Monday, July 25, 2016

Backyard Beaching It~

Here in Texas~

we're in a heat wave like most of the country.

If you're outside at all,
being in the water, is the only way to stay cool.

Come join me for a day in  my backyard beach.

We can sit here and enjoy the sunshine and part shade under the tree.

Mr Sunshine will greet us with a pleasant smile.

We can look for shells here on Stoney Beach.

Mixed with the stones and glittery blue rocks, pretty shells we can collect.

Shells of different types and shapes are waiting for us to find.

We can place our cold drink on this birdbath table I created using
a round glass top over the top filled with shells.
My hubby added a small light inside the birdbath and it has a warm glow in the evening.

We can go for a swim in the blue water.
Charlie Tuna is there to float by and give us a smile.

The bubble fountain will soon be spilling over and the sound will be refreshing.

Near by Mr. Frog sits on the red bike and watches over the fun.

As the palm tree sways, we can enjoy the day.

Thank you for stopping by my backyard beach.
I hope you are enjoying the last days of July and staying cool.

See you next week!


TexWisGirl said...

you do have your own getaway spot!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OH, TAKE ME NOW!!!!!! Water is my favorite element and your backyard beach theme is brilliant. With shells and all, who needs to go to the shore? Awesome post my friend.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What a pretty beach you have in your very own poolside, sweet friend! I especially loved seeing your birdbath transformed into a shell filled table. Wish I could see it lit up in the nighttime! All your whimsy, from Charlie to the frog on the bike seat, just made me smile. Stay cool and comfy in your backyard oasis! Love and hugs sent to you!

Unknown said...

Celestina Marie, Great Yard Oasis! Fun in the Sun! Relaxing!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a lovely oasis you have in your back yard!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful spot Celeste. A sweet respite from this hot summer for sure.
Happy new week.
Hugs, Gee

Anonymous said...

Hi Celeste! It's so beautiful in your backyard. You do have your own oasis! Your pool is so refreshing and I love all of your pretty plants and your accessories. That red bike looks darling!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

craftyles said...

Oh, that looks so cool and refreshing. Love the shells on your little beach. I also think the frog on the bike is very cute. You have a beautiful spot to stay cool in this heat. Enjoy your week!

Lisa said...

I love your fountain Celeste! And in this heat your pool looks so inviting. I think we have a few days of a bit cooler weather. Thank goodness!

Sandi Magle said...

Gorgeous---looks so inviting. I would be wrinkled and sunburned from being in there too much!
Thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous backyard. Sandi

Ginny said...


Linda Walker said...

Oh boy Celeste, I wish I was that pool! Your backyard is beautiful. Who wouldn't want to spend a day at the beach right there! Such an oasis! Loved seeing your backyard from every angle! Stay cool!

quakerhillfarm said...

Looks like a most refreshing spot to be! I love your fountain. I can almost hear the water bubbling! Have a COOL week, Lynn

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your backyard beach, wish I could join you there! Here it's hot inside and outside, and no pool! Have fun, hugs, Valerie

Betty said...

I would be in that pool right now. It is over 100 here today. I am inside trying to keep cool. Love Mr. Sun.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

I love your pretty shells and your pool! What a great way to stay cool! Have a swim for me? Enjoy the week!

Createology said...

Your backyard beach is divine and looks so calm and peaceful. That beautiful blue water in your pool is calling to me. Thank you for inviting me over to enjoy your gorgeous cool backyard in the midst of record heat all across this country. I'll bring the lemonade dear...

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Very sweet! I just love the table with the shells. Such a great idea. Been trying to enjoy the outdoors but some days it is just too hot!

cloches and lavender said...

Beautiful Celeste, so good at staging. Love the pool, you have some backyard. Wants me to come have a swim and some iced tea or a glad of wine.


Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Celeste your pool is gorgeous and looks oh so refreshing! Sizzling in Philly so I cyber jump down to spend an afternoon with you, please I'll take a icy cold drink with an umbrella and bendy straw.
Sending love,

Jill said...

Beautiful yard! I love how you added the seashells :-) We recently had a pool installed (above ground) but will take some time getting the deck built etc. :-) It's sure been hot here too with temperatures in the 100's! Makes staying in A/C welcoming, lol. Have a wonderful evening.


Kim said...

Enjoy your beachy backyard and stay cool. It's been hot here, least the pool is getting some use! :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You'd better be careful...we might ALL show up on your doorstep! Or your pool! We talked about having a daycation right here at our house one day soon. It's too hot to go anywhere right now. Stay cool! Lock your doors! hahaha! Hugs, Diane

Katie Mansfield said...

Your spot is lovely. What a wonderful place to keep cool. So refreshing.

Debbie Harris said...

Awww...That was refreshing in deed.
Your hot days must be glorious spent in that pool surrounded with all that beauty, Celestina.
Thank you for sharing your beach with us.

Love and blessings~~

Donna said...

I just love your backyard beach, Celestina! The shells are so pretty, and I just love your birdbath idea. Glad you have a nice place to cool off. Your pool looks just amazing! I'm coming over right now:)!

Claudia said...

Hi Celeste , ym sweet friend ..Backyard Beaching sounds wonderful! In those hot days I would love to have a pool to ...I would be in every day LOL ....
You created a wonderful place, to relax and enjoy!
Thank you for sharing wonderful pictures from your home!
Have a lovely and wonderful week,
sending Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Celestina Marie,

Thank you for sharing your beautiful pool and a little bit of beach with us. Stay cool dear friend and I can picture you enjoying the summer days here relaxing.
Have a happy week

Blondie's Journal said...

Our beautiful photos make me fee like a day at the beach.! :)

We are down at our place in North Carolina and it is hotter than our home in Chicago! Ha! No worries...we have a pool here!


Art and Sand said...

What a lovely oasis you have created.

Creations By Cindy said...

What a wonderful backyard beach! And oh this heat you would have to stay in the water more than out of it for sure. I am sure you've had some sweet times though at your beach! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Lovely backyard beach setting. The seashells add so much to the yard...feeling and looking like a beach. Your pool is lovely and I do love palm trees swaying. Thanks for sharing your own paradise with us. xo

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

What a great idea to bring a beachy theme to your backyard! I'd be in and out of the pool all day with those high temps! We've frequently been hitting 90+ lately!

Stacey said...

I love your thinking! Your beachy backyard is so pretty. I love seeing your pool all surrounded by the pretty plants and flowers. :)

Thankful for Grace said...

How fun to hit the beach with you in your backyard. I've been needing a beach fix!

Your birdbath table is so pretty, and what a unique idea. Leave it to you to come up with something so creative.

Did I tell you that my son-in-law's family lives in Texas (Austin). He and my daughter went to visit his family the first 2 weeks of July. Well, we have lived in the very un-humid climate of Boise for 16 years now, so humidity is very difficult for us. My daughter thought she was going to pass out. She was so ready for the vacation to end, so she could get back to the dry air.

Blessings to you,

Anna said...

A great place to be...
You are a lucky woman !
Have a lovely day enjoying your backyard !

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful back yard!! I love the pool area and I would be spending the entire day out there if I were you. Thanks for inviting us :-) Hope all is well dear friend!

Town and Country Gals said...

your backyard is fabulous, you never need to leave! Having a pool in this heat wave is a life saver! I love how you've incorporated sea shells in your décor, they add such a beachy vibe and are so fun! Like everything you've done out there to make it comfortabl!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Celestina, you have the most perfect backyard beach I have ever seen. What fun to pick through the rocky beach for shells and your pool is gorgeous!! Everything is perfect and must be a wonderful "vacation" when you are out there..Happy Wednesday..Judy

Decor To Adore said...

How truly inviting! Our house came with a similar bubbling fountain and you've reminded me to get it up in running. It looks so pretty.

Anonymous said...

So Beautiful Celeste !!!, yes you do have the beach at home, we are having over the scale heat and humidity too, however not the terrible storms your part of the country is getting, so stay safe and in your pool !!!! Take Care, Celeste

Deborah Montgomery said...

Oh, what a lovely spot! Sounds just delightful in this heat! As Diane said, you better watch out, we'll all be at your doorstep! Love the idea of the shells on your "beach." And the sound of a little bubbly fountain is so relaxing. Enjoy Celeste. xo Deborah

Linda M. said...

Celeste, Love all those backyard features. Keep cool and enjoy. Linda

Stephanie said...

Simply beautiful, my friend. Your decor is so inviting and pretty.

My son is sitting next to me right now and he got quite excited when he saw your pool {{smiles}}

Have a glorious afternoon, dear friend. Love and hugs!

Curtains in My Tree said...

I sure would love to jump right in your pool
It is so pretty all around it
Just what we need in this heat bubble we are in

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

What a great place to relax in the pool or sitting close to the pool.
Your pool are back yard are stunning.

Yes, our weather has been so HOT also. I went up to my son's for my Bday hoping that it would be cooler up there, wrong, just as hot as here. I enjoyed my visit with my granddaughter, but always glad to get home.

Take care and don't over do in the heat.


Sylvia said...

Love your back yard,Celestina,and great idea to make a table out of a bird bath. I'll have to remember that.

decorayadora said...

Hi dear Celestina !! Que delicia de piscina Ahhh que envidia me da el verano nosotros todAvia en invierno brrrr

cynthia lee designs said...

Love your back yard...everything is so pretty!!

BeachGypsy said...

Heat wave here as well. Sure am looking forward to Fall at this point, ha ha LOL! Your sparkling pool is absolutely beautiful and I would never LEAVE IT if I were you! LOL Love the pretty fountain too

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Everything looks beautiful & serene, Celeste! You & L put so much of yourself into this area & I love it. Have missed visiting your blog and intend to read a few more posts before falling asleep! Love you always!

Sue Kosec said...

I think I'll be right over to dip my toes! What a beautiful oasis right at your fingertips.

Enjoy and stay cool.

Red Rose Alley said...

Celestina, your pool looks so refreshing and beautiful. It's been really warm here in California, and I'd love to take a dip in your cool pool. Mr. Sunshine is pretty, and your backyard beach is delightful. Enjoy the rest of the summer days. I'm looking forward to Fall. :)

love, ~Sheri

Conniecrafter said...

What an oasis your yard is and that pool sure does look refreshing place to jump in on these HOT days. Love the scattering of the seashells all around :)

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