Hi Friends!
So glad you stopped by for a visit today.
It's springtime in Texas
the Texas bloggers are welcoming the new season in with a little inspiration
from the Texas Bluebonnet Blog Hop.
is our creator for today's blog hop.
I hope you will stop over and say hello
and visit the many participating today too.
When I begin to style for a new season,
it usually means, cleaning and rearranging.
This spring finds me doing that and more
in my sitting room.
I first begin by taking everything away
and doing a good cleaning.
I remove all the accessories, wall art and more.
Notice the dust mop to the right?
It's my pride and joy and was my grandmother's from the 40's
or maybe even earlier.
It's a work horse to reach those areas a vacuum can't.
If I had to run out of my house in a hurry,
this is something I'd take with me.
I completely empty and clean the mantel and fireplace.
Once the cleaning is done,
I gather my inspirational pieces from around the house
and in my prop closet.
Here are some of those piece
I must confess, a few new goodies this year too.
I found this HOME pillow last year and love it.
As you can see, I'm going a bit pastel this season.

Some new art work this year.
This piece is a Texas treasure and I love it.
The artist is Paul Valencay.
Horses in a watercolor wash of aqua shades of blue.
Love it!!
Then I got busy and
created this new banner for the mantel.
I simply stenciled SPRING
on cardboard banner shapes atop
pretty scrapbook papers.
I can turn it around and stencil summer in the future.
So now let's put it all together and see the before and after for spring.
Now you know me~
I make furniture switches all the time.
If you remember,
the red plaid chair that I placed here after Christmas~ still love it
but, it went to the master bedroom where I have touches of red
these vintage wicker chairs came from that space.
Perfect for spring!
Love them here better.
Lots of light streaming in makes this the sunniest room in my home.
I left the black and neutral design rug for an anchor piece
to balance off the darker pieces in the room.
So this is the beginning of spring inside my Texas cottage.
Here are a few little views from around the room.
Thank you for visiting today.
Before I go I'll leave you with one of my favorite Texas wildflowers to paint.
Come join the fun and visit the Texas Bloggers sharing springtime.
Have a great weekend.
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