Monday, April 20, 2015

Take a Seat

On a guestroom bench!

I found this little bench at a yard sale.
It was being sold by a grandmother who said,
her grand daughter made it for her in shop class.

She was selling it????
Well, I don't have any grands yet, but this broke my heart
and it had to come home with me.

Oh course it was not painted like you see here at first.

You know I 'm famous for not taking before pics,
 but in it's beginning it was raw wood and ready to stain or paint.

That yard sale was some time ago and I have loved this piece in many ways and makeovers
ever since.
This is the latest painted for a little seat  placed at the end of the bed in our guestroom.

A little spot to sit, place a piece of luggage, put on your shoes and more.
I like that the little student made a hand lift in the seat for ease of moving.
And she added a shelf on the bottom where I placed this basket for little essentials 
I like to add when guests visit.

Perfect at the end of the bed painted in chalk paint of a light ivory on the bottom and light grey
for the seat top.

The colors pick up the quilt colors perfectly.

The stencil is a vintage style Hotel address in France.

In a room with shades of soft grey, blue, browns and ivory, it fits right in.

I want folks to feel at home sweet home, like this pillow says,
hand created by my mother so many years ago.

A few books to curl up with under a little throw I crocheted last year.

Little goodies tucked in small places.

An angel watching over guests in their stay.

A room to feel like a cottage stay, I hope!

Scented with flowers and dreams.

A perfect little seat in this small room
with a BIG  welcome!

Thanks to the little student taking shop class, 
I have this little seat to enjoy in our guestroom.

I want her to know, her work has not gone unloved.

Thank you for stopping by to visit.
Welcome to all new followers and long time friends too.

See you next time.
Celestina Marie
