Friday, January 22, 2016

Finding Inspiration

Each new year finds me encouraged
 for new ideas and creations. 

This season with all the clean out,
reorg and re-freshening of  my home.
I've been slow to restart my design ideas.
I know they are not far away,
 just regrouping of sorts.

While I love to get out in the world viewing nature and the world around me,
 I realize, I really don't have to go far for the inspiration to create.

Most of the time, it's right here at home in my Texas cottage. 
 Here and there among the treasures I love,
 the books I read and the views right outside my window.
So I curl up in a comfy chair to read beautiful words.
Just nesting this time of year,
 gathering thoughts for creations to follow.
Music has always been inspiring to me.
 Listening to the rhythm of beautiful note combinations
 seem to show me the way and direction.

This weekend however will find me visiting
The Silo's
Fixer Upper.
 I will take up my sketch book
 and draw ideas and some thoughts.
As one stroke leads to another,
 I will put color to my world 
like I did on this heart keepsake box from the past.
Putting love into the ideas.
I hope to be inspired by
all I see on my weekend journey!
Finding Inspiration
 one day at a time!

I've given my creativity the time to reflect and redirect.
So now I'm giving my muse a treat
in all the joy I'll see this weekend.

Where do you find inspiration?

 Far or close by?
 Within your thoughts, music and heart?

Wishing you joy!

Have a great weekend.
I won't be back around till next week.
Can't wait to share all about
my trip to 
The Silo's from Fixer Upper on HGTV.


Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful colours on your sketch, the roses and the piano keys. I find my inspiration from my thoughts and my garden.

Anonymous said...

You are so talented Celestina and your posts really make me with I had a more artistic side. I find inspiration in cooking and going to fresh produce markets. But there are times I lose this inspiration and need a break. I understand where you're coming from. I wish you a very inspirational weekend my friend!

Valerie-Jael said...

it's good to take inspiration where we find it - have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

Anna said...

What a lovely post !
I love books...and good music too...
I love white and a comfortable home too...
Have a cosy weekend !

Sue Kosec said...

You will LOVE The Silos. We've been to Magnolia Market three or four times so far and we will go back again and again. It's a feast for the eyes, let me tell you. You certainly will be inspired!

My inspiration comes from my heart, I think. I'm not one to look at a picture, a chair, a sunset and be inspired to create. It just comes to me - so I guess it's from the heart.

Enjoy Waco!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

My youngest DIL went to Waco recently and visited the silos. I can't wait to hear what you think about it. Enjoy your time there, sweet friend, and I hope you find inspiration. Loving hugs are sent to you!

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Music, movies, and books are my main sources of inspiration. But I have also found it on a long walk, or when traveling.
Lovely post this morning. Have a wonderful Friday and weekend to follow.

Stacey said...

It's so interesting to me to see how your creative brain works. I'm lacking that area.

Have fun at the silos! Can't wait to see what you think and find.

JoanMarie said...

I love for process for finding your creativity! This is a great time of the year for starting fresh and planning all kinds of new projects. I look forward to watching your upcoming posts!

Ivy, Phyllis and Me! said...

Good Afternoon Celestina Marie, What a beautiful post. I think after the Christmas festivities it takes us a little time to gather our creative spirit.
I find inspiration in music, in travel, in cooking.... and just like you, taking the time to be still, to enjoy the moment.
I find when I am still all sort of inspirational thoughts come to mind. For instance, I am crocheting a blanket for my daughter, I decided to use pale colours, but when I was relaxing in my chair watching the birds in my garden, I saw a red robin in the garden and decided to add a flash of red to the blanket and then I decided red pom poms would look fabulous around the edges.... all because I relaxed and watched the birds in the garden.
Have a lovely weekend.
Best Wishes

Denise said...

such a lovely post

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I try to find it during the busy work week since I cannot be home. But when I am home on the weekends I find my inspiration in the quiet!

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Hi Celeste,
Lucky you to go shopping this weekend at the Silo's, I have to order on line Jo Jo's and Chips wonderful products. Did you know Clint from Harp design also sells on line? Like you I find inspiration everywhere and music waffles through our house. Enjoying the calm before the storm of our impending blizzard that will arrive later this evening.

Cynthia said...

Love your sketches! Reading, praying and listening to music are my favorite things to do! When I am still, I find that my creativity flows abundantly~ We must slow down, in order to tap into the creativity within.... I love this quote from Maya Angelou: Everybody born comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory. Have a wonderful weekend~ Cynthia

Anonymous said...

A beautiful and inspiring post. Love the painting with roses and piano.
My inspiration came from nature I see through my windows, that is to say our garden in spring and summer. In autumn it comes from our walk in forest and in winter, well in winter it is a bit difficult to find inspiration since everything is brown and gray outside. So, I look in my portfolios and my sketchbooks to find inspiration or in gardening mags.
I cannot work or paint with music. I need silence.

Sandi Magle said...

Ah---inspiration in January. I had always put my pottery/business away in January-read books, listened to music. Made a trip to the Chicago Mart, Art Institute, a few antique shows and the library. The whole month was spent vegetating---if I did anything I cleaned the shop.

Now in this digital age, I'm still taking the month of January off--creatively---but I'm organizing, purging and going through zillions of junkin'treasures. Creatively I'm still perking and will probably do an antique show tomorrow. Who knows what will happen when I finally do some creative work.

Your pieces are always so beautiful and will come, just don't force it. Love your work, Sandi

Patty Sumner said...

Much like you I love reading and music.. I do not play but I love to sing. I also love long hot baths.. I also think time away...alone.. in a sacred place brings about our creative juices...reading scriptures and journaling in a cozy chair (much like yours)....Have a great day! Blessings!

Alessandra said...

The paintings with the roses and the piano are just gorgeous! Your creations always inspire me a lot. Creating, staying with my son and with my family are my favourite things to do

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I envy you your trip to Waco! It will be so much fun!

Mari said...

Beautiful post Celeste, I love to read and music is always in my heart, my dear dad had such a beautiful voice, I remember going on a road trip with him and asking him to sing for me which of course he would do, he use to sing me a beautiful song in Spanish about a father telling his little girl she will always be beautiful to him ;-) enjoy your trip.....


Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

It's funny how at times inspiration seems no where in sight and then at other times, everything inspires. When I'm feeling overwhelmed, I struggle so a little downtime helps me a lot. Enjoy your visit to the silos. Take lots of pictures!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Have a wonderful weekend visiting The Silo. I know you will find a lot of inspiration there.
Hugs, Mary

Mrs. W. said...


That is such a beautiful painting of the piano keys and roses - such talent. I have never been good at flowers.

Have a lovely week!

cynthia lee designs said...

Can't wait to hear about your trip to the fun!!

Stephanie said...

Such a lovely post, my friend. There is inspiration all around us, isn't there. I, too, find inspiration in music. When I simply pause and look around I find such beauty surrounding me - beauty that is a gift from the Lord.

Enjoy your time away, dear Celeste! I look forward to hearing all about it. Hugs!

Rose L said...

I often find inspiration in nature, which I try to capture with my photographs. Poetry also inspires me. Your artwork is lovely!

Crissi said...

I find my inspiration with music!
Happy weekend
Hug Crissi

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I'm so jealous that you're going to the Silohs! I love music and enjoy a variety of types. Nature always inspires me. Did I mention I'm jealous you're going to the Silohs! LOL... I hope you take pictures!!

Conniecrafter said...

Music is such a special thing God has blessed us with, a way to show our Love and dedication to him and to share our love with others, to make peace and happiness!!
Your trip sounds so amazing, I just love that show and that would be a wonderful trip to make, I would love if they came in and did an overhaul on my home. Can't wait to hear all about your trip, have a wonderful and inspiring time!

Dorthe said...

Hope you are having a wonderful trip Celeste,
meanwhile I would happily sit in your chair, with the so beautiful throw you created some time ago.
I hope you return with a lots of new ideas !
Dorthe, xoxo

Kim said...

I love to hear about an artist's creative process. It always intrigues me. Thank you for sharing what inspires you. Music is my muse for sure. It always gets my creative juices flowing.

Kathy said...

Nesting is the perfect description for this time of year. A fresh new year always makes me want to purge and clean and get my nest in order!

Donna said...

Your piano box is just gorgeous, Celestina!
I can never get enough of your beautiful painted roses.
I am thrilled for you and your trip to the Silos and Magnolia!
Can't wait to hear about it!
Where do I get my inspiration?
Well, both near and far!
From my own backyard, to the streets of Paris!

Okio B Designs said...

Beautiful post! =)


20 North Ora said...

Am so anxious to hear about your trip to the Silos. I know you will have a fantastic time. Enjoy!


Daniela said...

What a wonderful lady you are, my darling Celestina !
In everything you do, you think, you write, you catch in your shots, I can 'read' such a good heart, filled with good, ancient sentiments .. thank you for being so special !
Have a blessed Sunday and new week ahead
with gratitude I'm sending love and hugs to you

craftyles said...

Love your piano keys. I hope you get tons of ideas and inspiration at the Silos. Have a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...

Celeste, you have such a lovely place to sit and reflect! Your throw is stunning! Enjoy your trip to the Silo's; I can't wait to read all about it! Have a wonderful weekend!

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

Usually my thoughts or I see something that inspires me. Sometimes it just happens most of my vignettes just happen. I so wish I could paint...I use to as a young girl, my Mom would buy me the paint by numbers ones. I remember painting so many horses, no flowers. I have the worst hand writing my sketches aren't much better. Music soothes my soul

Joy Junktion said...

Oh My Goodness, I'm sure you had a wonderful weekend and time visiting the Silo's. It's so funny to think that I was in Waco last March and my friend told me that Chip and Joanna had purchased the Silo's and what their plans were, now it's complete! I hope to revisit Waco sometime soon! Looking forward to seeing your new creations! Blessings to you, Cindy

handmade by amalia said...

There is certainly a lot to inspire you in your pretty home, Celeste. For me, a little walk is always a source of inspiration, a good book or the joy of children.

Roosterhead Designs said...

Oh my work Celeste, when I read you are visiting 'The Silo's', my heart skipped beat! I sometimes watch their show @ my sisters and L O V E the inspiration! Thanks for sharing your photo's, and esp. your heart <3 Have a great week and I am heading up to read your 'today' post! ~Karen O

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