Friday, January 29, 2016

Springtime Inspiration, Going Up in Smoke

Well, maybe not exactly~~

Many years ago
 I did a study with one of my favorite artists,
 Nancy Kinny 
 I learned a pretty soft background technique called smoked.

This technique is done with a block pillar candle and silver spoon.

 As the candle burns, 
you hold a real silver spoon over the flame until it turns black 
and starts to send up smoke.

 Then, holding your item that has already been based coated,
 you hold it over the smoke moving it around to evenly, 
or with good balance, 
give it a soft misty, smokey look.

This can take some practice, but the effect is gorgeous.

Once you have the background the way you want it, 
you proceed to paint or decorate your item however you choose. 

This will not work with a stainless steel spoon.
It has to be real silver.

This is how it should look below when complete. 
At this point, you would lightly varnish the smoked piece to keep it in place 
and to keep it
from smudging 
while you are working on the painting or other design. 
This way, the soot won't come off on your hands or smear.

 I did this art technique on an old vintage cake pan
then painted a design from Nancy Kinny on the pan.
 It's a Carolina Wren sitting in ivy leaves.
 Can you see the smokey look on the soft ivory background color?
It's very subtle but gives a soft effect.
Can you see this done on a treasured furniture piece?
It would be tricky to do, but oh how pretty.

Such a sweet little birdie.
 I loved working on him. 
The next two pics are taken on a magazine holder.
 I also painted  this technique while doing a study with Nancy's design and techniques. 
One side of the holder is a winter blue jay and the other side a springtime robin.
 I painted this wooden treasure about 16 years ago.

Love how strong and wintry the smoke technique looks here.

 I love to paint birds and also little nests.

 After completing the Carolina Wren,
 I painted another vintage pan with a rose nest,
 but this one without the smoked background.

I was on a roll and painted another little nest on a pretty pink vintage spoon.

These have long since gone to their new homes.

This large wooden spoon below lives with me.
I painted this a few years ago 
after a dear friend from Norway,
brought it to me after a trip to her homeland.

It hangs on my hutch in the dining room.

With spring, hopefully around the corner
 warmer days ahead,
 I can't wait to be outside in my garden
of course in the studio creating pretties for the season.

Are you done with winter?

We all know February can be brutal
but we can dream right?

Enjoy this last weekend in January.

See you again soon.
Celestina Marie 

Well, maybe not exactly~~ Many years ago  I did a study with one of my favorite artists,  Nancy Kinny  and  I learned a pretty soft background technique called smoked. This technique is done with a block pillar candle and silver spoon.  As the candle burns,  you hold a real silver spoon over the flame until it turns black  and starts to send up smoke.  Then, holding your item t...

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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Going South ~ Good Fences

Happy Good Fences Day Friends!

Here we are in the last week of January.

Can you believe how the weeks flew by?

Well on with the year right?

As you may know,
I visited Waco, Texas
"The Silo's and Magnolia Market" last week for a long weekend trip.

We had a wonderful time and I have lots of pics to share soon.

Along the way going south to Waco,
I used the opportunity to spot some great areas with fences.
I hope to share those in the weeks ahead.

On this beautiful blue sky day during our trip,
I shot some great bridge fence photos
over the Brazos River.

Looks like a longhorn to the right~~~

Such a pretty blue sky day!

Yes it was a longhorn in bronze displayed on a cattle drive.

This cowboy driving the longhorns around the river.

Life size and beautiful!

Like you're riding along~

You can almost hear the thunder of  cattle as they run by.

The patina on the longhorns is gorgeous!

This cattle driver shot against the blue sky, is my favorite.

We had a great time and I will share more soon.
Especially the Magnolia Market.
The Silos.
The Magnolia House.
Shops that the Fixer Upper duo visit.
much more!!

See you soon.

Thanks for stopping by
as I join the fun

Have a fence shot? 
come join the fun!!

Celestina Marie

Did you notice your followers for google friends connect?
Phase 3 hit and bloggers lost lots more followers.
Hope followers will follow with "google plus" instead to find us!
It's easy to add your blog and puts your posts in more search engines.
I added it and it's working well.
Good Luck!

Happy Good Fences Day Friends! Here we are in the last week of January. Can you believe how the weeks flew by? Well on with the year right? As you may know, I visited Waco, Texas  and "The Silo's and Magnolia Market" last week for a long weekend trip. We had a wonderful time and I have lots of pics to share soon. Along the way going south to Waco, I used the opportunity to...

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Monday, January 25, 2016

Living Room Winter Refresh!

As I've been sharing~
it's been a season of
clean out, reorganize and refreshing my Texas cottage.

Like so many of you in your homes,
 January has brought about change.

I shared a few changes in my living room last week
now this is the rest of that story.

It all started with the moving of two chairs.
Making a swap from my living room
to a guest room and so forth.

Anyway, not to go over that post again,
I'll just say,
The pictures will share the new look.

Adding red by bringing in a vintage red plaid chair
I brought down from the second floor
gave me the opportunity to add red.

This chair was one I had custom designed 
when we lived in Ohio over 20 years ago.
It's  a sturdy well built very comfortable chair.
It's been in my red guestroom which has now changed too.
All about that another day.

Starting with the mantel,
the winter freshen up begins with my winter banner.
I simply turned around the Gather banner and stenciled the new letters.

Adding geraniums in winter? Why not~
It brings in the color.

Birds and their house, perching here for the season.

Vintage books from the 20's help to bring in a bit of red.

Old architectural elements fill a metal basket on the hearth.
The old ceiling tin  has a little saying my grandmother used to sing to me.
"I love you
a bushel and a peck
and a hug around the neck"
Love this treasures.

Tall Lavender fills a basket and brings in a touch of nature.

Moving around the room, 
touches of red blend here and there with black 
and winter whites.
It's working with red and I am loving it once again in our living space.

Burlap with red roses says winter with the hope of springtime to follow.

High on a old pillar is another sweet bird.

This water fountain urn was made by my mother many years ago.
I love to change this out with the season.
Hydrangeas have arrived early
 and give me hope for mine to bloom
 better this year
then last.

Another bird takes his home behind the glass in this frame.
A painting I did in a study last year. 

Winter whites soften the new look.

This dear garden girl watches and waits for spring.

A little red with Le Poulet
Paris Pillow. 

Music always close by.

Yes, the red plaid chair is working.

And, in the pattern of the plaid 
is a small square of dark aqua.
Could that be more perfect for when I add a touch of aqua this summer?
I ask you, why didn't I bring this chair here before?

Well, it's here now and enjoy it I will.

Have you been making changes this season?

Thanks for coming by.

Have a great week
and see you soon 
as I am getting back from
The Silo's at Fixer Upper on HGTV.

Happy Birthday to my Best Guy!!
Celestina Marie

a new link up starting today called

As I've been sharing~ it's been a season of clean out, reorganize and refreshing my Texas cottage. Like so many of you in your homes,  January has brought about change. I shared a few changes in my living room last week and  now this is the rest of that story. It all started with the moving of two chairs. Making a swap from my living room to a guest room and so forth. Anyway...

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Friday, January 22, 2016

Finding Inspiration

Each new year finds me encouraged
 for new ideas and creations. 

This season with all the clean out,
reorg and re-freshening of  my home.
I've been slow to restart my design ideas.
I know they are not far away,
 just regrouping of sorts.

While I love to get out in the world viewing nature and the world around me,
 I realize, I really don't have to go far for the inspiration to create.

Most of the time, it's right here at home in my Texas cottage. 
 Here and there among the treasures I love,
 the books I read and the views right outside my window.
So I curl up in a comfy chair to read beautiful words.
Just nesting this time of year,
 gathering thoughts for creations to follow.
Music has always been inspiring to me.
 Listening to the rhythm of beautiful note combinations
 seem to show me the way and direction.

This weekend however will find me visiting
The Silo's
Fixer Upper.
 I will take up my sketch book
 and draw ideas and some thoughts.
As one stroke leads to another,
 I will put color to my world 
like I did on this heart keepsake box from the past.
Putting love into the ideas.
I hope to be inspired by
all I see on my weekend journey!
Finding Inspiration
 one day at a time!

I've given my creativity the time to reflect and redirect.
So now I'm giving my muse a treat
in all the joy I'll see this weekend.

Where do you find inspiration?

 Far or close by?
 Within your thoughts, music and heart?

Wishing you joy!

Have a great weekend.
I won't be back around till next week.
Can't wait to share all about
my trip to 
The Silo's from Fixer Upper on HGTV.

Each new year finds me encouraged  for new ideas and creations.  This season with all the clean out, reorg and re-freshening of  my home. I've been slow to restart my design ideas. I know they are not far away,  just regrouping of sorts. While I love to get out in the world viewing nature and the world around me,  I realize, I really don't have to go far for the inspiration to create. Most of...

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