Do you remember a time when you could not wait to become a year older? Oh sure!! you know the time, when we all could not wait to turn 18 or 21. Well the years tend to fly by with birthdays that come and go, and with them, the advance to become one year older. Having just celebrated a milestone birthday, I am so thankful for blessings too many to count. Friends and family that make getting older fun, special and great thankfulness to be here another year.
Wait a minute, that line is what my parents used to say. I can still hear them say, how grateful they were to wake up in the morning, live another day, still have their health and so on! Do we really become our parents in time? Do we really say the same things they used to say? I think it is true, no matter how we may think different.
But when I give it thought, how wonderful it is, to mirror the special people in our lives that gave us life and taught us values. Well, for this birthday, I am thankful and grateful to become, in a small way, a bit like my wonderful Mother and Father. If I become just a fourth like they were I will be blessed.
Now they would be the first to say, they were not perfect, had faults like everyone, but did their best and tried each day with God's help. Because of them, I had the opportunity to become who I am. Learning God's way from these very sweet and special people who I miss with every fiber of my being. They are in a much better place now.
So I give my birthday thanks to my Mother and Father. Thank you for all you were, for sharing and showing me by example how God wants us to try and live, leaning on HIS direction. I was given a life long gift!! I have much to celebrate.
Birthdays also go hand in hand with family and friendships. I have a few special pictures to share of the wonderful treasures I received. I want to send a BIG Thank you for making my birthday so special with your thoughtfulness. Here they are in no particular order, but we will start with the cake!! YUMMY!!
White on white cake, my favorite with pink roses of course. My son gives me a cake every year. He has done this for 13 years!

From the sweet Stephanie of Angelic Accents. She surprised me with a treasure!! Look at that cross stitch with my company name. I love it. And the beautiful angel pin she also created. What a talented girl. It looks amazing in my studio. Thank you so much!

From my sweet friend Ann of Ann's Finds. She surprised me with a wonderful black and white with pink group of collectibles that are very special. Treasured storage box, padded romantic hangers, sachet, boyd's heart bear, and roses potpouri. I love eveything! Many thanks!!

From my live long friend Yvonne. She found a CD of the Monkees. The story behind this is such a memory maker for me. When we were little, about 4th grade, the Monkees were all the rage. We knew all the songs and watched all the TV shows. It was a special time and this CD brought back so many sweet memories, when days were so simply and we worried about important desicions, like, wearing our Monkee shirts to a concert. I can laugh now, but we were very serious and loved the Monkees!! LOL. Anyone else remember this group? Thank you so much. It was so fun to hear these songs again.

Here is the divine Miss Beazy looking over the presents from sweet Amy of Bunny Rose Cottage. She was good and did not try to open anything. But she was interested. LOL

From dear Amy, she sent wonderful creations she made. The special canvas collage, darling panarama bunny box, a gorgeous pink cross, and an adorable chick family under the umbrella. I love everything and the talented Amy's creation are just as cute as can be. Her collage is just way adorable along with the panarama. I have found special places for everything. Thank you so much.

From my sweet friend Lorri. We have started a tradition of sorts since our birthdays are just a few days apart. We usually go to lunch and exchange gifts. We celebrated yesterday and she treated me to special pretties. Romantic hat boxes for my shabby rose guest room, gorgeous green gem pin, nail file with pictures of my sweet golden on it, cozy pink roses with black jammies and a gorgeous purple rose for February. I love everything and again found special places for each and every treasure.

Now I tell ya, I was so spoiled. It is such a blessing to share the special times of our lives with those we love. Near and far, I am very blessed.
Now, even though I have had a few days to birthday party, I did manage to work the week too. I have a lot of new traasures and too many for this post, so I will just share a few new pieces.

Thank you for stopping by. Till next time, I will be swinging a paint brush. Blessings and Blue Skies always, Celestina Marie