Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year 2017

Greetings and Happy New Year blog friends. 
I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Holiday!

As we enter into the winter months with our young new year ahead,
 I can't help but look towards a new journey and the anticipation of all to come our way. 

Everything fresh with a new start,
 a new outlook with faith for the days ahead.
 Do you feel this way each new year?
 Do you like to re-evaluate your direction? 
Do you make resolutions? 
I am not one to make resolutions per say,
but rather,
 a conviction to ask God's direction
 and listen for the answers.
 Having new plans and trying to do my best.

Whatever you have planned for your journey,
 I hope the new year is filled with all that makes you happy.
 All that gives you hope, 
all that makes your heart sing with the blessing of meeting each new day. 

May God give you peace and love along your path and may this new year be one to remember!

I will be back sometime in January with lots to share.
We are taking on a big home project this month with all the cottage windows to be replaced.
Needless to say,
the computer, printer, and everything in between will be covered till the dust settles.
We have a ton of windows so it's a big project and a dusty one! 
 as some of you know,
 I also work for my hubbies company
and January will have me away observing and learning off site.

I can try and stay in touch with my phone
through your blogs, FB, IG, Pinterest and more.

Thank you for a great year of blogging and friendship in 2016.
I look forward to another wonderful year ahead sharing with you 
and joining  in your adventures and blogland journeys!

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.
GOD Bless you in 2017


The Bear's Blog said...

Merry & Healthy 2017.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year my dear friend! I wish you and your family the very best for the new year and to another fantastic year of blogging with you.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Claudia said...

Dear Celeste, my sweet friend,
Happy New Yeart to you, may it be filled with love and Luck, Peace, Happyness and Healthiness!
Sending Much Love and hugs and blessings to you,
Claudia xo

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Have a wonderful 2017 ~ FlowerLady

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

May you have a remarkable year of growth dearest Celeste, and may you prosper! I've enjoyed seeing you on Instagram. May 2017 bring us all new hope!

Gaby Bee said...

Best wishes for a super 2017 - with lots of creativity, good health and joy!

craftyles said...

Have a Happy New Year, Dear Celeste. Good luck on the home projects. Looking forward seeing a new year of projects and decor.

Feral Turtle said...

OH NOOOOO Renovations??? LOL Good luck with all of that and I hope you have the most wonderful New Year. Looking forward to seeing you in 2017!!

Eilis said...

I will be interested to learn about your window project. We should probably be doing the same thing. Have a wonderful new year!

Donna said...

Happy New Year, Celestina! No resolutions here! Just always in the mood this time of year to purge and organize thru out the house:) Hope all goes well with your window project!!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Happy New Year!!

Valerie-Jael said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs, Valerie

Cindy Lou said...

God Bless our wonderful country with a NEW ! POSITIVE ! DIRECTION ! Happy New Year !!!

Sue Kosec said...

I look forward to reading more of your words and looking at more of your pictures. But most of all, I look forward to meeting you. This WILL happen - it's one of my goals!

Happy New Year to you and yours.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours!!
I just posted my One Little Word for 2017...stop by if you get a chance and thanks so much for visiting!!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Happy New Year and may you be blessed in 2017.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

You have quite an adventure for the beginning of the year! Happy New Year and blessings to you in all you do.

Debbie Harris said...

Your New Year is certainly coming in with a bang! It's all so dusty and dirty, but oh the beauty of it all when it is finished.
Blessings for the New Year, dear Celestina~

Createology said...

Your post is beautifully written and I am looking forward to a fresh new beginning in 2017. No resolutions for me however I do try to have some goals to achieve. May your home window project go smoothly and your travels be safe. Happy New Year Dear. XO

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I don't do any resolutions, either, my friend. However, I am greeting each new day with thankfulness, prayer and choosing happiness. Best of luck with your window project and all the dust that it will bring. You'll have a sparkling outlook by looking through that new glass. Happy New Year blessings to you and your sweetie! xo

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

And a Happy New Year to you! Hugs.

Alessandra said...

Happy new year to you and your family, dear friend
Hugs Alessandra

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Celestina Marie,
Hope you have a healthy and safe designing year!
Kind regards,

decorayadora said...

Hola amiga querida ,, espero que hayas tenido unas lindas fiestas y este 2017 que recién comienza llegue lleno de bendiciones para ti y tus seres queridos

Draffin Bears said...

Happy New Year to you dear Celestina Marie, and your family.
I always love the start of the new year and liken it to, the excitement of writing in a new journal and to dream of what we want to do and achieve.
Wishing you all the best for 2017 dear friend and thanks for your friendship.
Look forward to visiting again this year and appreciate all you share
love and hugs

Thankful for Grace said...

Happy new year, my friend! I hope 2017 is a grand one for you and yours.

Your home project sounds like quite an undertaking. But when it is completed, all the mess and inconvenience will be so worth it.


Dorthe said...

Dear Celeste, Happy New Year, to you, and your family.
I wish you a great year, with hope for more peace in our world.
Good luck, replacing all your windows, and see you later.
Dorthe, xoxo

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Hi Celeste! I came back to thank you for your sweet comment on my birthday post! Since I can't have you there I will treasure your birthday wishes for me. xoxox

Crissi said...

Hello Celeste my friend
I wish you a healthy, happy, peaceful New Year!
Have a nice day
Hug Crissi

Crissi said...

Hello Celeste my friend
I wish you a healthy, happy, peaceful New Year!
Have a nice day
Hug Crissi

Conniecrafter said...

I hope your window replacing is going smoothly, I would love to have ours replaced but hubby just says oh they are fine. I really don't make resolutions much either.... wishing you God's blessings in the new year!

Karen@Southern Gal Meets Midwest said...

Best wishes on your window project and happy New Year :)

Stephanie said...

Happy New Year, sweet Celeste! I just loved this post especially when you said, "I am not one to make resolutions per say, but rather, a conviction to ask God's direction and listen for the answers." Oh, how true!

I hope you are well, dear friend, and I hope this month goes well for you as you have much to do. Thinking of you! Love and hugs!

Susan Freeman said...

Happy New Year Celestina! We will look forward to your return. Until then, I hope that all of your home improvements go smoothly and that you are happy with the results.

Susan and Bentley

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Happy New Year and good luck with the renovations to your home....see you soon!

janice15 said...

Happy New Year.. I'm looking to my journey with God as well. So many changes have happened in 2016, so im looking forward to more. I hope your window project goes well my dear, with love Janice

Creations By Cindy said...

Dear Sweet Celestine, I pray that your New Year is wonderfully blessed. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

eileeninmd said...

Hello Celestina, I wish you all the best in 2017, Happy New Year!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, that picture of the girl is sweet, Celestina. Good luck on your home project and may it all turn out as planned. I am not one to make resolutions either; just try to be the best me I can. Happy New Year, dear friend, and I hope much goodness comes your way this year, as you so deserve it.

love, ~Sheri

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Happy New year to you as well. I wish you many blessings and a healthy, happy and prosperous new year. xo

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! I hope it is a blessed one for you! :)

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Hello Celestina and happy new year. It sounds like you will be very busy with your home and job! Wishing you luck with everything.
Big hugs, Julie xo

Anonymous said...

A very blessed 2017 to you and your loved ones, dear Celeste.

Stacey said...

Good morning Celeste and Happy New Year! I hope your window replacement project is going well. It's so COLD!! It's a good time to get energy efficient windows. ;)

Just wanted to tell you that I always love your comments. Your comments come up as No Reply Blogger and I've stopped chasing those down. Just know that I love your visits and your sweet words. :)

Looking forward to more get togethers this year!

handmade by amalia said...

I hope 2017 brings you only good thing. For myself, I've hardly made a dent in my 2016 resolutions, so I'm recycling them to 2017 :-)

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Happy New Year! I was wondering what you've been up to! New windows are a great investment but making room for the workers is a big job! I didn't know you were working for the hubs. You've got your fingers in a lot of places! I don't do resolutions as I feel it's a set up for failure!

krishna said...

Happy new year.. Have a wonderful year ahead..

Please visit:

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Happy New Year dear Friend!

Linda Walker said...

Wishing you a wonderful 2017 Celeste! No real resolutions for me per se either....setting small goals to accomplish throughout the year with no pressure!!! Looking forward to your return my friend!!! xo

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm going to miss you, Celestina. Wishing you much happiness as you start this new year. I'm not sure you if you want to return to blogging, but when you do, I will put you back on my side bar. You have been a dear friend for years, and one of my first and most special blog sisters. :)

lots of love to you, ~Sheri

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Happy and healthy and safe New Year to you. Your posts are always full of fun, inspiration and great ideas. Thank you. I hope that we will get to visit many more posts, full of delicate and pretty pictures.

Smareis said...

Desejo um bom ano pra você. Estarei aguardando sua volta.
Boa semana!

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Celestina Marie
Celestina Marie

Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..