, the blog you commented on
is not receiving your comment in their inbox, but it does go through either saved 
right away on the blog or sitting on the dashboard where  bloggers aren't aware they are there.

I guess the point of sharing this in a post is~
to bring awareness in case you are not seeing comments you normally receive
or visiting friends and they never get your comment
if you are not receiving new posts by email.

Along the way, I have shared this problem emailing some blog friends
about it. 
They have emailed back to say they had dozens of comments awaiting moderation 
and would have never known about this.

So check it out on your blogger dashboard to see if you have this glitch going on,
I can't say there is a fix because I have been struggling with it for, like I said, nearly 2 years.
Help questions have never been answered from blogspot.

So checking spam and the dashboard has been a way of blogging for me and others.

My hope is to help any blogger not realizing this is going on.
I've heard that having an email account with yahoo or gmail could be an issue, 
but I'm not changing my email, so the glitch continues!!

Oh and one more thing,
The addition of the comment box for security and proving who you are,
well, just ignore it for most and your comment will by pass that and still go through 
unless you have set up your comments that way.

So if you haven't seen me ~ or comments from others,
look on your dashboard and you may find lots of comments awaiting to be published.

Till next time,
I'll share with you this darling heart angel I purchased from my friend Linda's 
shop on Etsy 

Linda and I became friends when we were participants in Stephanie's
The Enchanting Rose tea cup/mug exchange. 
I shared my  gorgeous teacup and other pretty angel in that post
last fall.
Isn't she the cutest and Linda has lots more pretty hand created treasures in her shop.

See you soon
 and I hope not on the dashboard!!

Wishing you a great last week of February and warmer days ahead!!

Southern DayDreams
Celestina Marie