Thursday, January 28, 2016

Going South ~ Good Fences

Happy Good Fences Day Friends!

Here we are in the last week of January.

Can you believe how the weeks flew by?

Well on with the year right?

As you may know,
I visited Waco, Texas
"The Silo's and Magnolia Market" last week for a long weekend trip.

We had a wonderful time and I have lots of pics to share soon.

Along the way going south to Waco,
I used the opportunity to spot some great areas with fences.
I hope to share those in the weeks ahead.

On this beautiful blue sky day during our trip,
I shot some great bridge fence photos
over the Brazos River.

Looks like a longhorn to the right~~~

Such a pretty blue sky day!

Yes it was a longhorn in bronze displayed on a cattle drive.

This cowboy driving the longhorns around the river.

Life size and beautiful!

Like you're riding along~

You can almost hear the thunder of  cattle as they run by.

The patina on the longhorns is gorgeous!

This cattle driver shot against the blue sky, is my favorite.

We had a great time and I will share more soon.
Especially the Magnolia Market.
The Silos.
The Magnolia House.
Shops that the Fixer Upper duo visit.
much more!!

See you soon.

Thanks for stopping by
as I join the fun

Have a fence shot? 
come join the fun!!

Celestina Marie

Did you notice your followers for google friends connect?
Phase 3 hit and bloggers lost lots more followers.
Hope followers will follow with "google plus" instead to find us!
It's easy to add your blog and puts your posts in more search engines.
I added it and it's working well.
Good Luck!


Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hi Celestina, what pretty photos and love those statues. Looking forward to see more about your trip.
I'm so annoyed with the GFC! I used to have google + with a lot of followers and got ride of it because it started getting too weird. Now I'm sorry I did that and have start all over again with that. I know I shouldn't worry about the number of followers but we work so hard on our blogs. Oh well. Hope you enjoy the end of the week and weekend. Take care and hugs. Julie xo

quakerhillfarm said...

Beautiful fence and bridge! A very unique pic. Have a great day! Lynn

Crissi said...

Beautiful shots!
Blessed day Celestina-Marie!
Hug Crissi

Latane Barton said...

I loved your bridge fence pictures and as I scrolled down the page, lo and behold there were these fabulous statues of cowboys and cattle. I loved it. Do you have more to show?

Valerie-Jael said...

What a wonderful place to visit, looks soooo fantastic! Hugs, Valerie

Alessandra said...

Wonderful shots! Thanks for sharing this wonderful place.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Wow those bronze cattle are amazing. I love how they really made them look like their in motion. Can't wait to see more of your pictures from visiting there!

Sue Kosec said...

As always - great fence pictures.

Can't wait to hear your run-down on The Silos. Isn't that place fantastic? Love going there.


eileeninmd said...

Hello, Fixer Upper is one of my favorite shows on HGTV. I love the sculptures, very cool. Great shots of the bridge.

Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Delvalina said...

Dear Celestina,
I'm glad to be back here. Such a beautiful place you've shared with us.
Anyway, thank you for sharing about bloggers followers i found it weird too. I didnt know what happen but thanks for telling us.
I hope you have a wonderful day!

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful bridge and wonderful sculptures! how fun to see the shops that fixer-upper uses!

craftyles said...

Beautiful pictures against that pretty blue sky. Looks like so much fun. Can't wait to see the pictures of Magnolia and the Silos. Glad you had a wonderful time.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Beautiful photo's - love the sculptures.
Glad that you had a wonderful trip and looking forward to seeing your post about them.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Kim said...

It's all just so impressive! I love the grassy spaces that surround these steel and concrete structures. I am used to city skies...I like the grass! :)

Christine said...

Fantastic shots! I love the bridge with all its details but those bronze longhorns & cowboys are awesome!
I was watching Fixer Upper last night & enjoying seeing more of Texas so I'm looking forward to your next posts!
Enjoy your day!

Donna said...

Those statues are just amazing,Celestina! they look so real it's incredible! What beautiful pics you took. Can't wait to hear more of your trip!

Debbie Harris said...

Good Morning, Celestina! My it is good to come for a visit here, and your photo shots are amazing! Those cowboys are so life like, especially that last one as he rides hard with his hat off, love it! I agree with you in that you can almost feel the thunder of the cattle moving along. Just awesome!
That bridge is gorgeous with all its detail.
Thank you for sharing this beauty with us.
I trust your January has been a blessed one?
Much love and hugs,

Unknown said...

Celestina Marie, Great great pictures! Glad you had a great time!

Nancy Chan said...

Your photos are really beautiful, of the fence and bridge. I love the sculptures too!

Dreaming of Vintage said...

Beautiful photos and those statues are amazing!

Conniecrafter said...

That is a cool bridge, I love when they put neat architecture in the bridges. Those are some cool statues too, neat that they have a scene with them. Look forward to more post of your trip!

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

The Bridge is a substantial attention getter - but OMGosh the gorgeous Bronze. The Longhorn, the cattle driver, the cowboy the horses - impressive statuary. Life size must be amazing in person against a bright blue sky. Delightful and stunning photography, love this post.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I loved those statues! Such movement and feeling.

Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

Daniela said...

You live in such a wonderful Country, my sweetest Celestina, thank you for sharing with us the beauty you're surrounded by !
So proud to have you as a friend, I wish you a most beautiful day and week to come, darling, sending love to you,
with lots of gratitude

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hey there my friend! I better check my blog to see how many followers I lost this time! Great photos!

Ida said...

Fabulous bridge fence. - Loving those sculpture shots. We have something similar in a town about an hour from where I live. I tried to get pictures but had my camera on the wrong setting. Oh well that means I just need to make another trip back.

Roosterhead Designs said...

Hi there Celestina! Thanks for sharing these great bridge fences and the thundering cattle drive too! So realistic~
Very Cool.
Waiting for those Magnolia photo's as well ; )
I guess I better check the blogs I follow; and see if anyone lost
me : l Take care! ~Karen O

Red Rose Alley said...

Celestina, these bronze statues are amazing. I really like the one of the Native American riding his horse. The cattle really DO look real. Yes, I lost some more of my followers due to this blogger thing. It doesn't seem quite fair, does it?

Have a nice Thursday afternoon, Celestina.

love, ~Sheri

Breathtaking said...

Hello Cellestina!:)Wonderful photos of the bronze sculptures.They are amazingly life like, and that's a fine looking bridge and fence.

Denise said...

such lovely pictures

TexWisGirl said...

really like the sculptures. reminds me of the one they have in downtown dallas with cattle coming down from a 'hill'. :)

Rose L said...

What a wonderful set of sculptures. Love them!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Hi Celeste! Sooo cool! I love the statues. They look like the real thing! I'm so glad you had a good time on your getaway and can hardly wait to hear more about it. Have a great weekend dear friend! Love & hugs, Edie

Createology said...

You took some amazing photos. I love the blue sky day. Oh be still my heart...The places you visited! I don't know exactly why but I am in love with Chip and Joanna and all they do and their precious family. Blessings Dear...

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Those sculptures are a good work of art. Thanks for the tip.

cynthia lee designs said...

Beautiful pictures!! I can't wait to here all about your trip to The Silos.

Joy Junktion said...

I've been there, walked on that bridge and my Madi climbed on those longhorns. That is such a lovely area! We even ate dinner across the river at the Mexican restaurant and watched the sunset! I'm glad you enjoyed a fun trip. Looking forward to seeing your other photos! Blessings, Cindy

Claudia said...

Hi Celeste,
those sculptures are georgeous! Thank you for sharing wodnerful pictures!äYes, I noticed followers are disappearing ...have to check this soon!
Don't know, what is going on there ...
Wishing you a lovely and wonderful and joyful weekend, my dear friend,
sending Love, hugs and blessings!
Claudia xo

Tete said...

I am amazed at the statues that line the river. So beautiful and detailed to perfection. That would be one place that I would like to see, but your photos are wonderful and it was like I was there. I can't wait until you post on the rest of Waco. I am a big fan of Magnolia Farms! I hope you got to meet them.
Yes, January just slipped through our fingers. I am so looking forward to spring this year, I can taste it already. Here in the north, I found signs of spring already, so maybe it will be early. In the 50s here for a few days, can't wait, and I am getting out of here for a bit to walk around and plan for the coming season.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful sculptures! I bet they were quite a sight to see! Have a wonderful weekend dear friend :-)

Karen@Southern Gal Meets Midwest said...

Wow! The longhorns are so lifelike I had to do a double take :)
Looks like an interesting place to visit. Thanks for sharing all
your photos with us!

Lisa said...

Hi Celestina,
Your photos are beautiful! Texans are blessed to have so many treasures right in our own back yard. You have shared some beauties! Can't wait to see your Silos post!

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