Tuesday, September 6, 2016

New from The Pumpkin Patch and a Tutorial For You!

Hi Friends and Happy September!

Hope you enjoyed a nice long holiday weekend 
for Labor Day!

I'm back in the studio this week after a much needed break and getaway.
It was a wonderful week away 
and I'm doing better with my overused painting and computer arm
doing therapy and icing 3 times a day.
I have to limit my computer time to heal 
so if I'm slow to get around to visit, 
you know why.

Like most of you,
I've also been fall decorating and having fun transforming
Rose Garden Cottage into a fall haven!

Today I have a few pumpkins to share from my little pumpkin patch filling the shelves
in my shop, Rose Garden Market.
Many more styles and sizes are also available in pretty cotton fabrics as well.

These little treasures are created from a variety of fabrics in velour, velvet, knit fabrics and sweaters
I've used real pumpkin stems and wood tree stems cut from short branches.

Here are the directions to create this little gem.

First I made two templates in cardboard from an 8 and 10 inch plate.

I like to use aquarium gravel for weight.
This can be found at any pet store. 
It's clean, dust free and small in size so it doesn't show through the fabrics.

Along with the gravel, I use poly-fill for the stuffing.

I like to use real pumpkin stems when I can 
along with wood tree stems cut from branches,
 cinnamon sticks, jute stems and wood dowels.
Even a vintage spoon can be centered for a stem.
The wood pieces below
 can be found at Hobby Lobby.
The real stems are sold on ebay from folks who farm and grow pumpkins.

Next I cut velour fabric in 8" and 10" rounds using the templates.

With a running stitch  about 1/4" in along the edge of the fabric, I use
coat thread or embroidery floss for a strong hold~
 when pulling together for stitching and closing.

After the running stitch is complete, I add the gravel in the bottom.
A few handfuls is enough to give the lightweight pumpkin some weight.

On top of the gravel, I then add the poly-fill and pull tight the thread to close the opening
and stitch closed.
This step usually requires a back and forth stitch a few times to close for a tight
flat finish.

At this point the stem and trims are added.

For this one I added a wood branch stem and hot glued in place.

A brown sheer ribbon, with acorn button and little stem sign completes this pumpkin.

Here are a few more in brown using real pumpkin stems.

Another with knit fabric.

Blue velour~

Grey velour~

Sweater fabric~

Furry Fabric~

 and black velvet~

This pattern design is easy and quick
I have another pattern created last year
and I'll share that one next time.

Hope you try this little pumpkin.
The sky's the limit to the fabrics you can use
along with the stems and trims.

Have fun!!

See you next week.