Tuesday, June 13, 2017

This That and Other Changes

There's one thing for certain in life, 
changes do happen.
Life evolves and nothing stays the same forever.

Some things we wish stayed the same, but the truth is
we learn, grow and find better ways to direct our lives.

The one true constant however,
is our Lord's love and faithfulness.
For this and more, I have a grateful heart!

For many of us, blogging has certainly changed or at least the time spent here
posting and visiting.
Good or bad, it's the way it is.
Well, again we grow in and out of our journey and our direction changes.

Lately, I've been working in many old and new areas that take time and lots of effort.
Long hours on the computer at times and lots of studio time designing.

Yes, as many of you have noticed,
I'm here less, but will continue to post when their is something to share 
and catch up on!!
I've heard that many of you are doing the same thing.

Instagram has truly helped on this path.
Continuing to stay in touch with so many dear friends from blogland that have also joined IG
has been great.
Sharing our daily lives, creations, photos, events and more.
like the name implies,
 it's Instant!
If you are already there, I would love to follow you.
My link for IG is HERE!

My shop on etsy,  Rose Garden Market started off a bit slow for spring,
but after some marketing redirects, I'm busier then ever and loving every minute 

Lots of new goodies are on the way to the shelves
and signs are some of the latest styles.

some of you have seen on line,  2 months ago, I was invited to design for

After lots of research, Q&A's with the company and so on,
I joined the team and having a great time.
My designs range from my original hand paintings, photography and more
changing them to high resolution images to be used on
home decor and apparel.
The above collage of pillows is a little preview on some of my designs.
These pillows are created and sewn using high quality fabrics
and available with or without the inserts.
Being custom orders, most items in my collection take 4-6 or 6-8 weeks.
Others like totes, are usually about a week to manufacture.
So far, this has been a great new challenge.
I will see as time goes along how it  will continue to flow with my schedule!

In other areas, I am also working for my hubbies company,
LJS Consulting LLC.
At the moment, I am designing his website 
and traveling along at times when business takes us out of town.

On the home front,
we completed many home projects and one of those being
my garden bike created for the front yard under the Magnolia tree.

This bike was actually my son's bike for his 13th birthday years ago.
When I shared with him, I was on the hunt for a vintage bike to garden up, 
he offered me his old bike to re-purpose.
Being a racer style, we took off all the brakes, wires and extras,
then spray painted it in this wonderful aqua.
I found the baskets at Hobby Lobby and fashioned them with wire 
to the front and back.
Lastly I created this little "garden tour" sign and it was
ready to anchor to the tree.
You can't see the security anchors,but they are there
to keep the bike from falling over 
and well, 
someone liking it to the point they decide to walk away with it.

Being on a roll with the color aqua 
this pretty shade of blue found it's way to my red front door.
I loved the red but after 20 years, it was time for a change!!

Later I couldn't stop there 
so I carried the color to my beloved vintage metal chairs.
These beauties belonged to my mother and dad
and are in perfect condition.
They've been ever color over the years
but I'm loving the aqua!!
Think I need to add some pretty lumbar pillows.

Along with my designing journey and manufacturing approval
from etsy, I have adapted my photography and paintings
into high resolution canvas watercolor designs
and  bringing them to my shop as well.
Here are a few I'm enjoying right here at home.

This rose above was grown in my garden,
picked and enjoyed in a flower arrangement,
photographed, changed to watercolor then worked 
and manufactured into a 30" by 30" painting!

The canvas watercolor below was done the same way.
I'm a decorator who changes wall decor with the seasons.
This will take me through the summer!
Keeping a neutral background gives me the palette for change
by swapping out the accents and art.

When there is time to relax,
you can usually find me off  junkin, meeting with friends, reading, crocheting, sewing, cooking,
walking, swimming, decorating, church events and right here on the back porch!

The red rose pillows on the love seat are from my VIDA collection.

or here recharging in the sun!

 or gardening
tending the fairy gardens!

So there you have it,
This That and Other Changes.

I'm still here but will be posting less for now.
I hope you'll stop by now and then.

And in the meantime.
Wishing you Blessings and Blue Skies!

There's one thing for certain in life,  changes do happen. Life evolves and nothing stays the same forever. Some things we wish stayed the same, but the truth is we learn, grow and find better ways to direct our lives. The one true constant however, is our Lord's love and faithfulness. For this and more, I have a grateful heart! For many of us, blogging has certainly changed...

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