Monday, June 29, 2015

Life's New Chapter and First Home Office Views

Recently I shared with you that I've been working on a new home office
for Mr. Southern DayDreams.
It is nearly finished and I'll have more and better pics soon.
Till then,
here are a few small  previews.

Life just brings changes as we travel our path.
Ups and downs along the way till we reach a new chapter in life.

The new chapter can be of great excitement and joy.

This spring, my hubby as you know him to be "My Best Guy"
met a long time goal he set for himself in his career,
 and that goal was to retire at this time of his life and age.

Closing one chapter in his journey
and ready to open the next.

He retired, or as I like to think, finished a chapter in his book and ready to embark on a new path.
Realizing he still wants to help others and consult in his chosen field.

He has traveled the country and beyond helping many others. 

Now that path will continue as he embarks on his own business
for however long God will bless him with this gift to do so.
And Yes,
 it is a gift. 
Hard work played a big role of course to this point, but God's direction lead the way.

With that direction, my best guy closed one office with retirement
only to need a new one to work in from Home.

A place to be comfortable with the demands of his new work load.

A home space to house the many treasures he's collected,
 shelves for the books
 and walls to hold the memories.

As you might know, I am always in my element creating and decorating a room.
This one is no different.

Taking a first floor guestroom and transforming it into an office.
The perfect spot right off the entry way.
Oh this makes me so happy to create this space for him.

I'm using metal, wood and leather.

Barn wood and distressed pieces with a few antiques.
 I took on the search  in all my treasure hunts to find just the right pieces.

Art work we've both loved and gathered from travels.
I'm calling this room~
"Industrial Farmhouse"  of sorts.
Masculine, but with softness and comfort.

As we look out to the future~
We are thankful to have reached this time and place in our lives.
It is fabulous and special.

It is a new beginning and blessing that we are so thankful for.

I'm  finishing up the room now and will share the completion soon.

Thank you for stopping by.

Be Blessed