Saturday, May 7, 2016

Remembering The Last Mother's Day with Mom~

Happy Mother's Day
For me,Mother's  Day is special, not only because my family blesses me with their thoughtfulness, but because remembering my mother is a gift that I can reopen each year. A treasured gift that lives in the depths of my heart.

This story begins on a gorgeous Mother's Day in the year 2000. The day was warm and sunny accompanied by plans for a special dinner for my mother in our home.
You see, after my father passed away in 1998, I brought my mother from Michigan to live with me in my home in Texas. God brought my family 2 years earlier to this very home that would have a room just for my mom. A home where just outside our subdivision and across the road, was a care facility. Little did we know at the time, there would be a need for that care. But God knew and was preparing us for what lay ahead.
At that point, mother settled in with me and my family and life continued by the grace of God. However, little by little my mother's health was failing. She had medical issues and needs that I could no longer meet. I tried, I really tried. I cried and  cried for the strength and courage to continue, but that was not going to be the plan. Now the help of the care facility was needed. So close by and so easy to visit every day. What a blessing it was.
Mom once again settled into her new home. I decorated her pretty space, with all her treasures to give her comfort and feel like home. Not a word of complaint was ever spoken from her lips, not a discouraged attitude was ever reflected in her pretty face. She was showing us the grace and dignity of a life in its final days. It had to be difficult for her making this huge change. The grand lady who worked and retired from the Veteran’s Administration Hospital, was also a homemaker, gardener, decorator, crafter, cook, wife, mother, church faithful and friend to all.
As time went by, my family and I spent every day visiting my mother. Mornings, afternoons and evenings we all stopped in to spend time with mom. I planned special events, picnics outside mom's room, sing a long times, birthday parties and so forth. It was a time to soak up so much to learn about life and the fragility of our days on earth. Mom still had so much to tell me and show me. She was an angel on earth and her work here not yet complete.
By now the first Mother’s Day after mom’s move was approaching. Mom was doing well enough to come home for the day to enjoy dinner and spend time with the family. We all were looking forward to the outing mom would take to be with us. I cooked and cleaned to make everything just right. I prayed for our day to be as special as could be, and it was.
I can still see mom as my husband brought her home for the day visit. He wheeled her up the walkway in her wheelchair and my heart beat quicker with the excitement to entertain my mother. She was dressed in a pretty lavender suit. The color was gorgeous against her pretty silver hair. A little blush on her cheeks brought out those gorgeous brown eyes that danced and glistened like the pearls around her neck. It was easy to see how happy she was to be in our home for Mother’s Day.

Dinner was wonderful as we all talked and laughed sharing family memories. I played the piano for mom and we sang her favorite hymns. We went outside on the patio to enjoy the sunshine of this perfect day continuing the laughter and family stories.

As the day came to an end, I cleared the dining room table and cleaned the kitchen as mom sat by talking and laughing just like many times before. What a gift when I look back. How fast time marches on as life moves us forward.
When it was time to take mom back, we all rode along to settle her in her pretty room for the night. We gathered to say a prayer as we always did in parting, knowing we had been blessed once again with a memory that would last us forever. Mom passed away just 3 and half months later. Just 14 weeks from that special Mother’s Day and last dinner. The last time she would ever be in my home. The last time I would see her in that gorgeous lavender suit, hear her voice at the dinner table and see her generous smile.  With fragile hands, mom stroked my hair as we said goodbye. Thanked me for a lovely dinner and special day. I can still see her hand wave as we walked out of her pretty room. “See you tomorrow, we all said.”  Tomorrow's did come and go in those weeks before mom took her final move to heaven. Looking back  on those days were the best of my life.  Times in which I learned so much from my mother.  The one who always had a smile on her face and kind word for all.  Generous to a fault and a giver of time.   Encourager and cheerleader to everyone.
Learning's that will never have a last time!
This Mother’s Day will once again give me the moments to look into my heart and reopen that gift from the past.  It will be a time to be thankful for the dear mother I was blessed with and the mom I hope and pray I can be, set by her example.
Mom used to say to cherish the moments, take time to be kind and in all ways ask God to direct our path. Insightful words from a wise lady.  I hope your days are special and blessed by gifted moments shared with family, friends and Mothers.      (c)Celestina Marie

Many Blessings Always.
Your Friend,
Celestina Marie


Tete said...

What a wonderful post. I am so glad you were blessed with such a special mama. Can't wait to meet her on the other side. Happy Mother's Day to you...

Debby Ray said...

What a beautiful lady your mother was and thses are precious memeories that you will always have. We never get over losing our sweet mothers do we? It was 6 years ago last weekend when I told my mom goodbye over the phone as my siblings held the phone up to her as she was breathing her last breaths. Bittersweet. I hope your day is special, tomorrow.
Hugs, sweet friend :)

Decor To Adore said...

What a precious story my friend. I had to stop and get a tissue from the lovely heartfelt words.
My own dear mother passed on from cancer when I was just 5 years old. Even 42 years later she is deeply missed. But how thankful I am for the two wonderful children I get to "mom" every day. :)

Happy Mother's Day!

TexWisGirl said...

sweet, dear woman who you hold in your heart. :)

Barbara F. said...

Beautiful post. 🌹

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What a loving and special tribute honoring your dear Mom's memory, Celeste. Your mom had to be a special lady to have a wonderful daughter like you. What a blessing it was for you to have moved her to be close to you. Even though you had to move her to a facility, you never failed to visit her each day or to brighten her spirits. Happy Mother's Day to you, sweet friend!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

thank you for sharing your thoughts of that far ago day. Your words point out how important each moment is and how quickly loss can come to us.

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful tribute to our dear Mom, hugs, Valerie

Daniela said...

What a moving, wonderful post, my darling Celestina, it led me to tears ...
I'm so glad that you could have your Mother at you home in this special occasion, it was the last time, that's true, but God's allowed you this precious gift !

I wish you a most lovely Lord's Day ever, cradled by your sweet memories, sweetie, and a wonderful new week ahead, sending blessings of joy to you

With thankfulness


Anna said...

What a lovely post !!! I'm sure she would be proud of what you just write about her and her last Mother's day !

La Petite Gallery said...

Mother's day is a time for beautiful memories. My Mother died of
Alzheimer's. I can only say it was awful. God Bless you and your's
love yvonne

Sue Kosec said...

One word. POIGNANT!

What a beautiful gift to reach into your heart and open.

The story of me and my mother mirrors yours in so many ways.

I miss my mamma just as you miss yours.

Happy Mother's Day, Sweet Celeste!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Well I know where you got your sweetness from! Loved reading this. Time is precious- thank God for the good memories and for the time we've had together. Happy Mother's Day :-) said...

Good Morning
What a sweet, beautiful Post. All I did was cry while reading it. The memories you have of that precious day will be with you forever* you are so blessed. Enjoy this beautiful Mothers day

craftyles said...

Dear Celeste, what a beautiful story. Your sweet Mom was a precious person and I'm so glad you have these wonderful memories. She was a beautiful lady, just like you. Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Sweet memories!

The Bear's Blog said...

Dearest Friend,

I can't read this, today is a day that has its ups and downs for me. I have such loving childhood memories of my parents, I miss them so much that it hurts.

I wish you a lovely day, filled with beautiful memories and we both know that it isn't over, we will see our parents, family, friends and pets again - and it will be forever. What an awesome God we have, He keeps His promises and will never leave our side. And that is what keeps me going.


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I couldn't help but weep right now, as I ended the reading, as I looked at her photo. Your description of your mother fits my mother's as well, and I too can remember fine details of her last days with me. What gets me every time is when I think of my mother's angelic demeanor, her innocence, her wisdom. That is what makes me weep. She was like a fragile little bird, but now I know more. Sometimes we learn more in their absence, and my mother was an eagle. She soared high because she was HUMBLE. She was strong because she took the path of kindness, of generosity, of laughter, of strength in her last days.

Celeste my friend, let's be like our moms. That is how they live forever.

Gypsy Heart said...

Such a beautiful lady and a joyful smile! This is a beautiful tribute to her and to you, a wonderful & dedicated daughter. Thank you for sharing your special memories with us sweet friend.


Rose L said...

I am blessed to still have my mother and she is 81, dad is 85.
We talk on the phone all the time since they live in California and I in Oregon. I can only afford to visit once a year. They have much family there with my 3 siblings, their grandchildren and their great grandchildren.
Cherish the memories and write down her stories to share with the generations.
Happy Mothers day.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Very sweet and touching post! So happy for you to have such a memory to relive each year. I am sure you are just as wonderful a mother as your own. Happy Mother's Day!

Heaven's Walk said...

Oh Celeste....I cried all the way through your beautiful post. I could picture all those special events with your mom taking place just like it was a movie in my head. I empathize with the special memories you have with your mom in her last days. I spent the day today thinking of my own mother and how special she was to me. How she battled so many different surgeries and health issues over the years with strength and dignity. Even in her struggling state of dementia during her last 2 years here on earth, she was loving us all with her heart and soul through her eyes and smiles. When my dad passed away unexpectedly, she somehow knew it even before I told her. She also knew that she wanted to follow him to heaven 14 days later. I miss her so much it hurts. I remember her soft cheeks when I kissed her; her pale wrinkled hands; her beautiful hazel eyes watching me; and her crooked little smile when I joked with her. I miss her hugs and kisses. I know I will see her again someday....but until then, I continue to visit her in my mind's eye with all the love that fills my heart for her. ♥

xoxo laurie

shortybear said...

precious memories dear

Alessandra said...

How sweet this post! These are very precious memories. They will be in your hearth forever. Hope you had a special mother' s day

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

such a beautiful tribute to your sweet Mom. It brought tears to my eyes, reading each word, so tenderly written. It must have been difficult to place your Mother in the care home. Sometimes it is the best thing, when they can no longer be cared for at home. You truly are a special daughter who loved your Mother deeply. I can see where you get your kind and generous heart. It was so special your mother came to your home for a loving dinner. Those precious moments will forever be in your heart. Thank you for sharing your sweet Mother with us all. XO

La Petite Gallery said...

Your Mom looks like such fun. Happy Mothers day
I had the best ever. yvonne

Conniecrafter said...

Oh my Celeste you have me crying here as I read this beautiful post. I am so glad your mother was able to come and live with you the last time of her life and that you all were able to share such a special day together!! Praise be to God that he found you a home that your mother could stay and then to have a place so close by that you could go and see her everyday when you could no longer care for her.
My Mom passed away on Mother's Day 2002, I called to talk to her since we at the time lived a 12 hour drive away from her, my Dad said she was resting that she was having a bad day and he hated to wake her so I said I would call the next day, that evening I got the call that Mom had died, still hurts that I couldn't tell her one last time on Mother's day how much she meant to me but I know she has always known how special she was to me, so that is comforting.

Claudia said...

My dearest friend Celeste, thank you for this wodnerful , emotional and wonderful post! so many Love in your words ....Lovely photo from your dear Mum!
Have a wonderful week, sending Love and hugs and Blessings,
Claudia xo

handmade by amalia said...

A lovely tribute.

Kim said...

I agree with Amalia, what a lovely tribute.

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

That was beautiful Celeste. I hung on every word.
Hugs to you, and have a wonderful week.

Creations By Cindy said...

How beautiful! This just melted my heart sweet friend. God was so good to you to allow you to have such a special and precious bond with your mother like that. Amazing at how He knows what we need and when we need it and He works everything out for our good and for His Glory! So sweet of you to share with us such a tender moment in your life. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

cynthia lee designs said...

What a beautiful blog post and tribute to your mom. I know you must miss her everyday.
Sending hugs and blessings your way.

Karen@Southern Gal Meets Midwest said...

What wonderful, treasured memories you have with your mother. None of us are excluded...we will all have to prepare for the day without Mom.
Thank you for this beautiful post Celestina. Hope your Mother's Day was sweet to you :)

Roosterhead Designs said...

Celestina I am overjoyed to have the chance to read your story~
Blessed and overjoyed! Thank you for sharing. It makes me want to treasure my mom EVEN MORE than I do. (we had a nice dinner together @ my sisters...) as she is loosing a slow battle these days ...
I'm so glad I caught this post friend; you have stirred my heart~ Karen O

Linda Walker said...

Dear Celestina,
I've read this post a couple of times now, it really touches my heart. You were a blessing to her as much as she was a blessing to you. Two lovely ladies with an everlasting bond.....thank you for sharing this with us.

Jill said...

What a beautifully written post honoring your mother. She sounds like she was a wonderful person all around and she was also lucky to have a daughter as kind and caring to others as you are. Thank you for sharing this story with us... I love my mom so much and can not imagine life without her, my heart goes out to you. Thinking of you.

Many blessings,

Donna said...

What a wonderful tribute to your mother, Celestina. You were so lucky to share such a close and loving bond with her. I know you miss her terribly. And I know that she is so proud of you, too. I can see so much resemblance between you! You have her beautiful smile and eyes:) And of course she also blessed you with her talent and compassion. I sure wish that I could have known her, as I would have loved her, too!
Big hugs.

BeachGypsy said...

What a beautiful and sincere post! Just lovely. Your Mother was a blessing to you. You were a blessing to her. Thank you for sharing your Mother here with us....that was a blessing for us.

Debbie Harris said...

Celestina~Such a beautiful and endearing tribute in honor of your precious mother. You certainly reflect her beauty as described in your lovely words towards her life. Your dear mother's smile is gorgeous, just as yours is.
What a beautiful gift the Lord has given us in the way of memories that we can hold ever so close to our hearts.
Thank you for this glimpse into the beauty of the women who passed down her virtues into your own life, may we too glean much from these words of inspiration.

Love and Hugs to you, lovely lady~ said...

Sweet Celeste, a belated Happy Mothers Day to you. You a clearly your Mother's daughter. xo

Joy Junktion said...

What a beautiful tribute to your precious mom. Thank you for sharing such sweet and personal memories! I pray you have had a blessed, restful and joyous week! Blessings, Cindy xo

decorayadora said...

Hi dear celestina ,,, que lindo homenaje a su madre ,,,esoero que tengas un bendecido fin de semana

Feral Turtle said...

I am so sorry I am late to visit. What a wonderful memory of your beautiful Mother. It really touched my heart Celeste. Thank you for sharing! xoxo

Smareis said...

Bela postagem . Uma declaração linda pra sua mãe. Bonita lembrança!
Ótima semana!

Linda M. said...

Celeste, What a beautifully written story. I'm sorry I didn't notice this before. It brought tears to my eyes and made me think of my mother who passed away in 2009 she was a precious woman also. The pain never goes away. Thank you for sharing your story about her. Hugs, Linda

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