Hi Friends,
Hope you enjoyed a nice weekend.
Fall will arrive this week and we sure hope it brings some cooler temps
here in the Lone Star State.
Hope you enjoyed a nice weekend.
Fall will arrive this week and we sure hope it brings some cooler temps
here in the Lone Star State.
Well, looks like the pumpkin truck pulled up with
pumpkins for sale.
what a good price too.
I'll be purchasing a few to decorate the outdoors
along with a few faux styles.
I better hurry before they're all gone.
I better hurry before they're all gone.
With the new season arriving this week we sure hope it brings
cooler temps.
We long to do some
We long to do some
patio sitting, outdoor dining,
walking in the park, treasure junkin, enjoying one pot meals
and taking part in
all the beauty Autumn days have to offer.
Are you ready??
In just 2 weeks, please join us
and visit
a blog hop home tour
presented by
Katie from
Let's Add Sprinkles
as she hosts 20 plus bloggers sharing
the fall season,
October 3rd through the 7th

and visit
a blog hop home tour
presented by
Katie from
Let's Add Sprinkles
as she hosts 20 plus bloggers sharing
the fall season,
October 3rd through the 7th
Happy Fall Ya'll

Lovely idea with the red truck. Autumn is on its way here, too. It's my fave season. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie
that's cute. try to stay cool today.
Hello Celestina, your red truck and pumpkins are adorable! I wish you a happy fall and have a wonderful week.
Julie xo
Good Morning Celestina, I am sorry I have not visited in a little while, but I have been on an extended blogging break.
It is so lovely to catch up with you and to see what has been happening in your life.
Although we are in an autumnal month, the weather here in England is not autumnal, we really have enjoyed some beautiful weather.... long may it continue.
I love the little red truck filled with pumpkins. Such a lovely idea.
I hope your temperatures drop soon, so that you can sit on your porch.
Best Wishes to you.
Celestina Marie, Really cool looking Red truck with pumkins. Have a great busy week.
Hope your arm feels better!
I love the red truck-it does look so fallish. The little pumpkins are so cute in the back. I sure hope it cools down soon-I think by the weekend we'll finally get a break. Have fun fluffing your nest!
Love your blog! The red truck and pumpkins scream Autumn.
Thanks for always posting the best!
Lovely post and truck !!!
Happy Autumn !
I'm not ready yet...
Great to see t he pumpkin truck. I wish it would cool down too. Still humid and warm, need to feel fall. I haven't done any decorating. Did some large projects.
How wonderful is your truck with pumpkins, I wish we could buy so many pumpkins here , of different art, so sweet in the old truck, Celestina. Here it is already so cold, that we can`t dine outside more, this year I guess :-(
Have a lovely autumn time. Dorthe xoxo
Love your cheerful red pumpkin truck! What a fun idea for fall!
I love, love, love your red truck!
That truck is so adorable! And the pumpkins make it perfect!
Oh Celeste, your red truck with the pumpkins is DARLING! What a cute addition to your home during the beautiful autumn season.
Have a blessed week, dear one. Love and hugs!
Hello Celeste! You and I have the same idea going kn. I have a little vintage truck filled with pumpkins too! Enjoy the arrival of cooler temps my friend!
Hello Celeste! You and I have the same idea going kn. I have a little vintage truck filled with pumpkins too! Enjoy the arrival of cooler temps my friend!
So cute! I do not decorate anymore as alone.
Love the truck filled with pumpkins! I just picked up a rusty, chippy old truck so now I have to find some faux mini pumpkins!
Great little vignette going there...iM sure the elves and scarecrows will be happy with that load of pumpkins. Around here, anything that is that scale is perceived as a toy and ends up carting Barbies or gnomes around. Hope we all have a nice Fall to enjoy---I think the miserably hot summer owes us one, Thanks for sharing, Sandi
What an awesome little vignette Celeste! So cute and gets us in the autumn mood as well : ) (though reluctantly for me - - I think I'm the only one still holding on ; ) Thanks for sharing * looking forward to your future posts~ Karen O
What a cute little truck ♥
I'm ready for cooler temps and warm, one-dish meals, also!
Love the pumpkin truck! The cooler weather puts a spring in one's step, for sure, and there's just so many good things to enjoy this time of year.
Hi, Celeste,
Your truck filled with pumpkins is so cute and right on time for fall inspiration. I was so excited to find pumpkins this weekend in a local nursery.
I always love seeing your little red truck! The tiny pumpkins look so real! I hope it does cool off for you real soon. We are having a tiny warm up but are enjoying some fall like weather. Starting to see a few trees sprinkled with color already!
Oh, I know fall is soon to appear when I see your cute little red truck! I almost purchased a beautiful blue one recently to go with my soon to be redone 'beach cottage' style designs! Autumn hits in 3 days, I'm praying for cooler temps - come on fall!! Blessings, Cindy xo
Hi Celeste, I love your little red Pumpkin Truck :O)
Wishing you a lovely week and fall-time,
sending much Love and hugs and blessings to you, my dear friend,
Claudia xo
it is so cute ,,autumn is also my fav season .
best wishes
I love that little truck! Maybe it might find its way to Indiana! Have a wonderful day! Looking forward to the tour.
What a darling red truck and a great price for pumpkins....LOL You have the cutest decor items. I hope you are feeling better. Looking forward to the big Texas tour. xo
This is too adorable, and such a good price for pumpkins! Seems you need a bank loan to afford them anymore - Lol! Can't wait to see the Texas home tour. Wishing you cooler days ahead, my dear. Hugs xo Karen
Hi Celeste,
Love your adorable red truck with pumpkins - I have my white milk pickup filled with acorns. Can't wait until the temps become more fall like. Looking forward to the tour.
Your truck is too cute filled with pumpkins, that is a fantastic price :)
I agree I can't wait for the fall temps to settle in, we were 93 yesterday but they are saying lower 80's next week, but we have heard that one before but I am crossing my fingers, this hot and humidity is getting old.
ALWAYS ready for autumn, Celeste. My favorite of all.
LOVE that little red truck. :)
Looking forward to the TX blog tour.
Have a lovely day.
Muito lindo esse caminhão com as abóboras.
Aqui estamos chegando na primavera, na verdade parece verão porque o calor ta forte demais.
Beijos e boa semana Celeste.
Oh I do love your little red truck! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
That truck is so adorable with the pumpkins! Happy fall, dear romantic friend
HUgs Alessandra
that truck is just adorable with the pumpkins and the sign. looking forward to seeing your home all decked for fall.
Red trucks are my absolute weakness...so totally darling!!
I'll take two at that price! What a cute way to use your truck for the Fall season! Hugs!
Your truck is just too cute filled with those adorable little pumpkins, Celestina! I sure hope you have some relief from the heat soon. It's much warmer than normal here too. I do love fall and sweater weather, and being able to bake and fix one pot dinners, too!
Celestina, I remember your little red truck, and I love it! How darling it is with mini pumpkins in the back. Yes, I'm ready for Fall. It's getting cooler here, and even sprinkled today. :) Autumn is here!
love, ~Sheri
I love painted metal vintage toys and your little truck there is just my kind of fun! I hope you get to cool off there, we have to wait now until Monday, but its coming. I am ready for goosebumps and hot chocolate and bon fires! Harvest is in full swing here now and they are getting it done! Have a wonderful weekend!
I think I need a little truck to fill with pumpkins.
Hey Celestina! I hope you are doing well. I love your red truck with the pumpkins! So cute and I'm sucker for a chalkboard :) Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you have a great weekend!
What a darling red truck and filled with pumpkins too! Oh I just can't wait until Fall arrives in our state. I think I saw on FB that Texas has Summer and then Summer part 2.
Just waiting for less humidity and cooler temps!
Lovely post,
It's always so much fun to see your pumpkins everywhere, and the cute red truck is adorable!
Also wanted to thank you for visiting my latest post and leaving a sweet comment like you always do.
Happy Weekend!
I just love your little red truck full of pumpkins!! Yes I'm ready for fall though we had a cool day today and tonight it's in the 40's. I'm so cold! Heard there's a chance of frost Sunday night! Tomorrow I'll be digging out my winter jammies!!!
Be sure to grab your pumpkins before they're all gone!!! I've got mums already but no pumpkins yet! Happy fall!
Darling Celeste, HELLO! Thank you for visiting my post. I hope you can find a copy of the magazine. WE CAN'T find any here!
I just love that little red truck, my friend! I'm so happy that Fall has arrived. Maybe I'll temperatures will cool down. Happy Sunday to you and your sweetie. xo
Loving that little truck! Yeah for fall and the cooler temps! Looking forward to the fall tour later. Have a great week!
Love the little red truck with the pumpkins...so cute!!
Hi Celeste ... Your little truck is adorable, especially with the added sign on the tailgate. Happy Fall
Your little red truck is too cute!!! I love toys that show up in grown up décor :^)
My Dad was a master craftsman and once he built a miniature Mack truck. It is sitting on my hutch with it's dump box loaded with faux mini pumpkins! My brother scowls and says it wasn't built for pumpkin display, but I just laugh... I think Daddy would smile too!
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