Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Beginning of Spring in the Garden~

I just love this new season
when the new blooms wake up
all is right and fresh in the garden.

This is the time of year in Texas
when the garden is truly the best in show.
The best time before the real heat sets in.

I love to garden and this year I have spent a lot of time tending to my precious roses,
perennials and potted blooms.

The rose bushes are loaded with buds
 and you see here a few Knock Out roses opening in soft pinkish red.

This area is part of my Memory Garden
and the Creeping Phlox is a gorgeous carpet of light violet.

Next to that I planted a double Daisy patch last year and they provide
many long stem bouquets all summer long.
Mr. Roo is watching over~

To the corner, I added a Carolina Jasmine. 
It is a fast grower and the scent is heavenly.

Just below is another area of Hostas with Day Lilies
and the angels are having story time.

Listening to the story!

Another is reading by the light of the gazing ball.

Along the side yard,
I am working on a Privot bush  and training it to be similar to a Ming Tree.
I started this last year and the process continues.

The sun is shining on a dozen Pink Drift Roses
lining this area in a nice hedge row.
They are filled with buds too and I look forward to that burst of color.

To the left more rose bushes are filled with buds
and a few opened just for the photos.
In another week or so they will be in full bloom
and go on all summer long.

This area is my Prayer Garden 
Saint Francis watches over the birds that gather here.

In the front bottom is a row of roses called 
Carpet Roses.
These stay low and spread across the ground.

Below is my newest addition of a  dark Purple Clematis Climber.
I am looking for just the right trellis to anchor the vines.
The blooms are a bit smaller so far
but as the plant grows the blooms will be bigger too.

If you look close you can see it is filled with buds.

Yes, I love this time of year
when the new growth offers a beautiful showing.

But my favorite so far this season~
Is this one sweet little rose.

God's Artwork is Perfect!

Have a great weekend.


Celestina Marie

I just love this new season when the new blooms wake up and all is right and fresh in the garden. This is the time of year in Texas when the garden is truly the best in show. The best time before the real heat sets in. I love to garden and this year I have spent a lot of time tending to my precious roses, perennials and potted blooms. The rose bushes are loaded with buds  a...

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