Greetings to you in the New Year blog friends.
I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Holiday!
As we enter into the winter months,
with our young new year ahead,
I can't help but look towards a new journey
and the anticipation of all to come our way.
Everything fresh with a new start,
a new outlook
with faith for the days ahead.
Do you feel this way each new year?
Do you like to re-evaluate your direction?
Do you make resolutions?
I'm not one to make resolutions per say,
but rather,
a conviction to ask God's direction
and listen for the answers.
Having new plans and trying to do my best.
Whatever you have planned for your journey,
I hope the new year is filled
with all that makes you happy.
All that gives you hope,
all that makes your heart sing
with the blessing of meeting each new day.
May God give you peace and love along your path
and may this new year
be one to remember!
I'll be back soon to share what's new for
my shoppe
back to visiting you.
I'll be anxious
to see what's happening in your world.
Till then,
Blessings to you
Happy New Year!
See you soon.
Celestina Marie
Hola amiga querida ,, espero que este 2016 que recién comienza llegue cargado de bendiciones para ti y tu familia ,, y que podamos seguir manteniendo esta amistad virtual
Happy new year! May your new year be filled with abundant blessing. Great post with lovely words and wishes.
Happy New Year, all the best to you and yours, hugs, Valerie
Healthy happy peaceful New Year my dear!
Hug Crissi
Happy New Year to you too, my joyful friend, may the 2016 be blessed with much love and happiness for you and those you love,
sending sweet hugs
I haven't set an goals or planned much yet- just looking for happier days. I plan to spend today working on putting the holiday decorations away for another year. Wishing you a blessed, happy, healthy and happy New Year!
Happy and Healthy New Year.
I feel blessed to have this new year day fall on the end of a two week vacation. Blessed indeed! I too hope that the year is seamlessly played out, to not make resolutions, but to continue to develop a lifestyle imitating what JESUS commanded: to love on another. Everything else in between is up to us and the creativity with which He has gifted us. Blessings to you as you find more creative ways to let HIS LIGHT within you, SHINE!
Happy New Year! I hope yours is filled with peace, love and the promises of a brighter tomorrow... :)
I don't make resolutions/goals either. Too easy to get bogged down in all that - just sets you up for failure and disappointment. Instead, I have a list of things I want to focus on.
One thing that's not on that list is to get together with you. Which we will do - that's a GOAL.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Happy New Year to you too, Celeste.
Now that our daughter’s wedding is behind us, I’m very happy to be able to get back to visiting with bloggy friends more often again.
Many blessings!
I don't make resolutions, either, Celeste.
I wish you peace, love, health, happiness, and blessings for the New Year.
Loving hugs are sent to you,
Happy New Year dear Celeste, such a beautiful post, your words touched me very much, and I am hoping with you, that 2016 is going to be a year, with less fear, and more love.
Hugs from Dorthe
I'm with you, Celestina about making resolutions. I do look forward to a brand new year and a fresh start, though! I am loving your new blog header and seeing your pretty face:) Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Celeste. My wish is for lots of wonderful creative moments filled with happiness and great health in the new year for you. Thank you for sharing your sweet loving heart through friendship this past year.
I feel exactly the same way about the new year. It is a new beginning and a time when I seldom look back at the previous year. I just look ahead to the possibilities of the new one. A fresh start!
Happy New Year to you, my friend!
Wishing you a New Year full of peace and happiness.....
Your thoughts and words are written from your heart. I look forward to all you inspire and create in 2016. I never make New Year resolutions instead here is what I do - every year I pick a country throughout the world to support, purchase from, learn their customs, cook their foods, hopefully travel to and educate others about them. I also pick a cause or a charity to volunteer for and support with contributions. I will reveal my two picks for 2016 in a blog post soon enough.
Thank you for your kindness, friendship and inspiration and I wish you and your family a joyful, healthy New Year.
Happy New Year, Celeste! Thanks for hanging in there with me the past couple of months! : )
I am looking forward to the New Year in many ways. I have set a few goals for myself and hope to work on them all year long.
Happy New Year Celestina Marie! May the Blessings of God shine upon you and all your friends!
Happy New Year to you and yours! Be blessed in 2016.
Jan ♥
Happy New Year, Celestina! Wishing you much joy and peace in the days ahead. I love this vintage picture, it's sweet....and all things vintage. :)
Have a fun time today!
love, ~Sheri
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Thinking of you and wishing you so much joy this new year!
No resolutions, Celeste, but try to live my life as God works out His plans for me. Happy New Year to you and yours; may you celebrate this year with good health and happiness.
Hope 2016 is a great new year for you! Love your header. Gorgeous!
Hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I've been sick with bad cough...it seems to be getting better, but very slowly. Now my hubby has it too. Love you header on your blog.
Wishing you a Happy and healthy New year full of creative projects!
I love the new year and a chance to make a fresh beginning.
Thank you for your beautiful post and kind wishes.
Happy New Year!
Happy new year! I hope yours is off to a great start. =)
Blessings to you in the New Year. May the coming months be filled with God's love and His direction, Celestina.
I too do not make resolutions but I do ask for help God's direction in my life and that he will guide me in the way he wants me to go in the coming year. Wishing you many blessings in the coming year!!
happy happy new year!!
Happy New Year!
Well I guess you could call my resolutions goals because I always have some kind of new thing I want to accomplish or to learn when the new year........like a blank canvas comes along.
Getting them accomplished is another story however!
Wising you a happy and peaceful new year!
Thank you Celeste for the "New Years Blessing" : ) I too have some goals, plans and hopes.
Looking for Gods direction and guidance thru the year~
Wishing you a wonderful 2016! ~Karen O
I wish you a beauty filled 2016!
Happy New year! We started a diet again....LOL We have a trip planned, so we need to lose a few pounds. It's a new year, so I hope it is bright and promising. xo
Thank you for the beautiful post Celestina. Yes, asking for God's direction is the best way to start the New Year. Adventures, Endeavors or Resolutions, whatever we call them, having our fathers hand in it will surely show us the way. Thanks again for the inspiration as we start 2016 :)
Peace & Blessings,
Beautiful post and Happy New Year my sweet friend!
Hello Celestina, wishing you a Happy New Year and the best! See you soon.
Happy New Year my friend! I don't really have a resolution this year but just trying to focus on getting my life back in order. It's been a very busy 3 months. Hoping for a little peace and quiet! Wishing you the best year ever!
Love and blessings to you Celestina,
Happy New Year, sweet Celeste! This is a very heart felt post and I so agree, we do have so much to be thankful for. I wish you much happiness and here's to another year of blogging with you.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Happy New Year, Celeste. I hope we get to meet in person very soon. :)
A very Happy New Year to you! I am not one for resolutions but I do like to have a word for the year, which is Positive. Have a wonderful week xx
Hope that 2016 will bring you and yours health, happiness, joy, peace and an endless stream of creativity! Happy New Year, Celestina !
Happy, Happy New Year Celeste,
Happy New Year, Celeste! I wish you and your family all the best in 2016. A very Happy Healthy New Year!
Happy New Year with love Janice
Happy New Year to you and your family sweet and precious friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Happy New Year to you too sweet lady! I look forward to spending 2016 sharing and being inspired by you :)
Happy New Year! I hope you had a blessed 12 days of Christmas. Looking forward to your posts and your creations.
May the Lord continue to bless Your life Celestina.Thank You so much for Your friendship.Looking forward to visiting You through the Year.ox Denise
Hello Celestina,
I love your new blog look and design! I hope you are having a nice week and happy new year. Thanks for your visits and see you soon.
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