Monday, June 13, 2016

The Southern and Saucer Magnolias

This time of year, our Southern Magnolia Tree is gorgeous. 
For the most part these trees only share a few blooms at once
lasting just about one or two days.
It is very rare to see the tree full of blooms at once.

Our Magnolia is a tall beauty and stands in our front yard.
 The blooms are as large as a dinner plate and the scent is heavenly.
This tree inspires me to paint the large white blooms.

We planted this gorgeous tree 16 years ago
when we re-landscaped our garden.

Each season I try and save the magnolia cones when they drop for decorating.
They make great accents in seasonal craft projects
to spray paint and glitter. 
Often times I float the flowers in the pool.

At Christmas, I use the leaves to create wreaths and garland.

Another specimen in the Magnolia tree family
is the
 Saucer Magnolia.
This is our tree from the back garden.
It has a much smaller trunk and I keep this one cut like a topiary.

Saucer Magnolias have small pink or white flowers blooming only in the spring.
The Saucer Magnolia drops it's leaves in late fall
while the Southern Magnolia keeps it's leaves in winter and stays green.

The Southern  and Saucer Magnolias 
North Texas!

Thanks for stopping by~
See you next week!

Celestina Marie


eileeninmd said...

Hello, they are beautiful trees and lovely blossoms. I wish I could be there to smell their scent. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Stacey said...

So pretty Celeste! We had a Saucer Magnolia in Oklahoma and I just loved it. The blooms on that little tree were a sure sign of spring each year. Of course, Southern Magnolias are the queen bee. I'd love to have one but our yard isn't nearly big enough. I've often wished for one just for the blooms and leaves like you mentioned. I might plant one of the Little Gems one of these days. Loved this post!

The Bear's Blog said...


Unknown said...

Celestina Marie, The Magnolia Tree looks Majestic and Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Both of your magnolia trees are so beautiful and so different, Celeste. The one in your front yard is so majestic and stately and the one in your backyard is just darling as a topiary. I enjoyed seeing both of them in your pretty yard.
Hope you have a wonderful week, sweet friend!

cloches and lavender said...

Hi Celeste, I'm back. I LOVE Magnolias. It's hard to choose which is my favorite the blooms or leaves. I always say I wish we were able to grow them


Michelle said...

Magnolias are a favorite tree of mine. So beautiful!

Sandi Magle said...

I love the sharing of bloggers' gardens all across the country. We can't even think about having magnolias up here in zone to see one in full bloom is a real experience. Thanks so much for sharing. I always loved working with the large magnolias in floral arrangements. Now knowing they don't last but a couple days--makes all the arrangements I made, more meaningful. Thanks for sharing, Sandi

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning, Celeste! Oh, magnolias, they are the first to bloom here! It is always so sad to see them go. This is the first year however, that I noticed the YELLOW flowers; we have always had the white or pink, but those yellow flowers really surprised us. Enjoying your garden my friend? I know you are! I am loving the brilliance of all that Minnesota gardens have to offer, and more! Anita

Claudia said...

Hi Celeste, my dear friend, so lovely to hear from you!
Your Magnoila Tree is georgeous! I never have seen such a big Magnolia! You lucky one! Thank you for sharing!
Wishing you a wodnerful and blessed new week, take dare, my friend,
sending Love and hugs to you,
Claudia xo

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

I was not familiar with the Saucer Magnolia. Thank you for a very informative and visually beautiful post. Enjoy your week.

craftyles said...

What a beautiful magnolia tree. I didn't know you could use the cones. How nice to use the leaves and flowers too. I'm sure this adds so much personality to your pretty yard.

Art and Sand said...

How wise of you to plant that magnolia tree 16 years ago.

Roosterhead Designs said...

Oooo Celestina! Another glimpse into your beautiful yard~ Thanks for sharing! I need to see how you use those 'cones.' (Perhaps I browse back to some holiday posts:)
We do not have those trees in CO; but I have seen them in the south and yes indeed they are beautiful! Oh yes, and please send that awesome red rooster right up to me! ; ) LOL Have a great week. Hugs, Karen O

Daniela said...

Oh, my darling Celestina, this amazing tree belongs to my dreams for so long, but we've not been able to grow it here, yet, we've tried ... three times, always with healthy plants, but we always failed, alas, even changing position !

But I want to try once more, I so love it, its stunning flowers are simply gorgeous !

Hope your week is off to a good start I'm wishing you most wonderful days to come
with extreme gratitude

Xx Dany

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Both of your trees are gorgeous Celestina! I hope you are enjoying summer and have a lovely week. :)

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

They are such beautiful trees!

Linda M. said...

Celeste, Thanks for sharing your magnolia. I had a small Northern, lol, magnolia at our old house and I looked forward to seeing the beautiful white small blossoms in the spring each year. The blossoms only lasted a short while and when they dropped the lawn was covered in white petals. I love it.
Joyous wishes, and hugs, Linda

Valerie-Jael said...

Magnolias are wonderful trees, and I love to see them flowering. Your trees are fantastic. Hugs, Valerie

shortybear said...

lovely post

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

You would probably swoon from the heady scent of lots of Magnolia flowers so it's probably best they only bloom a little at a time! They are so pretty. I don't know that I have ever seen a real Magnolia flower in person.

Sue Kosec said...

Oh just beautiful. You are so fortunate to be able to look up and see these beauties.

Thanks for the tip about the cones!


Linda Walker said...

What a gorgeous magnolia tree! The blossoms are beautiful! And as big as dinner plates??? Unbelievable! You are so lucky! There are versions of magnolia trees around these parts but the bloom is small,... still very beautiful though. However, they seldom last long as we often get wind and rain around the time that they bloom which knocks the blossoms off the tree. I cannot even imagine the lovely scent! Hope all is well! Sending hugs!

Jill said...

We have a very large one in our yard now and it only blooms a few at a time, but it is so lovely :-) Thank you for sharing have a great Monday!


Karen@Southern Gal Meets Midwest said...

That is a nice tree! I can't imagine blooms that big or having a tree that provides so many different decorating options! Thanks for sharing :)

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, what a beautiful tree, dear Celestina! I love that you use the leaves and flowers for decorating, too. Floating the flowers in the pool must be so lovely. We don't have these gorgeous trees here, but we do have the saucer Magnolia. I have a 'star' magnolia - a similar version with white starry blooms in spring. I hope you are enjoying a lovely start to your week, my dear. Hugs xo Karen

Blondie's Journal said...

So, so pretty! We don't have it here in the Midwest but how happy I was to see it in abundance at our condo in N.C.!!


Anna said...

A beautiful tree that we can see around !
Have a lovely day !

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

I am just so pleased that we have Magnolias in Texas!
We planted 3 little gems in our front beds and they are just blooming away.
Some of the prettiest of magnolias grow in the deep South and now I am thinking of Steel Magnolias:)
Have a lovely week!

Lisa said...

I have noticed so many blossoms on the magnolia trees this year too! Just covered in blooms! Do you think it might be all the rain we've had? They are beautiful and the smell is simply intoxicating. I would love to learn how to make a wreath out of the leaves. They are so beautiful.

Stephanie said...

My dear, sweet Celeste, I can't tell you how much I missed you and your beautiful blog while on my break. It's SO GOOD to stop in for a visit :)

I sincerely hope you are doing well and enjoying this beautiful month of June. I greatly appreciated your comment on my blog yesterday and I completely understand why you're only posting once a week. I am to the point where I'm quite content posting only twice a week and a book review every now and then.

Thinking of you and sending love and hugs your way!

Tete said...

I never knew all of that about the magnolias. My neighbor has one different than those 2 of yours. I need to research this. ;0)
Hope you are having good days there. Hot and miserable here.

Thankful for Grace said...

What a gorgeous tree!!! Magnolias add such charm and loveliness to a home.

When we lived in Florida, I had a magnolia tree. I had been wanting one for our new house, so for my first mother's day (1990), my husband and baby daughter bought me one. We moved away in 2000, but on a trip back to Florida in 2011, I popped by my old house. I wanted to be sure "my tree" was still there. It was...and much taller than when we had left 11 years earlier. I need to go see my tree on my next trip to Florida.


Creations By Cindy said... beautiful! I love Magnolia's. I had a tree but it got so big it began to overshadow my little veggie garden. My man cut it down a couple of years ago and I cried like a baby! is growing again!!!! Love the beauty they produce. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

TexWisGirl said...

they're beautiful. :)

Liz @ Sit With Me In My Garden said...

I didn't know about how these southern magnolias bloom! I had a saucer magnolia for about 15 years and just lost it. The leaves were never pretty or useable like the southern magnolia. Thank you for the info and for sharing your pretty blooms!

Kim said...

Outstanding!! Now THAT is a tree!! :)

quakerhillfarm said...

Isn't the magnolia tree the most magnificent? You are so right. The blooms are beautiful and they do have a heavenly scent! thanks for sharing this beautiful tree. Lynn

Mrs. W. said...

Good morning,

That is truly a gorgeous tree! I love magnolias. Isn't it pleasing to see a tree that you planted grow to be so magnificent?

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

They are a beautiful tree and the flows are gorgeous. Its wonderful to watch a tree we planted..or tress that were gifted to us by nature.

Junkchiccottage said...

Your magnolia tree is gorgeous.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Celestina, the magnolia tree is so gorgeous. There is one a few blocks from our home in the school yard but the flowers are so high up that I can't manage to snitch one. So beautiful. Thank you for your visit about Jake's graduation. I appreciate all your kind words..Have a great weekend..xxoJudy

cynthia lee designs said...

Your Magnolia tree is so beautiful.!!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

How beautiful they are. I would be saving them too. Gorgeous flowers. I wish I had one around here to admire. I just know you will create something beautiful. Have a great weekend. xo

Deborah Montgomery said...

Just beautiful Celeste! I bet they smell heavenly! Wonderful, too, that you can use them in your decorating and crafts.

Joy Junktion said...

Such a lovely tree! I love the beautiful leaves and what pretty wreaths they make. I pray you enjoy a beautiful and blessed weekend! Cindy xo

The Polka Dot Closet said...

I have a magnolia tree too. I say the leaves, but have never thought of saving the cones...Thank you for the idea and thank you for your kind words on the Orlando tragedy!


At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Interesting information on the magnolias. would love to see how you make the wreaths from the leaves.

handmade by amalia said...

A handsome tree indeed. These blossoms must carry a heavenly scent.

Donna said...

What a treat to have that magnificent magnolia tree in your yard! They don't grow up here in our climate, you are very lucky! Love the leaves too, that's so neat you can use them, and the dried flower pod, in your special decor and arrangements!

Anonymous said...

Hi pretty Celeste! Oh, your magnolia tree and blossoms are just gorgeous. They are really so pretty and the smell. I don't believe I seen any up here. I've never heard of a saucer magnolia. Does it bloom too? I love the area where you've planted it and of course your red Rooster! ;) Hope you've been doing well. I've been missing in action for some time and have got to get caught up!
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Annesphamily said...

Gorgeous flowers! This is the second blog i visited today showcasing the beautiful magnolia flower. Hugs to you friend xo

Anonymous said...

Celeste, I just wanted to come back to say I'm so sorry for what you've been through and you will certainly be in my prayers. Take care of yourself.
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

What a sight to see that magnolia tree is... And to have it in your yard is just magnificent! I would love to look at that beautiful tree every day.

Feral Turtle said...

I really need to see one of those trees in person. I can't even imagine a tree with such big blooms. I think I might just move into your back yard....I come with my own garden gloves and weeding tools. Hope you have a good week Celeste.

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Celestina Marie
Celestina Marie

Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..