Monday, July 25, 2016

Backyard Beaching It~

Here in Texas~

we're in a heat wave like most of the country.

If you're outside at all,
being in the water, is the only way to stay cool.

Come join me for a day in  my backyard beach.

We can sit here and enjoy the sunshine and part shade under the tree.

Mr Sunshine will greet us with a pleasant smile.

We can look for shells here on Stoney Beach.

Mixed with the stones and glittery blue rocks, pretty shells we can collect.

Shells of different types and shapes are waiting for us to find.

We can place our cold drink on this birdbath table I created using
a round glass top over the top filled with shells.
My hubby added a small light inside the birdbath and it has a warm glow in the evening.

We can go for a swim in the blue water.
Charlie Tuna is there to float by and give us a smile.

The bubble fountain will soon be spilling over and the sound will be refreshing.

Near by Mr. Frog sits on the red bike and watches over the fun.

As the palm tree sways, we can enjoy the day.

Thank you for stopping by my backyard beach.
I hope you are enjoying the last days of July and staying cool.

See you next week!