Monday, August 21, 2017

Fabric Pumpkin Tutorial

I'm back in the studio this week after a much needed break and getaway.
It was a wonderful few days away junkin in East, Texas!

I did find some great treasures and can't wait to repurpose them
bringing some new treasures to the shop.

Like most of you,
I'm ready for cooler weather and to begin fall decorating too!
It's always fun to transform my
Rose Garden Cottage into a fall haven!

Today I have a few pumpkins to share from my little pumpkin patch filling the shelves
in my shop, Rose Garden Market.

Many more styles and sizes are also available in pretty cotton fabrics as well.
I created a couple designed patterns for these pumpkins
but this one is fast and easy, so I thought I'd share it with you.

These little treasures are created from a variety of fabrics in velour, velvet, knit fabrics and sweaters
I've used real pumpkin stems and wood tree stems cut from short branches.

Here are the directions to create this little gem.

First I made two templates in cardboard from an 8 and 10 inch plate.

I like to use aquarium gravel for weight.
This can be found at any pet store. 
It's clean, dust free and small in size so it doesn't show through the fabrics.

Along with the gravel, I use poly-fill for the stuffing.

I like to use real pumpkin stems when I can 
along with wood tree stems cut from branches,
 cinnamon sticks, jute stems and wood dowels.
Even a vintage spoon can be centered for a stem.
The wood pieces below
 can be found at Hobby Lobby.
The real stems are sold on line from folks who farm and grow pumpkins.
I have found real stems on ebay and etsy.

Next I cut velour fabric or other materials in 8" and 10" rounds using the templates.

With a running stitch, sew  about a 1/4" of the way in along the edge of the fabric,.
I use coat thread or embroidery floss for a strong hold~
 when pulling together for stitching and closing.

After the running stitch is complete, I add the gravel in the bottom.
A few handfuls is enough to give the lightweight pumpkin some weight.

You just have to judge this step as you go along to how much of the gravel you will need!

On top of the gravel, I then add the poly-fill and pull the thread tight to close the opening
and stitch closed.
This step usually requires a back and forth stitch a few times to close for a tight
flat finish.

At this point the stem and trims are added.

For this one I added a wood branch stem and hot glued in place.

A brown sheer ribbon, with acorn button and little stem sign completes this pumpkin.

Here are a few more in brown using real pumpkin stems.

Another with knit fabric.

Blue velour~

Grey velour~

Sweater fabric~

Furry Fabric~

 and black velvet~

This pattern design is easy and quick
 and can be whatever size you like
 from the template  pattern you make using
a plate or other surface.

Hope you try it 
Have fun!!

See you next time.


R's Rue said...

Glad you enjoyed.

Stacey said...

Oh yay!! It's time to start thinking about pumpkins. :)

I've always wanted to make these and I thank you for the perfect tutorial.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

How fun! I've looked at fabric pumpkins for several years now. I think I'm going to try making a few velvet pumpkins this year!

Anonymous said...

Mornin' Celeste! Oh, I love your little pumpkins and thank you for the tute on how to make them. I could try and would love to but I don't think mine would look any where as cute as yours! You are the most talented one.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

craftyles said...

So cute. I love all the different stems you use and the variety of fabrics. Such a fun project! And yes-hoping for some fall weather to go with those cute pumpkins!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your pumpkins are so pretty!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Thanks for sharing the tutorial. I have been lazy and never made- one though I could. Summer is winding down 🌻

Anna said...

Back with lovely pumpkins !!!
Have a nice week !

Dorthe said...

They are so lovely, and sweet Celestina Marie , I love them, and have also tried creating some , years ago, maybe you tricked my muse , seeing your beauties , now.
Thank you for showing and telling.
Here we did not have much summer weather, mainly cold days and grey ones , too, so this August showing a kinder side of summer, is very appreciated ,by me.
Hugs, Dorthe

Christine said...

WOW!!! I love the black one. So creative. Thank you for sharing.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Celeste: Those pumpkins are such fun. I have done ones from sweater sleeves and this year I want to do some velvet. I like using the real stems and will have to look some up on line. Yours are so pretty and put me in a bigger mood for fall. Have a wonderful week..xxoJudy

Debbie Harris said...

They are all so very attractive and pretty, Celestina.
You make your tutorials look so easy, but I enjoy purchasing from you and enjoying the beauty of your hand crafted items that are made with your hands. :-)

Have a beautiful day~

Anne's Attic - Design said...

Celestina your pumpkins are beautiful. I have been making them for the last couple of weeks and giving them to neighbors and friends for a pre Fall gift. I love them because they are always so unique. Have a happy week!
xoxo Jo

krishna said...

This is beautiful and easy.. I'll try it out once our remodeling is over..

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I have made a few of these and they are really easy. Thanks for sharing all your different colors and designs. Great ideas!

Donna said...

Love all of your pumpkins, Celestina! The embellishments make them extra special. Thanks for sharing a great tutorial!

Createology said...

Celeste Dear your pumpkins are precious and thank you for sharing your tutorial. Everything you create is magical. Autumn is in the air...<3

Claudia said...

Hi, dear Celeste,
your Pumpkins are always so wonderful!
Have a lovely week,
sending Love and hugs and blessings, and hope, all is well with you !
Claudia xoxo

Junkchiccottage said...

Sweetest pumpkins ever!!!! Love to see your creativity on these pumpkins Celeste.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

You make the prettiest fabric pumpkins Celestina! I will have to buy some nice fabric and make some for the fall. Thanks for the tutorial on how to make them.
Have a nice week.
Julie xo

Creations By Cindy said...

Celestina, you are always making some of the most beautiful things with your cute creative self. Girl, give me some of that talent! Thanks for the tutorial as well. Now to have the time to sit down and try my hand at this. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Your tutorial is perfect, Celeste! Normally I'm so ready for Fall, but this year, I'm not. However, I would like to try my hand at making some cute pumpkins to add to my collection. Thank you for sharing your instructions with us, my sweet friend. xx

Sue Kosec said...

Happy pumpkin-ing but I'm not ready for Autumn. These scorching temperatures are what I like most.


Draffin Bears said...

Dear Celestina Marie,

The pumpkins are all wonderful and thanks for sharing the tutorial.
Glad you had a break away and managed to get in some junkin and I look forward to seeing what you do with your treasures.
Hope you are having a lovely week

Red Rose Alley said...

I've always loved your fabric pumpkins, Celestina. I just bought my first Fall decoration which was a blue velvet pumpkin similar to the one that is shown here. I never heard of using aquarium gravel to fill them. It looks like corn. : ) That grey one is a beauty. So many cute pumpkins for Autumn, thanks for sharing all of them. And I noticed your French tip nails, they're so lovely.


Conniecrafter said...

They are just beautiful, I love the look of the velvet ones, gives a feel of victorian pumpkins, styles perfect for any decor!! Such lovely bows and gems and such to embellish them too!
Glad you had a fun day out junking, that sounds like so much fun and I haven't had a chance to do that in some time.

Stephanie said...

Dearest Celeste, you make the sweetest pumpkins and your extra touches make them special :) Thank you for your lovely tutorial. You are so kind to share with us. It's hard to believe autumn is just around the corner....

Thinking of you! Hugs!

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Those are so cute! I've made a few of my own over the years and I enjoy bring them out right around now!

Have a great day!

Unknown said...

I love these! Fall is my favorite season and pumpkins are my favorite thing to decorate the house with. Will be whipping out my fall decor in the next couple of weeks I believe. :)

Deborah Montgomery said...

Just lovely! I have a few favorites from you, and love them, especially one made from a sweater with silver sequins. I am always ready for fall, my absolutely favorite season. Glad you had a good time junkin'! Looking forward to your finds. xo Deborah

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Oh Celeste, these are darling pumpkins. You have added your romantic touches to them as well. Thanks for sharing how you make them. I hope all is well and you are having a good week. xoxo

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Oh wow ! One cannot imagine how those smooth, lacy and pearly pumpkins started out as . Thank you for sharing the knowhow . Those of us who have time and material can certainly benefit from your step by step instructions.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

This is an excellent tutorial Celestina! I will have plenty of pumpkin stems come another few weeks, as my real pumpkins will be ready to be harvested, and maybe I should make a few of these with my own stems! What a great idea to make these out of leftover fabric from sweaters too... I must remember that! Always inspired by your talents... we are ready for fall weather too, tired of the smoke! Hoping we also get some rain. Praying for all of you in Texas with the imminent hurricane. Some of my family has had to evacuate. Hope all is well with you, dear friend. Hugs!

Homemaker' said...

I've wanted to know how to make these pumpkins - thank you so much for teaching us how to go about it. : ) They are SO pretty. I'd like to make a few for our home this year! Thanks again, Celestina. Take care, Mary S.

Sandi Magle said...

Lovely post, I hope you are safe my dear. Hearts go out to all those in peril's way! Sandi

1Cardcreator said...

These are beautiful, as is everything you make. I hope all is well with you and yours, pray that you all are above water there. Take care my friend. ~Diane

Katie Mansfield said...

I always find great treasures in East Texas. I'm glad that you had a great time. Cute, cute pumpkins.

Smareis said...

Boa tarde minha amiga!
Maravilhosa sua postagem. Tão bonita essas abóboras. Um trabalho muito criativo.
Andei um pouco ausente , mais já tem atualização por lá.
Desejo que o mês de setembro seja de muitas bênçãos em sua vida.
Abraços e sorrisos!
Um ótimo dia!

Ginny said...

I'm going to show this to my oldest grand girl! She loves creating and this is something I know she would love to do!!

Linda Walker said...

Your pumpkins are so sweet! I love all of your little embellishments! I have to get going in my own pumpkin patch, lol....I have a stash of cream colored chunky sweaters that I have been wanting to use but I was so good at stashing them that I haven't been able to locate them! ;) Have fun in the patch my talented friend! xo

Art and Sand said...

Your pumpkins are so cute.

I made a few a couple of years ago and need to make a few more this year.

Lowcarb team member said...

Love the look of these pumpkins - perfect for the time of year!

All the best Jan

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Thanks for your visit, Celeste. I have been thinking about you and hoping that you weren't affected by Harvey. I still haven't made my pumpkins yet but did get some neat stems so I should start soon..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

Connie said...

These are wonderful and thank you so much for taking the time to do a tutorial . . . what a sweet thing to do.
Connie :)

Kim said...

Your tutorial is excellent, I could definitely follow along and I adore that furry pink pumpkin! I could see a few of those peppered around my great nieces rooms! Just darling!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Hi Celestina, glad to see you taking a break. Now, if I can find some time to make a few pumpkins. xo

Henry said...

Wow, you are so super talented!!! I just love all your gorgeous pumpkins!!! Perfect for Autumn.

handmade by amalia said...

These pumpkins are sweet. I'm also enjoying the first hints of the changing seasons but it is still quite hot around here.

Betty said...

Not sure if you will get to read this, but your comments are off on your new posts.

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