Monday, April 10, 2017

No Cupcakes For Us!

Hi Friends,
Well, like the title says,
No cupcakes for us!!
You probably know what this means already!! 
I'll get to more about that in a bit, but yes, we could not even get close to the
Bakery at The Silos!!!

As you know I've been traveling around the Hill Country this spring.

And this is why it's called The Hill Country of Texas. 
Because of the gorgeous scenes like this!!!

We had a terrific time
seeing the springtime blooms of Texas
along with our beloved

 Here we see Bluebonnets with Indian Paintbrush flowers.

 We found a charming park on our adventure
and enjoyed a wonderful and relaxing time there.

A lot of German history in this part of Texas
from New Braunfels to Fredericksburg and more.

The Willow City Loop is the best place to see Bluebonnets in this part of Texas.
It's a 20 mile loop in the country that you can pull over and see the Bluebonnets up close.

You see signs like this along the way.
I expected to see a cow or two, but none showed up on the trail while we were there.

As you begin the drive, you see a fence with every post accented with a cowboy boot.
It's a fun sight with boots of every color!

As you can see 
The Willow City Loop is amazing!!

About mid week we visited
 once again at
The Magnolia Market
and The Silo's.

You know I first shared my trip there
in a post about a year ago.
View HERE and HERE if you missed it!
These two posts really give you an overview of the whole market.

Anyway in the last year a lot of upgrades were added to the market.
The inside has been rearranged with a better shopping flow for customers on the two selling  floors.
To the play area outside, a covered picnic area was added along with lots of
fun games for kids on the AstroTurf.
Food trucks still line the parameter of the outdoor space
with a variety of choices for quick meals.

So as we approach our destination~~

we are getting closer to The Silos!

The anticipation is building!

Until we get here~~~~~~~ 
and realize the line for The Bakery is out the door,
 down the block and across the street.
 oh no it's only Wednesday!!!
Can you imagine what Saturday is like???

This lady with her hand on her hip gave me a look like, don't even try to get a cupcake.
I wouldn't mess with her in that line.
She was wiping around a cane!!

Anyway, when we saw this and were told 2 hours to wait,
we decided to head over to the market and shop around first.
This couple above is trying to decide.
Do we wait in line or shop or what!!

I'm sure the cupcakes are over the moon delicious,
but I'm just not into waiting in line 2 hours!!!!

Other's were having the same thought and were walking over to the Magnolia
Market to the left.

I tell you this was a mid week visit 
and there were so many people it was elbow to elbow getting around the place.
Just look at one of the Silo's. They are huge!

So we ventured inside the market and to the left of the front door
is this darling mantel display with words from Claude Monet.
"I must have flowers always and always"
I loved this with the gorgeous paper roses trailing up and around the top
of the faux mantel.

Then you see this. Wall to wall people!!

My pics don't do the size of the crowd justice to how many folks were shopping.

I guess spring break had a lot to do with this along with Roundtop going on.

Many shoppers were on their way through Waco,
 before getting to the real junkin in Roundtop, Texas.

We tried to stay in Roundtop too but there were no accommodations available anywhere
and our trip was reserved a few months in advance.
  After doing some shopping inside we 
tried The Bakery again 
and of course, it was just as busy with a 2 hour wait.

So we had some lunch in the outdoor area
where there are many food trucks with a variety of menus.
This covered area above was added since our last visit
and it's a nice spot to have lunch, snack or relax  sitting at a picnic table.

After lunch we visited the garden area.
In the back of the garden is the Seed and Supply Store selling garden art and more.

I loved these darling fairy gardens added to birdbaths in the display area.
I loved the tiny little green house but didn't get one.
They were 46 dollars!!!

I did find a few goodies in the market and I'll share them in posts to follow.

But like the title states,
No Cupcakes for Us.
Not even a look at one.

The folks that were able to get inside and order,
gobbled those cupcakes up so fast, we could only see them from a distance in the
outdoor bakery patio area ~~ licking their fingers!! haha!

All in all our week in the Hill Country was a wonderful getaway.
We relaxed, and enjoyed the warm days of early springtime in Texas.

There is so much to enjoy right here in Texas 
and the beauty is incredible.

Especially with the amazing farmhouse scenes like this.

Thank you for staying through this long post.
I so enjoyed your visit.

Have a wonderful week my friends.
See you soon.

I think I'll bake us some cupcakes!!