Tuesday, August 1, 2017

How To Design Watercolor Photos Using PicMonkey!

Hi Friends~
Happy August!

Hope everyone is enjoying a great summer!
It's been Hot here in Texas and to be outside means
you have to be in the water or stay in the AC.

Lot's going on here at Rose Garden Cottage
and I hope to share a few home updates soon.

Today I have a tutorial for editing your photos
into watercolor pics by using PicMonkey.

I have shared this one in the past  but thought it worth passing on again.

Recently I cut a few long stems from my garden to bring inside and enjoy.

Lovely blooms of pink, red and yellow.

Using my photo programs, I created a pretty watercolor of this bouquet.

I use PicMonkey, or for quicker edits, PhotoScape.

Each has it's own specialties.

Here's another idea~

The photo was a little blurred.

  But perfect as a watercolor.

Lastly, a little bouquet of knock out roses.

From real to watercolor.

These watercolors were all completed using PicMonkey.
If you use this program and do not know how to get this look,
open the edits section under Effects then scroll to Posterize.
I had to experiment a lot to find this for watercolor. 
You would never think posterize would contain this edit, but it does.

From there you can raise or lower the percentages and degree of the changes then save your work.

In PicMonkey, 
I have the Royale version
 which is a pay ever two years program, but I'm not sure the free program has this edit version for watercolor.
You can try and see.

Have a great first week of August and thanks for stopping by.


Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful water colours made from your photos, the photo editing programmes offer lots of fun possibilities. Always great to see you posting! Have a lovely August, hugs, Valerie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this. I think photo editors are so fun but have never tried this specific one. I'll have to give this one a try. I'm also happy to have found you on Instagram. You have a great and inspirational feed! Love all your photos :-)

Unknown said...

Celestina Marie, Great Tutorial! Thanks for your wonderful giving of art & photography knowledge.

R's Rue said...

Thank you.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

How pretty they are both in real and watercolor!

Michelle said...

These are lovely. Picmonkey is a great site and so easy to use!

Creations By Cindy said...

Beautiful flowers and I love how the watercolor turned out . So very pretty . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

craftyles said...

The water color photos are so pretty. I will have to see if this works for the regular version of Pic Monkey. Thanks for the tute!

Createology said...

Your Roses are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your Pic Monkey tutorial. I am a simple girl and just don't venture out into other programs. However I certainly enjoy you doing so. Lovely Day and Awesome August Sweet Celeste...<3

Kim said...

Beautiful! I keep meaning to do this, thanks for the reminder!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

I am going to have to check this out and see what I can do. Thanks for the information.

Have a wonderful rest of the week.


Junkchiccottage said...

These are so pretty Celeste. I love pic monkey and use it all the time. Happy New Week.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

The photos using the watercolor look so dreamy and romantic, Celeste! I don't have that program, but maybe I should get it. Thank you for sharing how to do it. Happy first day of August!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Lovely and thanks for sharing. I use Pic Monkey all the time and am a Royale member as well I'll have to play around with this feature. Happy rest of the week!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I love this. I must try it on my zinnia's!

NanaDiana said...

I need to get back into using my Picmonkey more. I have the Royale, too. Thanks for the tip. I have a watercolor program on my Iphone that I just LOVE, too. Called Waterlogue. I think it was $2.99 for the program (you only pay once for the app). Hope you are doing well. I have been so busy here I have barely been blogging or doing anything. Love to you- xo Diana

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Those all look so pretty. I liked pic monkey too but haven't paid for the Royale version. I do like the watercolor affect.

Claudia said...

Hello, Celeste, my dear friend, so nice, to see your wonderful watercolour pictures!
Hope, you are well and things are going fine!
Happy august so you,
sending Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

Debby Ray said...

These are all so beautiful, Celeste! I do have PhotoScape but don't use it as often as my picmonkey...my very favorite. I do like effects it can produce though. I love playing around with different effects! Stay cool, my friend!

Deborah Montgomery said...

I love the look of watercolors, and have used the waterlogue app. I use PicMonkey all the time so I will look for this. Thanks for the info Celeste. Hope you're having a good summer. The heat must be good for the roses, they look beautiful.
xo Deborah ps I'm reading a book right now and using one of your lovely painted rose bookmarks. It makes me smile whenever I see it.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your watercolor editing looks great, Celestina. I haven't gone on picmonkey in a long time, and usually only go on it when I want to put a little fairy dust on my pics hehehe. That's a cool picture of the knockout roses. I hope you are enjoying these summer days. It's been very hot here too, almost too hot.

Happy August!

love, ~Sheri

Debbie Harris said...

Hello Dear Celestina~
Your roses are so beautiful!
I too enjoy using pic monkey but haven't really ventured far from the basics. :)
What a great idea to use up blurred photos,I must remember that.
We've been having some good rains over the last week making everything all the more greener. I'm starting to see wild flowers that arrive as a reminder that summer will come to an end soon. Here in the mountains it's cooler sooner than the lower altitudes.
It was such a joy to visit here with you, dear friend.

Sue Kosec said...

Haha - I'm usually the first or second person to leave a comment. Sorry for the delay - just got home from Florida. Your roses are STUNNING and PicMonkey is definitely your friend. Great work.


bj said...

I love Pic Monkey....your photos are beautiful.
Thank you so much for your visit to my place and leaving such a kind comment.

quakerhillfarm said...

I love pic-monkey. I have never tried the posterize but certainly will give it a shot! Love the different effects that can happen with a photo! Have a wonderful evening my friend! (Seems rather strange to blog this evening! LOL)

Conniecrafter said...

Your flowers from your garden are just lovely, and I love the way they look watercolored too :) I have the free version I will have to check that out! My hubby just bought a program to do that with his pictures and it is really neat! I told him I need to use some of his pictures and put on my cards :) sounds like you are keeping busy, look forward to seeing what you have been up to around the house :) Hope the weather cools down for you soon, we were in the 100's for most of July but so far our August is normal!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

I love Pic Monkey. The roses look gorgeous. Playing around with different looks is awesome. Happy summer. xo

Debby Ray said...

This is in response to your comment on my post...thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement, sweet friend! ♥

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Hello Celestina, I have not used this app. Thanks for the tip on using this feature. I love your pretty flowers.
Have a nice week.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

What a great tip! I don't have the Royale version of PicMonkey, but I will check and see if it is offered in the free version. Your flowers are gorgeous! I hope you are doing okay with all this hurricane weather? My sister lived in southeast TX and had to evacuate but is now back in her home, and it was unharmed, we are so thankful for that. Hugs to you dear friend!

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